Genaro, Chelo and Carlitos finally reach their goal of leaving the Dominican Republic in search of a visa, but in Puerto Rico they still can't stop getting in trouble.

A touching story of a deaf girl who is sent to an oil rig to take care of a man who has been blinded in a terrible accident. The girl has a special ability to communicate with the men on board and especially with her patient as they share intimate moments together that will change their lives forever.

A University teacher finds three bright students and decides to teach them how to count cards to make lots of money. As they learn how to play the casinos, things get tricky when the debt owing teacher informs them that their front man wants restitution for loses in about a weeks time. The three students decide to hit all the major casinos in Ontario and Quebec until discovered.

Martial arts expert Wing Chun battles bandits in this magical film that provides as many laughs as it does wallops. Besides horse thieves, Wing Chun must deal with the men around her who simply can't handle a strong, independent woman. Ultimately, she must dish out "lessons" again and again and again until the respect for her remarkable skills is finally won.

Gerhard Richter has spent over half a century experimenting with a tremendous range of techniques and ideas, addressing historical crises and mass media representation alongside explorations of chance procedures. This first glimpse inside his studio in decades is exactly that: a thrilling document of the 79-year-old's creative process, juxtaposed with rare archival footage and intimate conversations with his critics and collaborators.

Wu-Lin is the successor of an ancient, once powerful Chinese clan, the "Iron Feet." After the death of his master, Wu-Lin leaves his rural village for the City of Stone-Cold looking for his fellow apprentice Jiang Li. Along the way, he becomes the bodyguard of Fei-Fei, the daughter of Jia-Shan Li, the richest family in the city, and quickly gets drawn into a mob war in order to protect her.

The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.

Tsui escapes from a super soldier project and plans to lead a peaceful life. However, when his former comrades go on a violent crime spree, he takes it upon himself to end their reign of terror.

When a group of Indian and Pakistani nurses are held hostage in Iraq by a terrorist organization, a secret agent is drawn out of hiding to rescue them.

Civilization has been destroyed by war and pollution, but the survivors have built the last city of Ecoban. As most natural resources have been exhausted, Ecoban is powered by pollution. The citizens of Ecoban need to continue creating this pollution leading them into conflict with the inhabitants of Marr while one man just wants to clear away the clouds and see the sky.

Gang leader Tony pulls off a major diamond heist with his crew, but cop-turned-criminal Ling knows who has the loot and responds by kidnapping Tony's daughter and holding her for ransom. Unfortunately, Tony's lost the diamonds as well. As he frantically searches for his daughter and the jewels, Tony pairs with a high-kicking government agent who once worked with Ling and seeks revenge on him.

Tai pasakojimas apie septynis šiuolaikinius samurajus, kurie nori padėti mirštančiam vaikui. Jei jie suspės sukaupti reikiamą sumą, berniukui bus atlikta širdies persodinimo operacija. Tačiau reikiama suma – labai didelė. Jie nutaria vogti iš turtingųjų.

Jie gali pasikliauti tik savo draugyste, drąsa ir šaltakraujiškumu. Jei esi gaujos narys, klaidoms ar jausmams teisės neturi. Matas tai sužino tik patekęs į labai keblią situaciją. Sužino tada, kai nuošaliame miestelyje jo draugužis pradangina pilną krepšį pinigų. Tuos pinigus, norėdamas įrodyti ko yra vertas, Matas privalo pristatyti mafijos bosui - savo tėvui. Kai Mato vaikystės draugas nebesugeba pinigų susigrąžinti, geriausias jo draugas Teiloras sugalvojo planą. Tačiau tame miestelyje karaliauja nedori policininkai, tad padėtis tampa be išeities.

In the late 1950s, British police officer Tony Aaron resigns from the force after sleeping with Hazel, wife of the man whose house he was supposed to guard. In his new job as a fake private investigator, he helps couples get divorces by photographing Hazel having "affairs" with the husband. When she is murdered during a job, Tony begins having an affair with the dead man's mistress, Angeline, while trying to prove his innocence.

An overlooked pencil-pusher catches her husband in bed with another woman, the shock of which causes him to die of a heart attack. So she buries his body and takes advantage of the growing celebrity status that comes from having a missing husband. But she quickly finds herself in over her head, dodging cops and criminals, all while trying to keep the truth from her sister, a local news anchor who’s desperate for a story.

Socialinės pakraipos kriminalinė drama iš afroamerikiečių gyvenimo. Du broliai (Roemello ir A.R. Skuggs) turi verslą - Harleme prekiauja narkotikais. Roemello Skuggs'as (W. Snipes'o personažas stengiasi) išsiveržti iš nusikalstamo pasaulio.

Dodžas yra kompiuterių piratas, atliekantis bausmę kalėjime. O Paiperis yra tiesiog kietas vyrukas, atsiduręs už grotų kartu su Dodžu. Jie surakinami kartu ir jiems netikėtai pavyksta pasprukti. Bėglius žaibiškai ima persekioti vietinis policininkas Metju. Netrukus į nuotykių sūkurį įsitraukia ir graži moteris, ir federalinis maršalas, ir net kubiečių mafija. Kuo baigsis ši paini istorija?

Dr. Lauren Slaughter, a research fellow at the Arab-Anglo Institute in London is utterly frustrated by her job. To supplement her income, she starts moonlighting at the Jasmine Escort Service, where she has more control over men and money than she does at the office. On one of her 'dates', Lauren meets the politician Lord Bulbeck who is trying to mediate a peace accord between the Arabs and Israelis. Bulbeck falls in love with his escort, and unwittingly, Lauren becomes a pawn in some very dirty politics.

In a not-too-distant future, a lethal virus sweeps across Europe, prompting the creation of quarantine refugee camps in the United States. Police officers Delon (Natasha Henstridge) and Lemieux (Christopher Lambert) learn of a grisly murder in the Boston camp and team up to investigate. Suspecting the ruthless killer is infected with the virus, the pair have just hours to stop him before he becomes contagious and infects the entire population.

When odd reports are received through official channels stating that the President of the United States is being held captive on a secret international moon base called Vegan and that he has been replaced on Earth by a clone, the US Marshall Service immediately sends their 'best' man, Dix, on the mission.