A woman recalls her childhood growing up in the North of Spain, focusing on her relationship with her father.

When the creator of a popular video game system dies, a virtual contest is created to compete for his fortune.

V novem delu misije se Ethan Hunt in njegova ekipa podajo na najnevarnejšo misijo doslej: izslediti grozljivo novo orožje, ki ogroža vse človeštvo, preden pade v napačne roke. Z nadzorom nad prihodnostjo, usodo sveta na kocki ter temnimi silami iz Ethanove preteklosti, ki se približujejo, se prične smrtonosna dirka okoli sveta. Ko pa se Ethan sooči s skrivnostnim in vsemogočnim sovražnikom, je prisiljen razmisliti, da ni nič pomembnejšega od njegove misije – niti življenja tistih, ki mu najbolj pri srcu.

Pri kritikih in gledalcih odlično sprejet akcijski ZF-triler s primesmi grozljivke o paralizirani in ovdoveli žrtvi krutega ropa, ki po vsaditvi čipa umetne inteligence dobi priložnost, da se maščuje zločincem.

Poklicni morilec John Wick (Keanu Reeves) je, zaradi umora člana mednarodnega združenja atentatorjev, na begu. Nagrada za njigovo življenje je 14 milijonov dolarjev in tako postane tarča umora vseh moških in žensk na svetu.

An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.

A young father and his infant son are beset by forces of evil and corruption. They wander China, upholding their sense of honor and protecting the weak. When they are forced into combat, spectacular and hilarious fast-motion kung fu sequences follow. In the end, they must call on all of their abilities in a battle royale, to attempt to vanquish a supernatural man-monster or die trying.

A new member has joined Eli and the Shane Gang! Junjie, once the protector of the Eastern Caverns, is a master of the slugslinging art of Slug Fu! But even with the power of five slingers, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race across The 99 Caverns in search of the Legendary Elemental Slugs. The five Elementals are ancient slugs of great power, and the forbearers of all slugs found in SlugTerra today. In the wrong hands, they could bring Slugterra to the brink of destruction. So when an evil alliance starts hunting down the Elementals, Eli and his friends — old and new — take off in pursuit of the greatest threat their world has ever faced!

Vijay Govind, a young college lecturer who dreams of marriage falls for Geetha, a level-headed woman who's wary of strangers and isn't easy to convince. While things seem to go smoothly, Vijay makes a terrible mistake which not only derails any hope for his love story, but also potential repercussions with his family.

Rose, prikupna in osamljena inštruktorica vožnje na irskem podeželju, ima nadnaravne sposobnosti, a zavrača vztrajne prošnje domačinov, naj poskrbi za njihove smetnjake, obsedene z duhovi. Ko pa krajevni rokovski zvezdnik sklene zavezo s hudičem in začara mlado dekle, je Rose primorana premagati strah pred svojim darom in ob pomoči obupanega očeta pomagati dekletu.

Nekdanji posebni vojaški vojsko si prizadevajo, da bi se končali s kraji, da bi se ponovno združili zaradi velikega plena: ukradli 75 milijonov dolarjev od južnoameriškega lorda z mamili.

After an impulsive travel decision to visit friends, Freddie, 25, returns to South Korea for the first time, where she was born before being adopted and raised in France. Freddie suddenly finds herself embarking on an unexpected journey in a country she knows so little about, taking her life in new and unexpected directions.

High school loner Bird Fitcher has no idea what dark secrets are tied to the mysterious Polaroid vintage camera she stumbles upon, but it doesn't take long to discover that those who have their picture taken meet a tragic end. Bird and her friends must survive one more night as they race to solve the mystery of the haunted Polaroid before it kills them all.

An ambitious young FBI agent is assigned to investigate iconic actress Jean Seberg when she becomes embroiled in the tumultuous civil rights movement in late 1960s Los Angeles.

Stranded at the side of the road after a tire blowout, a group of friends become targets for an enigmatic sniper.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.

A woman struggles to survive on her own in the wake of a mysterious epidemic, which has decimated society and forced her deep into the unforgiving wild.

In the grim Alaskan winter, a naturalist hunts for wolves blamed for killing a local boy, but he soon finds himself swept into a chilling mystery.

Tourists take a boat to a remote island, where they find that most of the people have disappeared, and something is stalking them. They find a hidden room in the big mansion on a hill, and an ancient diary, which gives them clues to the source of the terror.

A pair of newlyweds must fight to survive when their wedding reception descends into chaos and carnage when their guests become infected by a virus that turns them into hungry zombies.