Arthur and Anatole are two little robbers. They want to rob money, money that will travel in a special train from Paris to Bruxelles. They don't know that other people have planned to do the same thing.
Jack Carter is a small-time hood working in London. When word reaches him of his brother's death, he travels to Newcastle to attend the funeral. Refusing to accept the police report of suicide, Carter seeks out his brother’s friends and acquaintances to learn who murdered his sibling and why.
In the summer of 1863, General Robert E. Lee leads the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia into Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with the goal of marching through to Washington, D.C. The Union Army of the Potomac, under the command of General George G. Meade, forms a defensive position to confront the rebel forces in what will prove to be the decisive battle of the American Civil War.
This satirical anthology tells the surreal stories of a gift for Don Horacio, a trip to the beach for Bermejo, a life-changing relationship between Tina and the young immigrant Ayoub, and a new client for a company that specializes in excuses.
Menką nusikaltimą padaręs Frankas Leone yra kietas, bet pavyzdingas kalinys. Jo gyvenimas kalėjime daugiau nei pakenčiamas – vyras gyvena humaniškomis sąlygomis, o kartais savaitgaliais už gerą elgesį net išleidžiamas laisvėn. Deja, Franko nelaisvės dienoms besibaigiant viskas pasikeis – nes jis bus perkeltas į kitą kalinimo įstaigą, kurios vadovas Wardenas Drumgoole‘as – negailestingas sadistas, paversiantis Frankui gyvenimą tikru pragaru. Franką Leone vaidina dviem Oskarams nominuotas Sylvesteris Stallone, o žiaurųjį kalėjimo vadovą Wardeną Drumgoole – dviejų Auksinių gaublių laureatas legendinis aktorius Donaldas Sutherlandas.
An upscale Japanese hotel hires Mahiru Inoue, a lawyer adept at dealing with the Yakuza, to help them rid their hotel of the local gangsters so they can get a contract for a meeting of important foreign officials.
Strike is a young city drug pusher under the tutelage of drug lord Rodney Little. When a night manager at a fast-food restaurant is found with four bullets in his body, Strike’s older brother turns himself in as the killer. Detective Rocco Klein doesn’t buy the story, however, setting out to find the truth, and it seems that all the fingers point toward Strike & Rodney.
Vasara viename Minesotos miestelyje „atšildė“ ir dviejų, amžinai besivaidijančių, senukų santykius. Džonas laimingai gyvena santuokoje su Ariele, o Maksas toliau vienišauja. Bet ramybė trunka neilgai. Į miestelį atvyksta nuostabi moteris Marija Rageti. Ji pasiryžusi legendinę žvejų užeigą paversti itališku restoranu. Džonas ir Maksas nori sutrukdyti Marijos planams. Jie skleidžia išgalvotas apkalbas, taip tikėdamiesi sužlugdyti restoraną. Tačiau senukai nesitikėjo, kad Marija bus nemažiau atkakli. Moteris pasiruošusi ne tik laimėti karą, bet užkariauti Makso širdį.
A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order to protect his sister and her young daughter.
Džeikas Carteris yra greitosios pagalbos darbuotojas. Vieną dieną jis atsiliepia į nelaimės skambutį ir atsiduria situacijoje, kuri priverčia jį ginti svarbų asmenį nuo baikerių gaujos, kuri negailestingai jį medžioja.
IV-ojo dešimtmečio Niujorkas. Trys gangsterių šeimos yra pasidalinusios miestą savo zonomis. Tuo metu nepaperkamų policininkų ir sąžiningų teisėjų nebuvo. Kai Harlemo valdanti "Karalienė" pradeda pelningą loterijų verslą, tai didžiausias jos priešas žiaurusis mafijozas Dutchas Schultzas sufabrikuoja bylą, ko pasekoje moteris atsiduria kalėjime. Savo reikalų patikėtiniu ji paskiria neseniai iš kalėjimo išėjusį Bumpy Johnsoną, kuris ketina paskelbti karą klastingajam Schultzui.
Jewell and Gil are farmers. They seem to be working against the odds, producing no financial surplus. Gil has lost hope of ever becoming prosperous, but Jewell decides to fight for her family.
Tai – itališkas čilietiško filmo „Una Mujer Sin Filtro“ perdirbinys. Pagrindinė filmo veikėja ieško gydymo nuo streso, nes vieną dieną ji suvokia, jog nebegali filtruoti savo kalbos.
Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but then makes the terrible discovery that his own son has fallen into a life of crime.
Ivo is a former pro footballer and jailbird with nothing to lose. He is a betting natural and his talent and background attract the interest of Dejan, the leader of a dangerous underworld family.
On Christmas Eve, Greg, a solitary and taciturn police officer, doesn't hesitate to leave his daughter behind to go on a mission. To teach him a lesson, Santa Claus decides to grant his daughter's wish: that her father looks like Richard Silestone, the good-natured and heavily indebted family man from the beloved Christmas movie she adores. While Greg is sent into this improbable world, Richard accidentally lands in the real world and both men realize they have no choice but to complete each other's missions to reclaim their respective lives.
A rich millionaire hires a sophisticated journalist to bring his somewhat dim-witted girlfriend up to the level of his peers. He fears that the showgirl's lack of etiquette may damage his own social reputation and tries to change her — but fails to realise that her enhanced eloquence will empower her to voice her own strong opinions.
A group of friends including Brady Turner, Claire and Duncan McKay go out on a boat trip on a lake in Southern California, but their joyful weekend turns into horror, when a giant killer crocodile searching for its stolen eggs, picks off anyone who gets in its way. Can they all escape in one piece or will they slowly and painfully fall to the mammoth reptile.
After dating a wonderful man, Hope comes back home, sees her daughter Jennifer and goes to sleep. She wakes-up in the woods with a psychopath...
In the aftermath of a violent robbery, a New Orleans doctor, Eugene Grimes, wakes to find a wounded woman and $2 million in cash on his doorstep. In pursuit of the thieves, police captain Clarence Jefferson discovers that Grimes is the key not only to the money but to a dark web of intrigue and vengeance stretching back to a bloody civil war in El Salvador a decade before.