Live in Brasília is the fifth live DVD by the Mexican group RBD, recorded in an afternoon on April 21, 2008 during the 48th anniversary of the Brazilian federal capital, Brasília. During the band's show, it is estimated that almost 500 thousand people participated. This was the biggest audience show of the group's career. The repertoire included songs from the album Empezar Desde Cero (2007) and his old hits from previous albums.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?


Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.


Nathias Frederick vs Matthew Bonner (middleweight title fight) Christian Duncan vs Will Currie (middleweight fight) Sam Creasey vs Aaron Aby (flyweight fight) Liam Gittins vs Emrah Sonmez (bantamweight fight) George Smith vs Mick Stanton (middleweight fight)

In a near future, a callous smuggler hardened by life guides a pious young woman and her child across the border to safety, unaware that their destinies are inescapably linked in this inhospitable land.


Documentary sequel that offers a close-up look into the personal lives of the legendary porn stars who've survived the test of time and influenced popular culture. Blends rare interviews with erotic clips and additional appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Soderbergh and a host of adult stars, directors and trendsetters.

女作家徐寻(李心洁)在处女小说获得空前成功后陷入创作困境。在创作新的定名为《鬼域》的小说时,她期望向读者呈现一个如幻似真的“诡异空间”,无奈反反复复几次构想出来的故事情节都差强人意,而昔日情人的再一次现身,更令她心绪纷乱,一怒之下,她删除了电脑里的《鬼域》初稿,却自此进入自己虚构出来的“鬼域”。   一番惊险之旅之后,徐寻在鬼域里遇见一小女孩(曾雅琪),得知鬼域意为“被遗弃的空间”,现实生活中人们所遗弃的一切(包括打掉的胎儿),都能在这里找到。在该女孩的帮助下,徐寻开始了更加恐怖的逃亡旅程,后来两人在鬼域老伯(刘兆铭)的指点下,朝鬼域的出口奔去,小女孩的身世之谜逐渐被揭开。


斯坦利 · 福特过着田园诗般的单身生活。他是一个全国性的漫画家,他的 Bash Brannigan 系列为他提供了一个豪华的联排别墅和一个全职贴身男仆,查尔斯。前一天晚上,他参加了一个朋友的单身派对,第二天早上醒来,他发现自己娶了一个从蛋糕里蹦出来的漂亮女人,而这个女人一句英语都不会说。尽管他最初的抗议,他开始喜欢婚姻生活,甚至把他的卡通人物从一个超级间谍变成了一个有点烦恼的丈夫。

《外出就餐2》是《外出就餐》系列电影的第2部。由Phillip J. Bartell执导的美国喜剧片,2006年上映。 本片主要讲述的是卡尔和马克分手后,在艺术课上遇到了做裸体模特的特瑞,而特瑞还弄不清楚自己的性向,但是他希望将来可以结婚生子。卡尔和同桌的女人被误认为是一对,他为了泡到特瑞,也撒谎说自己是异性恋,随后与特瑞走的很紧密。而马克看到这一切后故意借机接近特瑞,因为他还爱着卡尔。

Edmund Lowe plays an insurance investigator who interrupts his honeymoon to look into the case of a murder, which could also be a suicide, in which case his company won't have to pay the victim's contract. His wife, played by Margaret Lindsay, insists on following him around, not only to help him solve the case, but to make sure he doesn't get too friendly with any members of the opposite sex, either.

After a wildlife biologist (Marco Marchese) becomes trapped on the wrong side of the river while collecting data, he comes across an abandoned village. Taking shelter, he begins to suspect he may be sharing the grounds with more than just boar and deer.

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.

Popular but lonely Bollywood actress, Rani, lives a fairly isolated life, through publicly she is thronged by fans, and has taken to drinking alcohol in a big way. Thus intoxicated she runs her vehicle into a young man named Pappu, who suffers minor injuries. He recognizes her, and tells her that he is her number one fan, and will do anything for her. She wants him to kill her double-timing boyfriend, Rahul. He agrees to do so, provided she kills his overbearing, aged grandmother, to which she agrees. After Pappu completes his gruesome task, he meets with Rani, only to be told that she does not recognize him, but when presented with proof, she relents and agrees to fulfill her part of this trade.