Interviews with the cast, creators, journalists and celebrity fans, plus behind-the-scenes footage from season six.

A middle-aged former criminal has little time to live due to cancer, so he gets to see his son after 5 years to spend his last week with him and teach him the principles he considers important in life.

The ultimate X-Men ensemble fights a war for the survival of the species across two time periods as they join forces with their younger selves in an epic battle that must change the past – to save our future.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann join forces with the revived Captain Barbossa to free Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' locker. The group must navigate dangerous waters, confront many foes and, ultimately, choose sides in a battle wherein piracy itself hangs in the balance.

A look at the relationship between Mike and Sulley during their days at Monsters University — when they weren't necessarily the best of friends.

Mutanti turpina cīņu pret sabiedrību, kurai viņi neuzticas. Stāvoklis kļūst vēl grūtāks, kad viņiem uzbrūk nezināms, ar īpašām spējām apveltīts pretinieks. Negaidītais uzbrukums kļūst par iemeslu politiskajam un sabiedrības spiedienam ieviest mutantu reģistrāciju, kā arī rada pretmutantu kustību, ko vada Viljams Straikers - bijušais armijnieks, kurš, kā mēļo, veicis eksperimentus ar mutantiem.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Tumšais burvis Gelerts Grindelvads ir izbēdzis no apcietinājuma un sāk pulcēt sekotājus, no kuriem daudzi pat nenojauš viņa patieso mērķi: panākt tīrasiņu burvju kundzību pār visām nemaģiskajām būtnēm. Lai izjauktu Grindelvalda plānu, Baltus Dumidors lūdz palīdzību savam bijušajam audzēknim Tritonam Skamanderam, kas piekrīt palīdzēt, neapzinoties draudošās briesmas.

Pagājis gads kopš "Četriem jātniekiem" izdevās apvest ap stūri FIB un izpelnīties publikas apbrīnu ar savām maģiskajām izrādēm Robina Huda garā, bet nu iluzionisti ir atgriezušies, lai atmaskotu kāda tehnoloģiju magnāta neētiskos darījumus. Tehnoloģiju brīnumbērns Volters Mārbijs draud atklāt iluzionistu noslēpumus, tādēļ viņu vienīgā cerība ir īstenot vispārdrošāko triku, kas ļautu viņiem atgūtu savu labo slavu un atmaskot magnāta patiesos nodomus.

Ledus laikmets tuvojas beigām un dzīvnieki par to ir ļoti priecīgi: paradīzes ūdens parki, kuri veidojušies pateicoties geizeriem un notekgrāvji, pildīti ar karstiem dubļiem. Bet, kad Menijs, Sids un Diego apjauš, ka kūstošie ledāji rada plūdu apdraudējumu visai dzimtajai ielejai. Viņi par savu pienākumu uzskata brīdināt visus par tauvojošajām briesmām, kā arī mēģināt rast izeju no tik sarežģītas un bīstamas situācijas.

Cenšoties izvairīties no Holivudas romantisko komēdiju klišejām, Dilans Hārpers un Džeimija Relisa drīz vien atklāj, ka draudzība, kas papildināta ar seksu, patiešām rada sarežģījumus.

When Mitchie gets a chance to attend Camp Rock, her life takes an unpredictable twist, and she learns just how important it is to be true to yourself.

A harried prehistoric bird mother entrusts her precious, soon-to-hatch egg to Sid. When she recommends him to her neighbours, business booms at his new egg-sitting service. However, dastardly pirate bunny, Squint, who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs. Once again, with Squint’s twin brother assisting, Manny, Diego and the rest of the gang come to the rescue and take off on a daring mission that turns into the world’s first Easter egg hunt.

Pēc sakāves, maldikoni atkal atgriežas uz Zemes, lai saņemtu gūstā Semu Vitvikiju (Šaja Labafs). Pēc nonākšanas gūstā, jaunais varonis uzzina patiesību par transformeru izcelsmi. Cilvēces glābšanas misijā iesaistās Optims Prims, kurš sapulcina starptautiska mēroga armiju.

Forks, Washington resident Bella Swan is reeling from the departure of her vampire love, Edward Cullen, and finds comfort in her friendship with Jacob Black, a werewolf. But before she knows it, she's thrust into a centuries-old conflict, and her desire to be with Edward at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks.

Ksanders Keidžs ir sportisks, kas balansē uz robežas. Šis nežēlīgais puisis var izdarīt to, kas nav pa spēkam citiem. Tieši tādēļ viņš nonāk Nacionālās drošības aģentūras uzmanības lokā. Apbruņots ar vismodernāko spiegošanas aprīkojumu un ieročiem, Keidžam ir jāiefiltrējas krievu kriminālajā vidē Prāgā. Nekas nevar aizkavēt šo jaunās paaudzes spiegu xXx izpildīt viņa m uzticēto misiju un neviens nav spējīgs novērst viņa uzmanību no uzdevuma. Neviens, izņemot noslēpumaino meiteni Jeļenu...

It's perfect pandemonium when Bibi and Tina meet a runaway boy with an attitude problem, who turns out to actually be a girl, named Adea. Adea‘s uncle is so narrow-minded and stubborn that even with all her magic spells, Bibi can't manage to get the two to reconcile. Meanwhile, Falkenstein Castle is being renovated, which is driving the Count to his wits' end. Especially since Alex is planning to hold a music festival at Falkenstein and is determined to go through with it over his father's objections. And if all that was not enough, Tina gets kidnapped. Despite the complete chaos, one thing is clear - in the end, real change comes from everybody working and pulling together, not by magic.

When Ardra suddenly starts acting distant and cold with her family members, her husband Roy and others around her are puzzled and scared. Nobody in the family bothers to take her to a doctor and when they finally do, they learn the truth.

Alexander Dronov, the actor, didn't have many success in his life. But despite all the troubles he has an important life mission - he's the man at the window.

Mary moves back to her suburban hometown to find that the suburbs are scarier in more ways than she ever remembered.