Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Two different social classes collide when Cary Scott, a wealthy upper-class widow, falls in love with her much younger and down-to-earth gardener, prompting disapproval and criticism from her children and country club friends.

A Hungarian immigrant, his friend, and his cousin go on an unpredictable adventure across America.

As a filmmaker and his girlfriend return home from his movie premiere, smoldering tensions and painful revelations push them toward a romantic reckoning.

Follows a police officer who must retrieve an eyewitness and escort her after a cartel shooting leaves several DEA agents dead, but then he must decide who to trust when they discover that the attack was executed by American forces.

Christine’s life has not been easy lately. Her lonely routine is divided between free food banks distributions and wandering the streets. On a cold winter night she founds Suli, an 8-year-old Eritrean boy, sobbing in front of her shelter. Christine understands that he is lost and has been separated from his mother. Bounded by their marginal condition, they embark together on an emotional journey to find Suli’s mother in the underground world of Paris...

A cop, investigating the mysterious death of a filmstar, meets a sex-worker, while he faces some personal problems psychologically. The mystery connects these people in a way, that ultimately changes their lives.

Three women. One same age. Three ways to face it.

Jim is a test pilot. His wife Ann and best friend Gunner try their best to keep him sober. But the life of a test pilot is anything but safe.

Karštą vasaros dieną dėl nepaaiškinamo elektros gedimo Oslo gyventojus ištinka kolektyviniai migrenos priepuoliai, elektroniniai prietaisai nebeveikia. Viskas sugrįžta į normalias vėžes taip pat staigiai, kaip ir prasidėjo, išskyrus viena – mirusieji atgyja ir pasirodo jų vis dar gedintiems šeimos nariams: eismo avarijoje žuvusi mama, mylimas vyras ir į depresiją panirusios motinos miręs sūnus.

Danny is a young cop partnered with Nick, a seasoned but ethically tainted veteran. As the two try to stop a gang war in Chinatown, Danny relies on Nick but grows increasingly uncomfortable with the way Nick gets things done.

Werner, Andi and Eckat play dice to determine the next king of the trio. When Werner is crowned king, he decides for all of them to skip work and start for Korsika.

Nedas Keli – arklių vagis, bankų plėšikas ir policininkų žudikas, garsėjęs pomėgiu jodinėti vilkėdamas suknele, gyveno vos 25-erius metus, bet spėjo tapti gyva kolonijinės Australijos legenda, lyginama su Robinu Hudu. Keršydamas dėl nepelnyto motinos arešto, Keli suburia banditų gaują ketindamas surengti tokį žiaurų išpuolį, kokio dar nėra patyręs jo kraštas. Laukinių Australijos žemių peizaže pasakojama apie šaltakraujiško nusikaltėlio gyvenimą, nuopuolį ir plonytę ribą tarp gėrio ir blogio. Filmas sukurtas pagal Peterio Carey romaną, apdovanotą prestižine „Booker“ premija.

In the fall of 1993, in his prime and at the summit of the sports world, Michael Jordan walked away from pro basketball. After leading the Dream Team to an Olympic gold medal in 1992 and taking the Bulls to their third consecutive NBA championship the following year, Jordan was jolted by the murder of his father. Was it the brutal loss of such an anchor in his life that caused the world’s most famous athlete to rekindle a childhood ambition by playing baseball? Or some feeling that he had nothing left to prove or conquer in basketball? Or something deeper and perhaps not yet understood?

Šioje suaugusiems skirtoje komedijoje aktorius Matthew McConaughey‘is vaidina jokių normų nevaržomą poetą ir rašytoją, žinomą tiesiog Mėnulio Šuns (Moondog) vardu. Tiesa, fantastiško grožio paplūdimyje gyvenančiam šlaistūnui rašymas toli gražu ne pirmoje vietoje. Nes daug svarbiau yra alkoholis, nesibaigiantys vakarėliai ir žolė. Daaaaug žolės. Narkotikus čia vartoja visi – nuo glaukoma sergančio, pusiau aklo seno lakūno iki prie kokaino pripratintos papūgos. Tokia aplinka yra pati tinkamiausia Mėnulio Šuniui – atsipūtusiam bičui, kuris į nieką nežiūri rimtai, gyvena plačiai ir mėgaujasi kiekviena akimirka. Be M. McConaughey‘io, juostoje taip pat nusifilmavo Isla Fisher, Zac‘as Efron‘as, gana seniai kine matytas Martin‘as Lawrence‘as („Pašėlę vyrukai“, „Vagis policininkas“, „Didžiosios motušės namai“) ir Snoop Dog‘as.

Found at a Catholic hospital filthy and ferocious, feral teenager Darlin’ is whisked off to a care home run by The Bishop and his obedient nuns, where she’s to be rehabilitated into a "good girl" as an example of the miraculous work of the church. But Darlin’ holds a secret darker than the "sins" she is threatened with, and she is not traveling alone. The Woman who raised her, equally fierce and feral, is ever present in the shadows of Darlin’s psyche and is determined to come for her no matter who tries to get in her way.

Tomás, accompanied by his biographer Lina, calls upon his two sons, Jesús and Antonio. The sons find themselves competing for a potential inheritance. The discovery of a large flag standing in the garden triggers a wave of family conflict.

A group of attractive women get together for a weekend of bonding, hoping to relax and getaway from the anxiety of their boyfriends. The women travel out of town which leads them to picking up men of questionable integrity. The next problem is what will they tell their boyfriends when they get back home.

Vijay Kumar, a successful boxer and a gold medallist, fails his drug test and suffers a setback in his career. To survive his failing career, he must get up and fight harder than before.