Under the direction of a ruthless instructor, a talented young drummer begins to pursue perfection at any cost, even his humanity.

Tonijs Lips, mazizglītots bāra apsargs itāļu apdzīvotā rajonā Ņujorkā, saņem piedāvājumu kļūt par melnādainā pasaules līmeņa pianista doktora Dona Šērlija šoferi koncertturnejā no Manhatanas līdz pat Dienvidu štatiem. Viņi dodas braucienā, ņemot līdzi ceļvedi, kurā atzīmēti tie retie iestādījumi, kas ir droši afroamerikāņiem. Ceļojuma laikā viņi saskarsies gan ar rasismu, gan ar negaidītu cilvēcību, un, par spīti abu atšķirīgumam, abu starpā uzplauks patiesa draudzība.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Heinzi Boesel and Kurt Fellner are two Austrian health inspectors forced to work together, traveling through Austria. Over time a beautiful friendship evolves between the odd couple who couldn't stand each other initially; a friendship that even overcomes the boundaries of great tragedy.

Darbība risinās divdesmitā gadsimta divdesmitajos gados, Čikāgā. Pilsētā valda noziedzība, savācis saujiņu sabiedroto - divus policistus un savu palīgu - aģents Eliots Ness ir nolēmis cīnīties pret to un gāzt pašu Alu Kaponi.

Warum muss Hader weg? Weil keine Zeit für die Revolution bleibt? Weil man Liebe kaufen kann? Oder weil Feinrippunterhosen so viel aufsaugen? "In diesem Programm kommen vor: eine nachtschwarze Vorstadtstraße voller Gebrauchtwagenhändler, eine heruntergekommene Tankstelle, ein versifftes Lokal, ein Kuvert mit 10.000 Euro, eine Schusswaffe und zirka sieben verpfuschte Leben. Das ist Pulp Fiction in Österreich. Eigentlich eine Mischung aus Film und Theaterstück. Kabarettprogramm ist leider gar keines", so Josef Hader selbst über "Hader muss weg". Ganz klar: Dieser Mann muss bleiben!

Former detective Brenner has become an ambulance driver and finds himself, much to his dismay, caught up in a war between two rival first aid organizations.

In war-torn colonial America, in the midst of a bloody battle between British, the French and Native American allies, the aristocratic daughter of a British Colonel and her party are captured by a group of Huron warriors. Fortunately, a group of three Mohican trappers comes to their rescue.

During the Iraq War, a Sergeant recently assigned to an army bomb squad is put at odds with his squad mates due to his maverick way of handling his work.

A man who accused a catholic bishop of abusing him when he was a child dies in the Austrian city Salzburg. Everyone except his widow and the eccentrical detective Simon Brenner keeps silent and believes that the man killed himself.

Two astronomers go on a media tour to warn humankind of a planet-killing comet hurtling toward Earth. The response from a distracted world: Meh.

Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.

After kidnapping a father and his two kids, the Gecko brothers head south to a seedy Mexican bar to hide out in safety, unaware of its notorious vampire clientele.

When Scott learns that his longtime cyber-buddy from Berlin is a gorgeous young woman, he and his friends embark on a trip across Europe.

Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes and — if he has his way — every wire bet placed west of Chicago. And he does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police and the politicians who are under his control. It’s enough to intimidate even the bravest, street-hardened cop… except, perhaps, for the small, secret crew of LAPD outsiders led by Sgt. John O’Mara and Jerry Wooters who come together to try to tear Cohen’s world apart.

Trīs draugi - Niks, Deils un Kurts vairs nespēj izturēt padotā statusu, tādēļ ir nolēmuši uzsākt uzņēmējdarbību, lai paši kļūtu par noteicējiem. Diemžēl sarunātais investors pēdējā brīdī trijotni "uzmet" un atstāj bešā. Palikuši bez cerētajiem līdzekļiem, puiši ir gatavi īstenot pārdrošu plānu - nolaupīt investora pieaugušo dēlu un pieprasīt izpirkuma maksu.

Accused of killing his brother during adolescence, Salvador lives alone in the middle of Patagonia. Several decades later, his brother Marcos and his sister-in-law Laura, come to convince him to sell the lands they share by inheritance.

Car salesman Gerry Schartl is on his way to dream holidays in an all-inclusive club at Cosamera. He´s a smart guy, great in his job, and his life is perfect - well, nearly perfect...

After hearing a child screaming for help from the green depths of a vast field of tall grass, Becky, a pregnant woman, and Cal, her brother, park their car near a mysterious abandoned church and enter the field, discovering that they are not alone and, for some reason, they are unable to escape a completely inextricable vegetable labyrinth.

A woman faces a variety of emotional crises as she spends the summer interacting in various ways with friends, family, and lovers.