În Franța ocupată de germani Shosanna Dreyfus privește neputincioasă cum familia ei este executată de colonelul nazist Hans Landa. Shosanna scapă ca prin urechile acului și fuge la Paris, unde-și creează o nouă identitate ca proprietar și proiecționist de cinema. În altă parte a Europei, locotenentul Aldo Raine organizează un grup de soldați evrei pe care-i conduce într-o campanie de răzbunare împotriva naziștilor. Cunoscuți sub numele de „Ticăloșii”, trupa lui Raine o adoptă pe actrița și agenta sub acoperire de origine germană Bridget von Hammersmark într-o misiune al cărei scop este lichidarea liderilor celui de-al treilea imperiu. Soarta unește drumurile personajelor in cadrul unei săli de cinema, unde Shosanna este hotărâtă să-și ducă la îndeplinire propriul ei plan de răzbunare.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

Two South Africans set out to discover what happened to their unlikely musical hero, the mysterious 1970s rock 'n' roller, Rodriguez.

A photographer takes up newsreel shooting to impress a secretary.

Vincenzo, a 30 years old apathetic and lazy man who still lives with his mother, has no job and no desire to improve. He meets Anna and fell in love with her but to keep the relationship alive he has to learn to accept more responsibility.

Paloma is a serious and highly articulate but deeply bored 11-year-old who has decided to kill herself on her 12th birthday. Fascinated by art and philosophy, she questions and documents her life and immediate circle, drawing trenchant and often hilarious observations on the world around her. But as her appointment with death approaches, Paloma finally meets some kindred spirits in her building's grumpy janitor and an enigmatic, elegant neighbor, both of whom inspire Paloma to question her rather pessimistic outlook on life.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

După optsprezece ani de căsnicie, încununată de prezența a doi copii, Barbara Rose își dă seama că ceva nu funcționează în viața ei: soțul ei, Oliver, care i-a asigurat o existență la nivel înalt, nu a mulțumit-o niciodată. Lumea perfectă pe care Oliver a putut să le creeze în toți acești ani i se pare lipsită de sens și atunci când cuplul intră în criză, efectele sunt devastatoare.

Three war-torn strangers posing as a family flee Sri Lanka’s civil war to start over in a troubled Paris suburb, but their past traumas resurface as they struggle to survive in their new environment.

Austin, Texas, is an Eden for the young and unambitious, from the enthusiastically eccentric to the dangerously apathetic. Here, the nobly lazy can eschew responsibility in favor of nursing their esoteric obsessions. The locals include a backseat philosopher who passionately expounds on his dream theories to a seemingly comatose cabbie, a young woman who tries to hawk Madonna's Pap test to anyone who will listen and a kindly old anarchist looking for recruits.

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.

The charismatic criminal Dobermann, who got his first gun when he was christened, leads a gang of brutal robbers. After a complex and brutal bank robbery, they are being hunted by the Paris police. The hunt is led by the sadistic cop Christini, who only has one goal: to catch Dobermann at any cost.

After causing a commotion with his last assignment, Falk has been given a desk job, which hardly agrees with his personality, and he ends up accepting an offer from an old friend to buy into a private investigation agency. Another friend of Falk's, Sven, purchased a business in Estonia, and when local gangsters attempted to pressure him into paying protection money, Sven retained the services of Nikolaus Lehmann, a burly private eye, to throw them off his trail. However, Lehmann does his job all too well, murdering the racketeers, and then threatening Sven and his family. With no where else to turn, Sven asks Falk to help him deal with the crazed Lehmann; Falk agrees, but soon realizes he's dealing with a more dangerous man than he imagined when Lehmann kidnaps Falk's wife Jeanette, and then releases her with a time bomb locked around her neck, demanding that Falk hand over ownership of his detective agency to Lehmann.

Johan Falk hasn't been working for over a year since he resigned from the police. Most of all he wants to move out to the countryside, but fate has a different thought.

Sătulă de viața de fugar, o hoață expertă decide să se retragă, dar nu înainte de o ultimă lovitură ușoară alături de complicea ei și de o șoferiță îndrăzneață.

Depressed Jewish shrink Elia one day meets Claudia, a young and eccentric personal trainer.

Un hoț de rând plănuiește să jefuiască un magazin de mobilă, dar se trezește prins în planul secret al unui ticălos cu intenții mult mai abjecte.

Intransigent magistrate Viola Orlando is targeted by her rivals who set her twin sister Rosa — a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star — up to impersonate Viola and demolish her reputation. To complicate things even further, Viola is torn between enforcing the law or giving up her seat on the bench to marry her childhood friend.

In this modern love story set against the Austin, Texas music scene, two entangled couples — struggling songwriters Faye and BV, and music mogul Cook and the waitress whom he ensnares — chase success through a rock ‘n’ roll landscape of seduction and betrayal.

Literature graduate Orlando begins a love affair with the Foreign Ministry official Anders. She follows him to Argentina. There she learns that he is already married.