In 1998, David Sanes, a security guard of the US Navy base in Vieques, died from a projectile from a military practice. As a consequence of that incident, the people of Vieques and Puerto Rico joined in civil disobedience in the restricted area of the Marina so that no more bombs could be dropped.

From the birthplace of boxing legend Mike Tyson, young women brawl in secret fight clubs to win $1000 and invaluable street cred.

One night in 2008, my father, John, got lost in a Boston suburb.

Three stories examining what it means to live, find connection, deal with trauma, and do more than just exist, in the rural landscape of small mining town in West Virginia.

Two sisters take a journey of discovery and reconciliation based on the memoirs of Margaret Moorman. Christine has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and must rely on others for support even though she longs for and independent and ordinary life. When her mother dies, her sister Judy becomes responsible for her care. The two are left to face the struggles of finding common ground.

Crisis in the air: A passenger aboard a commercial airplane flying from London to New York threatens to detonate a bomb over the Atlantic.

In the tradition of Sunday Too Far Away, this independent film is based on the classic Australian play by John Power. Pic tells the story of a group of miners living in a camp in outback Australia. They swear, brawl, gamble, and drink heavily. Central to the story is the conflict between Tarzan, the authoritarian group leader and cocky loud-mouth wisecracking Pansy. This results in a bare-knuckle punch-up for the movie's denouement.

The rock-wild youth of the 1960s during the apparitions of their idols.

Chi piglia la parola nel titolo è l'adolescente Nic, maniacale fotografa e ansiosa di perdere la verginità. Vorrebbe aiutare il fratello Josch, trentenne ritardato che si veste da vampiro, a metter fine alla sua obbligata castità. Della famiglia fanno parte un altro fratello, munito di regolare fidanzata, e una madre quasi catatonica. Scritta da Matthias Pacht, è una commedia di toni lividi e malinconici, un po' gratuitamente provocatoria, ma messa in immagini con apprezzabile asciuttezza da un regista esordiente che sa dirigere gli attori. Finale cupemente fiabesco.

Aki, who loves freedom, mets Masaya, an aspiring watchmaker. The two have opposite personalities and initially clash. The two reach better terms when Masaya is able to see Akis inner pain. Eventually, Masaya uncovers Akis sad past which was supposed to be held secret from everyone.

A spider tries a number of tricks to catch a fly. A sugar cube on a string fails when the fly cuts the string. The fly does a trapeze act to taunt the spider, but the spider acts as the fly's catcher; the fly gives him a hotfoot. Buckshot dipped in candy coating fails when the spider's magnet also attracts a cupboard full of dangerous cutlery. The spider spots the fly disguised as the bride atop a wedding cake, and disguises himself as the groom. They chase through an electrical conduit, lighting a neon sign, until an air-raid warden shouts "Put out that light!" They return through the conduit, and the spider catches the fly. He's about to carve up the fly when the fly points to the calendar, declaring September 27 to be "meatless Tuesday."

Jack Newman is a blind man who is given the opportunity to be the first pacient of a ocular surgery. After getting his sight back, Jack starts to develop the characteristics of his donor - a psycopath executed by the state.

This documentary shows how the Berliner workers lived in 1930. The director Slatan Dudow shows through images: a) the workers leaving the factory; b) the raise of the rents; c) the "unpleasant" guest, meaning the justice officer that brings the eviction notice; d) the fight of classes of the houses of capitalists and working classes; e) the parks of the working class; f) the houses of the working class, origin of the tuberculosis and the victims; g) the playground of the working class; h) the swimming pool for the working class, ironically called the "Baltic Sea" of the working class; i) the effects of humidity of basement where a family lives, with one member deaf; j) one working class family having dinner while the capitalist baths his dog; k) the eviction notice received from an unemployed family and their eviction.

Pyramids can be found in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Europe and The North American Continent. How were they constructed, and what was their purpose? If man built the pyramids on his own, then we would expect there would be an enormous effort to record such an achievement. However, no culture that had pyramids has any clue how they were built. Apparently, they did not have the means, knowledge, or technology to do so. The theory that aliens from another world may have assisted in building the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and other pyramids, could explain how some of the most amazing and mysterious engineering feats in human history were accomplished. Evidence of highly advanced engineering exists within the Great Pyramid and around the Giza Plateau.

Trevor considers, with the help of animation, a piece of fan mail he received.

Childless spouses writer Andrei and artist Olga adopt the eight-year-old Ksyusha. The director of the orphanage where the girl was brought up is Andrei Iren's ex-girlfriend. She still passionately loves Andrei and intends to return him at all costs, even if for this he will have to destroy his family happiness. Meanwhile, Andrei is writing a science fiction novel about the dark side of Petersburg. On the pages of his book, the city on the Neva turns into a phantasmagoric world, where time itself has stopped, and the streets are inhabited by soulless creatures. Suddenly, Ksenia enters the world of "dark Petersburg" from the novel by Andrey, where he meets a mysterious friend Paramon. Heroes are waiting for many dangerous adventures...

Tommy is a happy sailor, travelling the world, singing his favourite songs. When he visits Spain, he gets mistaken for a famous bullfighter. Tommy finishes up in the bull-ring facing a VERY angry bull and cheered on by the crowd. What will he do now?