本片背景是1623年的丹麦小镇,一名老妇被镇民指控是女巫,镇民要将这个淫荡的妖孽脱光衣服绑赴刑场,然后将她活活烧死。女巫临死之前对主持行刑的老牧师加以咒诅,说他也会不得好死。老牧师的年轻妻子安妮目睹此情此景,内心大感震撼,从此仿佛活在女巫咒诅的阴影中。其实安妮并不爱牧师,反而爱上牧师的儿子。有一天,他们情不自禁地爱得火热。这一段乱伦之恋令安妮产生了坏念头,恨不得她的老公真的死掉。不久,牧师真的死了。在葬礼上,牧师的母亲愤怒地指责安妮是“女巫”,不但荒淫无度,还用妖法谋杀亲夫。于是群情激愤,镇民吵嚷着要把安妮绑起来烧死。难道这就是圣经所指的“愤怒之日”? 本片的故事题材跟薇诺娜·瑞德在1996年主演的好莱坞片《激情年代》颇为近似,都是描写女巫害人的宗教狂热故事。本片将人类的败德、愚昧、迷信、以及对性的渴望一炉共冶,做了深刻的对比和探讨。在深层的意义上,本片更是对二战时期德国纳粹控制下的丹麦社会的一则寓言,嘲讽纳粹就像女巫的咒诅,扭曲了民众的人性。
A short film by Marsha Timothy, adapted from short story “Naruto Bersyukur” by Pidi Baiq.
“我”(菅貫太郎 饰)是一名电影导演,当前正在拍摄一部带有自传性质的影片,影片的情节如下:童年的“我”(高野浩幸 饰)生活在一个偏远山村,与母亲过着孤单辛苦的生活。父亲早年过世,“我”只能通过巫术叫出父亲的鬼魂与他对话。隔壁的少妇(八千草薫 饰)美艳动人,我深深为之着迷。某日,一支流动马戏团来到“我”的村庄,从他们的口中,“我”得知外面大千世界的精彩。于是在某个夜晚,“我”和隔壁的少妇整理行囊,偷偷离开了家乡。 影片进行到这里,“我”却突然陷入瓶颈。那天,“我”遇到了童年的自己,藉着对童年时代的回溯,“我”发现影片中竟然有着如此多的虚伪和不真实。“我”找到了真实的过去,以及所有被刻意遗忘的残酷回忆……
14年前,初号机疑似神化第一形态的觉醒带来近三冲击,使世界发生前所未有的巨变。在此之后,葛城美里(三石琴乃 配音)等NERV旧部出走,成立了反抗seele和NERV的Wille。Wille授命明日香(宫村优子 配音)和真里(坂本真绫 配音)夺回被封印在卫星轨道上的初号机和碇真嗣(绪方惠美 配音),但绝对禁止真嗣登上初号机。感受到周遭的敌意,懵懂的真嗣跟随绫波丽(林原惠美 配音)登上突然入侵的九号机,返回了千疮百孔的NERV总部。在这里,他意外重逢朝思夜想的绫波,还从父亲那里得知自己将和美少年渚薰(石田彰 配音)共同驾驶十三号机。长达14年的空白,期间的沧桑巨变和情感纠葛让真嗣不知所措。而看似温柔的渚薰为他揭开了种种难以置信的真相……
韦克菲尔德监狱建有自己的农场和牧场,但出产的粮食和牲畜却都不知去向,政府配给他们的补给品也总是会在一周之内便被消耗殆尽。囚犯们经常服苦役,却只能吃到仅有的一点很差的食物,还时常被无端施以各种体罚,因此生活苦不堪言。新任监狱长布鲁贝克在假扮囚犯亲身体验过这一切后,下定决心要整顿监狱秩序,为囚犯们争取到合法的生存条件。 随着布鲁贝克对滥用职权、贪污腐败、行贿受贿行为的逐步清理,最初那些对他持有怀疑态度的犯人们也都纷纷站到了他的一边。然而与此同时,被触动了利益的当地人士和政府官员们也开始暗中设置各种障碍,并不断对他施加各种压力,阻挠监狱改革的进行。最终布鲁贝克被迫离开了监狱,但在他的努力之下,有关监狱制度的改善也早已是大势所趋,不容逆转。
Separating herself from Philly’s dangerous scene while still mourning from the death of Quadir, Gena has reinvented herself as a journalist, living and working in NYC. At a crossroads in her career, Gena comes across an opportunity to go to LA , and decides to use the time to find herself. Although Gena is far from home, her life in Philly seems to always make an appearance. Someone with ties to Quadir has hijacked Jerrell’s shipment causing him to hit the streets on a crusade to find out who. Jerrell is determined to get paid by any means necessary and he'll start with Gena.
本片是“肮脏的哈利”系列的第三部。哈利(克林特·伊斯特伍德饰)又有了新搭档——从人事档案科调来的女警官凯特(泰恩·黛莉饰),他们俩奉命追查一群胆敢向旧金山市政府勒索两百万元的恐怖分子。 然而一向我行我素的哈利这次却踢到了铁板,他的新伙伴凯特对他的硬汉作风颇不以为然,这两位伙伴必须先解决彼此的分歧,才能合作捉拿无法无天的恐怖分子。
《Mezzo forte》是日本动画悬疑电影,由梅津泰臣 Yasuomi Umetsu导演,Tomoko Kotani 、山崎卓美、广川太一郎 等主演。一扫A KITE的阴郁灰暗的风格,改走轻松兼些许搞笑的故事内容:说的是一个贩卖机器性玩偶的三人团队卷入帮派夺权阴谋中的故事。
The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.
A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.
汉尼拔·巴卡(Hannibal Barca,公元前247年—前182年),北非古国迦太基名将。年少时随父亲哈米尔卡·巴卡进军西班牙,终身与罗马为敌,在军事上有卓越表现。
Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.
In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.
Tommie is the absolute loser in his home district of Cologne-Kalk: no money, no apartment of his own, no girlfriend. In the exhaust workshop where he toils, the foreman is constantly angry with him. But Tommie is in a great mood: The video freak dreams enthusiastically through the fantasy world of film art, preferably with the bust sex star Gianna S. in the leading role. Tommie collects exhaust pipes. When he steals a particularly capital specimen from Jupp's swank Mercedes, he gets into real trouble. He has no choice but to return the exhaust to Jupp, but his deadly ultimatum of procuring a case of the rare beer brand "Ramsdorfer Kölsch" by seven o'clock in the evening proves to be insanely difficult. Because at the very same time, "Gianna S." is expected in town...
Esen, a young man who has been expelled from his village, escapes with the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the village. Whilst being pursued, he is forced to fight for her hand in a battle that results in the destruction of a sacred totem tree. This puts the whole village in jeopardy, and it is up to Esen to redeem himself and save them all.
Year 2038: The mineral resources of the earth are drained, in space there are fights for the last deposits on other planets and satellites. This is the situation when one of the bigger mining corporations has lost all but one mineral moons and many of their fully automatic mining robots are disappearing on their flight home. Since nobody else wants the job, they send prisoners to defend the mining station. Among them undercover agent Stone, who shall clear the whereabouts of the expensive robots. In an atmosphere of corruption, fear and hatred he gets between the fronts of rivaling groups.