On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Filmas skirtas režisieriaus A. Tarkovskio motinos Marijos Višniakovos atminimui. Rusų rašytojas Andrejus Gorčakovas atvyksta į Italiją studijuoti XVIII amžiaus kompozitoriaus Pavlo Sosnovskio biografijos. Drauge su palydove ir vertėja Eudženija jiedu keliauja po šalį. Rusas paskendęs savo mintyse, vertėja apimta keisto ilgesio. Greitai Gorčakovas ima suvokti, kad šio kompozitoriaus istorija – iš dalies ir jo paties: Italijoje jis ima jaustis svetimas, o grįžti namo jau nebegali. Jį apima nepakeliamas ilgesys, sunkus kaip liga...

Nora ir Hasungas, du giliai susiję vaikystės draugai, išsiskiria po to, kai Noros šeima emigruoja iš Pietų Korėjos. Po dvidešimties metų jie vėl susitinka vienai lemtingai savaitei, kad išsiaiškintų meilės ir likimo sąvokas.

During a family gathering, a celebration for their father's 60th birthday, the eldest son presents a speech that reveals some shocking secrets.

Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.

Turtingų italų grupelė jachta išplaukia į jūra, o pasiekę salą, nusprendžia ją apžiūrėti. Po kiek laiko pasigendama kartu keliavusios Anos. Jos draugė Klaudija baiminasi, kad jai kažkas atsitiko, ir nori likti saloje, kol ją ras. Anos sužadėtinis Sandro ilgai nedelsęs ima asistuoti Klaudijai. Nors Sandro ir patinka Klaudijai, ji negali pamiršti dingusios draugės. Tačiau meilės ilgesys atveda moterį į Sandro glėbį. „Nuotykis“, nors ir nepelnė pagrindinio Kanų kino festivalio prizo, buvo įvertintas festivalio žiuri ir sulaukė daugelio žymių žmonių, kino kritikų, žurnalistų, rašytojų pripažinimo ir parašų po žodžiais: „Vakar festivalyje matėme geriausią filmą gyvenime.“

A young man falls for a young woman on his trip home; unbeknownst to him, her family has vowed to kill every member of his family.

Good hearted but not very wordly-wise, Dante is happy driving the school bus for a group of mentally handicapped children, while feeling he is somehow missing out on life and love. So he is very excited when after nearly being knocked down by her car he meets Maria, who seems immediately enamoured of him. He is soon invited to her sumptuous Palermo villa, little suspecting that this is part of a plot. He bears an amazing likeness to Maria's stool-pigeon gangster husband and it would be convenient for them if the mobster, in the shape of Dante, was seen to be dead and buried.

Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for an upper-class French family, finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers.

After a wonderful time in Hungary Sissi falls extremely ill and must retreat to a Mediterranean climate to rest. The young empress’ mother takes her from Austria to recover in Madeira.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

A forged 500-franc note is passed from person to person and shop to shop, until it falls into the hands of a genuine innocent who doesn't see it for what it is—which will have devastating consequences on his life.

Gražuolė Kleopatra susiginčija su romėnų valdovu Julijumi Cezariu, kas talentingesni – egiptiečiai ar romėnai? Kleopatra jam pažada per kelis mėnesius pastatyti miestą. Jeigu jai pavyks, Cezaris pagaliau pripažins, kad jos tėvynainiai talentingiausi. Tačiau visi žymūs Egipto architektai atsisako šio milžiniško darbo, kuris atitenka nelaimingajam Numerobiui. Terminai baigiasi, todėl Numerobiui reikia stebuklingo gėrimo, suteikiančio jėgų. Šio gėrimo paslaptį saugoja tolimoje Galijoje gyvenantys Asteriksas ir Obeliksas.

A young woman's life spirals into chaos after she is involved in a hit-and-run accident. Then she encounters a mysterious man named Evian who offers her an opportunity for redemption. Narrated by a fish.

A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.

Four thirtysomething university students share a flat in Florence: Leonardo pursues beautiful Letizia, her brother Rocco works night shifts to pay for his rent, Bruno has to graduate to inherit his father-in-law's business (while cheating on his wife with her sister), and Pino dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.

Depressed Jewish shrink Elia one day meets Claudia, a young and eccentric personal trainer.

A lawyer is asked to come to the police station to clear up a few loose ends in his witness report of a foul murder. "This will only take ten minutes", they say, but it turns out to be one loose end after another, and the ten minutes he is away from his speech become longer and longer.

When an in-flight collision incapacitates the pilots of an airplane bound for Los Angeles, stewardess Nancy Pryor is forced to take over the controls. From the ground, her boyfriend Alan Murdock, a retired test pilot, tries to talk her through piloting and landing the 747 aircraft. Worse yet, the anxious passengers — among which are a noisy nun and a cranky man — are aggravating the already tense atmosphere.

Aviation disaster-prone Joe Patroni must contend with nuclear missiles, the French Air Force and the threat of the plane splitting in two over the Alps.