When larcenous real estate clerk Marion Crane goes on the lam with a wad of cash and hopes of starting a new life, she ends up at the notorious Bates Motel, where manager Norman Bates cares for his housebound mother.

Najnovejši film kultnega Christopherja Nolana z Matthewom McConaugheyjem v vlogi vodje skupine Nasinih raziskovalcev, ki se podajo na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva. V času, ko se zaradi onesnaženja in prevladujočih peščenih viharjev, ki uničujejo floro in favno, naš čas na Zemlji bliža koncu, se skupina Nasinih raziskovalcev poda na najpomembnejšo odpravo v zgodovini človeštva: v največji tajnosti potujejo onkraj meja dojemljivega, da bi z raziskovanjem neznanih planetov dognali, ali ima človeštvo prihodnost kje onkraj našega ozvezdja.

Devetnajstletni Andrew je ambiciozen študent jazz bobnov na prestižnem glasbenem konservatoriju. V strahu pred povprečnostjo vadi dneve in noči. Ko ga ugledni in strahospoštovani glasbeni profesor Fletcher povabi v elitni šolski jazz ansambel, se njegovo življenje spremeni za vedno. Fletcherjeve brutalne, sadistične metode še bolj podžgejo Andrewovo obsedenost, da bi dosegel popolnost za vsako ceno, neizprosni učitelj pa ga žene na rob njegovih sposobnosti in zdravja. Film je od premiere na filmskemu festivalu Sundance 2014, kjer je povzročil pravo senzacijo in osvojil tako nagrado žirije kot nagrado občinstva, zagotovljena festivalska uspešnica, pospremljena s stoječimi ovacijami, kjerkoli se pojavi.

Prvič v Spider-Manovi filmski zgodovini je identiteta prijaznega junaka iz soseske razkrita in odgovornosti, ki jih ima kot superjunak, so nenadoma v konfliktu z njegovim vsakdanjim življenjem zato so vsi, ki so mu pri srcu, v nevarnosti. Ko zaprosi Doktorja Strangea naj mu pomaga obnoviti skrivnost, urok pretrga njun svet in osvobodi najmočnejše zlikovce, kar se jih je kdaj spopadlo z vsemi Spider-Mani v kateremkoli vesolju. Peter bo zdaj moral premagati največji izziv doslej, ki ne bo samo za vedno spremenil njegove prihodnosti, temveč tudi prihodnost multi-vesolja.

Mlada Riley si po selitvi družine skuša na novo organizirati življenje, pri zahtevni nalogi pa ji v njenem možganskem nadzornem centru ves čas svetujejo Veselje, Strah, Jeza, Gnus in Žalost. Naporno usklajevanje njihovih različnih karakterjev se povsem poruši, ko se Žalost in Veselje izgubita v deželi domišljije in sanj, kar povzroči zabavne spremembe v Rileynem obnašanju.

Lovec na zaklade, znani Brock Lovett in njegova ekipa leta 1996 med iskanjem ogrlice imenovane “Srce oceana” (angleško The Heart of the Ocean) najdejo sef na potopljeni ladji RMS Titanic. A v sefu ne najdejo diamanta, temveč čudovito risbo gole ženske, ki nosi Srce oceana na dan, ko se je Titanik potopil. Risba vzbudi zanimanje starejše Rose DeWitt Bukater. Po tem ko vidi risbo, na dan prikliče spomine sedemnajstletne sebe, ki se je vkrcala na Titanik. Ko vidi posnetke potopljene ladje, začne pripovedovati zgodbo. Glavna zgodba filma je postavljena v leto 1912, ko Titanik odpljuje na svojo prvo in zadnjo vožnjo.

When an unexpected enemy emerges and threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins!

Former London constable Nicholas Angel finds it difficult to adapt to his new assignment in the sleepy British village of Sandford. Not only does he miss the excitement of the big city, but he also has a well-meaning oaf for a partner. However, when a series of grisly accidents rocks Sandford, Angel smells something rotten in the idyllic village.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

As bass guitarist for a garage-rock band, Scott Pilgrim has never had trouble getting a girlfriend; usually, the problem is getting rid of them. But when Ramona Flowers skates into his heart, he finds she has the most troublesome baggage of all: an army of ex-boyfriends who will stop at nothing to eliminate him from her list of suitors.

Štiričlanska družina je prisiljena živeti v popolni tišini, da jih ne bi napadle skrivnostne sile, ki jih lahko najdejo samo, če jih tudi slišijo. Njihovo gibanje je omejeno, sporazumevajo se v znakovnem jeziku, tudi otroka sta prisiljena v igro, ki se odvija v čisti tišini. Čeprav so dobro organizirani in življenju v tišini posvečajo vso svojo pozornost in energijo, se kmalu zaplete.

With King Richard off to the Crusades, Prince John and his slithering minion, Sir Hiss, set about taxing Nottingham's citizens with support from the corrupt sheriff - and staunch opposition by the wily Robin Hood and his band of merry men.

An American Ambassador is killed during an attack at a U.S. compound in Libya as a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos.

When Van Helsing's mysterious invention, the "Monsterfication Ray," goes haywire, Drac and his monster pals are all transformed into humans, and Johnny becomes a monster. In their new mismatched bodies, Drac and Johnny must team up and race across the globe to find a cure before it's too late, and before they drive each other crazy.

An award-winning cynical journalist, Lloyd Vogel, begrudgingly accepts an assignment to write an Esquire profile piece on the beloved television icon Fred Rogers. After his encounter with Rogers, Vogel's perspective on life is transformed.

A veteran pot dealer creates a fake family as part of his plan to move a huge shipment of weed into the U.S. from Mexico.

'Pleasantly plump' teenager Tracy Turnblad achieves her dream of becoming a regular on the Corny Collins Dance Show. Now a teen hero, she starts using her fame to speak out for the causes she believes in, most of all integration. In doing so, she earns the wrath of the show's former star, Amber Von Tussle, as well as Amber's manipulative, pro-segregation parents. The rivalry comes to a head as Amber and Tracy vie for the title of Miss Auto Show 1963.

Young Bart Collins lives with his widowed mother Heloise. The major blight on Bart's existence is the hated piano lessons he is forced to endure under the tutelage of the autocratic Dr. Terwilliker. Bart feels that his mother has fallen under Terwilliker's sinister influence, and gripes to visiting plumber August Zabladowski, without much result. While grimly hammering away at his lessons, Bart dozes off and enters a fantastical musical dream.

A lone scientist in the Arctic races to contact a crew of astronauts returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.

A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.