Petogodišnji dječak iz Indije izgubi se na ulicama Calcutte, tisućama kilometara od svoga doma. Preživi mnogo toga dok ga ne posvoji par iz Australije. Dvadeset i pet godina kasnije kreće u potragu za svojom izgubljenom obitelji koristeći Google Earth.

Against all the odds, a thirteen year old boy in Malawi invents an unconventional way to save his family and village from famine.

A self-assured businessman murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events.

Purehearted teen Lazzaro is content living as a sharecropper in rural Italy, but an unlikely friendship with the marquise’s son will change his world.

Nanni Moretti recalls in his diary three slice of life stories characterized by a sharply ironic look: in the first one he wanders through a deserted Rome, in the second he visits a reclusive friend on an island, and in the last he has to grapple with an unknown illness.

Drama koja prikazuje tri faze života glavnog lika: djetinjstvo, pubertet i mladost te ukazuje na poteškoće s kojima se suočava u potrazi za svojim identitetom i prihvaćanju svoje seksualnosti, uključujući i psihičko i emocionalno zlostavljanje koje trpi tijekom svojeg odrastanja.

Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.

A woman who is unfairly institutionalized at a Paris asylum plots to escape with the help of one of its nurses. Based on the novel 'Le bal des folles' by Victoria Mas.

Paterson je vozač autobusa u gradu Patersonu. Živi svoju jednostavnu rutinu - vozi dnevnu rutu, promatra grad koji promiče ispred vjetrobranskog stakla i osluškuje razgovore... Zapisuje poeziju u svesku, šeta svog psa, u baru ispije jedno pivo i stiže kući supruzi Lauri i vrckavom ljubimcu Nellieju. Za razliku od njegovog, Laurin se život stalno mijenja. Svaki dan ima nove snove. Iako su kao nebo i zemlja, Paterson voli Lauru i ona voli njega. Dok on podržava njene ambicije, ona vjeruju u njegovu nadarenost za poeziju. Šta će se dogoditi tokom životnog ukrštanja? Hoće li ljubav sve pobijediti?

A pastor of a small church in upstate New York starts to spiral out of control after a soul-shaking encounter with an unstable environmental activist and his pregnant wife.

Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspect, each having her own motive and secret.

Addie Moore and Louis Waters, a widow and widower, have lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes when Addie tries to make a connection with her neighbour.

Hilarious and outgoing, Brittany Forgler, is everybody’s best friend ― except her own. Her partying, underemployment and toxic relationships are catching up with her. She receives a startling wake-up call when a visit to the doctor reveals how unhealthy she is. Motivated to lose weight, but too broke for a gym and too proud to ask for help, Brit is at a loss, until her neighbor pushes her to run one sweaty block. Soon, she sets an almost unthinkable goal: the New York City Marathon.

Na ulicama New Orleansa počinje se širiti vijest o tajanstvenoj novoj tableti koja otključava super-moći jedinstvene za svakog korisnika. Ulov: Ne znate što će se dogoditi dok ga ne preuzmete. Dok neki razvijaju neprobojnu kožu, nevidljivost i super snagu, drugi pokazuju smrtonosniju reakciju. Ali kad pilula eskalira zločin u gradu na opasne razine, lokalni policajac (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) timovi s tinejdžerom prodavačem (Dominique Fishback) i bivšim vojnikom kojega je potapšala tajna vendetta (Jamie Foxx) za borbu protiv vlasti snagom i riskirati da uzmete tabletu kako bi pronašli i zaustavili grupu odgovornu za njezino stvaranje.

The boy Mitya fell in love with the girl Olya, but Mitina’s mother suddenly became angry, petty and arrogant. And then true friends, grandparents came to help lovers ...

The last years of Bettino Craxi, one of the most important and controversial italian leader of the 1980's.

During an imaginary actors exam, in order to choose the best, the jury utilizes immoral ways of selection – spying, making conflicts, humiliating the applicants – in short, taking advantage of its power.

Ruth is a pregnant woman on a killing spree. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father.

Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.

After watching their best friend get murdered, a group of teens struggle to expose a local hero as the vicious killer and keep from becoming his next victims.