When her father enlists to fight for the British in WWI, young Sara Crewe goes to New York to attend the same boarding school her late mother attended. She soon clashes with the severe headmistress, Miss Minchin, who attempts to stifle Sara's creativity and sense of self-worth.
The mysterious disappearance of a kindergarten teacher during a picnic in the north of Iran is followed by a series of misadventures for her fellow travelers.
When schoolboy Wang Bao discovers a magical gourd that can instantly grant his every wish, the awkward child suddenly becomes a hero amongst his curious classmates. When the gourd proves more of a burden than a blessing and the boy decides to get rid of it, he quickly discovers that's easier said than done.
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
A fearless sea captain, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, sails a ship through loopholes in international law, providing abortions on the high seas, and leaving in her wake a network of emboldened activists who trust women to handle abortion on their own terms.
Прича о Крису Вилтону, ожењеном професионалном тенисеру, који се заљубљује у фаталну Американку Нолу Рајс, једно време девојку брата своје жене. На крају како то обично бива долази до опасног троугла.
The students of Suzuran High compete for the King of School title. An ex-graduate yakuza is sent to kill the son of a criminal group, but he can't make himself do it as he reminds him of his youth.
A stunning cancer diagnosis spurs Abbie to seek a future girlfriend for fiancé and childhood sweetheart Sam, who's clueless when it comes to dating.
Прича о тинејџеру Крегу који се пријављује у болницу за ментално оболеле због исцрпљености, након чега га смештају на одељење за одрасле јер је део за малолетнике затворен. Под окриље га узима пацијент Боби, и нервозни 16-годишњак покушава да издржи својих обавезних пет дана а да у потпуности не изгуби свој ум. У томе му помаже присуство Неле, још једне тинејџерске пацијенткиње која се бори да рашчисти свој ум.
In the Jewish tradition of arguing with God, Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz decide to put God on Trial.
Ane is in her mid-forties and delighted when a stunning bouquet of flowers is delivered to her home. But the site manager has no idea who to thank – one thing is for sure; her jealous husband, Ander, is not the unknown cavalier. As these gallantries increase, always on a Thursday and always with an anonymous sender, Ane’s life takes on a new direction. The life of Lourdes is also sent into turmoil by beautiful bouquets of flowers: Since the death of her husband in a traffic accident, flowers have been deposited regularly at the scene. Lourdes’ mother-in-law, Tere, is determined to get to the bottom of the anonymous flowers. Jon Garaño and José Mari Goenaga’s feature film debut pays charming homage to three headstrong women and the power of flowers.
The government gets wind of a plot to destroy America involving a trio of nuclear weapons for which the whereabouts are unknown. It's up to a seasoned interrogator and an FBI agent to find out exactly where the nukes are.
Чев Челиос је врхунски плаћени убица који ради за мафију, а планира да напусти свој посао и буде с девојком Ив која и не зна за његову "каријеру". Али, у тело му је убризган "пекиншки коктел", смртоносни отров који може да неутралише само стално струјање адреналина, којим се убрзава рад срца, јер ако му срце успори - сигурно умире. Док тражи свог непријатеља Верону који га је отровао, Чев тражи и противотров и уклања све који му стану на пут...
Лајла је осамнаестогодишња девојка из Амстердама, која се у времену непрекидне терористичке опасности свакодневно суочава са све већим подозрењем према њеном мароканском пореклу. Након удаје за харизматичног Абдела и проблема са полицијом, пар мора да бежи на Блиски Исток. Тамо, међутим, Лајла доспева у строго патријархалну средину, која гуши њену потребу да има контролу над сопственом судбином.
Филм је прича о судбини деде и унука који живе у опустелом српском селу. Деда је намеран да обнови цркву и у њу врати попа, и тако оживи село, а унук је једини ђак у локалној школи. Али када у село дође просветна инспекција и затвори школу, дечак остаје без будућности, а његова учитељица без посла. Видевши да на селу „нема ‘леба“, старац, који је „осетио“ да му се ближи смрт, шаље унука у град. Даје му краву и заветује га да је у вароши прода, од тих пара купи икону и нађе девојку. Дечаку су у граду украли краву, али он је послушао деду и нашао девојку, чија мајка преко дана ради као васпитачица у вртићу, а ноћу као проститутка. Када је осетио да мајчин макро мерачи и његову љубљену, младић предлаже девојци да оду на село. Стижу у дечаков завичај и тамо затичу виталног деду који се зближио са учитељицом...
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
The fastest man on four wheels, Ricky Bobby is one of the greatest drivers in NASCAR history. A big, hairy American winning machine, Ricky has everything a dimwitted daredevil could want, a luxurious mansion, a smokin' hot wife and all the fast food he can eat. But Ricky's turbo-charged lifestyle hits an unexpected speed bump when he's bested by flamboyant Euro-idiot Jean Girard and reduced to a fear-ridden wreck.
John "Breacher" Wharton leads an elite DEA task force that takes on the world's deadliest drug cartels. When the team successfully executes a high-stakes raid on a cartel safe house, they think their work is done – until, one-by-one, the team members mysteriously start to be eliminated. As the body count rises, everyone is a suspect.
Tells the story of Justin Bieber, the kid from Canada with the hair, the smile and the voice: It chronicles his unprecedented rise to fame, all the way from busking in the streets of Stratford, Canada to putting videos on YouTube to selling out Madison Square Garden in New York as the headline act during the My World Tour from 2010. It features Usher, Scooter Braun, Ludacris, Sean Kingston, Antonio "L.A." Reid, Boyz II Men, Miley Cyrus, Jaden Smith, Justin's family members and parts of his crew and huge fanbase in a mix of interviews and guest performances. It was released in 3D in theaters all around the world and is the highest grossing concert movie of all time, beating the previous record held by Michael Jackson's This Is It from 2009.