In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Историята на тримата Пазители от Отвъдното продължава. Този път те се опитват да оневинят братът на пожарникаря Ким, сержант Ким Сухон.Историята придобива неочакван обрат, когато пазителите започват да връщат спомените от последното си прераждане като хора отпреди едно хилядолетие. "Всички хора живеят с определени грехове и само единици намират в себе си сили да простят. И само част от тези единици действително се разкайват и получават опрощение." Йомра, върховно божество

В климатичната инсталация на малка фабрика за кестени в тихо селце, докато зимата бавно се утаява, една млада калинка попада в капан в кашона, транспортиран до Карибите. Родителят му тръгва към райския архипелаг, за да намери малкото си дете и да го освободи. След като най-накрая стига там, нашият герой е натоварен с двойна мисия: да намери своето потомство и да спаси дома на новите си карибски приятели от калинки, застрашени от строителна площадка. За щастие нашият герой ще може да разчита на своя приятел черната мравка, който долита на помощ от другата страна на света.

Cartoon worlds collide in this hourlong adventure starring whiz kid Jimmy Neutron and Timmy Turner from "The Fairly OddParents." When the boys duel over Cindy Vortex, it draws the attention of Jimmy's archenemy, Prof. Calamitous, who teams with Wanda and Cosmo, forcing Jimmy and Timmy to work together to save the world from the all-powerful villain.

Goku and friends must stop a band of space pirates from consuming fruit from the Tree of Might before it's destructive powers drain Earth's energy.

High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.

Yan is a successful artist. One day he is waiting for his date Florence to turn up at his apartment. As the doorbell rings, he finds another young woman in underwear on his doorstep: his neighbor Eva! She tells him she locked herself out of her apartment and insists that he helps her. Whilst Yan is trying to enter Eva's apartment via their adjoining balcony, his phone rings. It is Florence, and she is not impressed when a female voice answers the phone. At this point, Eva's rabidly jealous boyfriend Boris returns home. Seeing Yan in his apartment, he deduces that Eva has been having an affair behind his back. Florence then turns up and Yan tries in vain to explain the situation. By chance, Florence's husband suddenly puts in an appearance. After that, it all starts to get a bit complicated.

Аленият бързак се е изправял срещу много корави противници, но никой не е бил толкова труден колкото Джеймс Джеси. След като опитът му да убие частен детектив бива провален, Джеймс се заклева да победи Светкавицата като маскираният престъпник Трикстър. С неговият луд гений изглежда, че той е единственият злодей, който може да се съревновава със свръх скоростта на Светкавицата.

Войната за Рая все още не е свършила .Злият ангел Габриел(Кристофър Уокън) се въздига от ада, с намерение да обяви война на Бог и човечеството. Той е най-мощен от Ангелите Господни и за да спечели духовната война, Габриел първо трябва да убие медицинската сестра от Лос Анджелис Валери Розалес (Дженифър Бийлс), която е бременна и чака полу-ангелско бебе. Въоръжен с жестока армия от прокълнати ангели, Габриел тръгва да унищожи най-ценното творение на Бог - човечеството. Но добрият ангел Даняел(Ръсел Уонг) обединява всичките си небесни сили, за да защити Розалес и нейното дете от лапите на Габриел.

Шарлийн Йи не вярва в любовта. Или поне тя така казва. Преживяванията й са я превърнали в скептик. Филмът следва Шарлийн докато тя обикаля Америка и прави документален филм за нещото, което не разбира напълно. Докато тя и нейният близък приятел Никълъс търсят отговори и съвети за любовта, Шарлийн говори с приятели, непознати, учени, мотористи, писатели на любовни романи и деца. Те всички споделят различните си виждания за модерния романс, както и отговарят на въпроса дали истинската любов съществува.

In very bad weather and a stormy sea, a small boat manned by two men is trying to leave the harbor of La Ciotat, while several people are watching them from the nearby pier.

On August 15, 1944 the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team (PRCT) jumped over the south of France. Their mission was to support and protect the Allied Troops marching to Berlin. Landing in enemy territory, they fell under immediate attack. In their effort to complete the mission and rendez-vous with their unit, three isolated paratroopers come across a group of French resistants in desperate need. They decide to help liberate some of the captive Partisans. Doing so they will risk their lives.

The story unfolds the events happening in just four hours of a day in two cities - Kochi and Chennai. Balu (Aju Varghese) who goes to Chennai to attend an interview falls into a trap in the few minutes he goes out of the call centre office to make a phone call. He contacts his friend Kishore (Indrajith), an ad filmmaker and his friend, to help him with some money. Kishore, who is in Kochi, has an equally crucial day. His wife Surya (Mamta Mohandas) is returning to his life as the couple has been living separate for some time. Kishore sets aside his plans to reconcile with his wife to help his friend. However, he fails to gather enough money to help Balu. How money changes the life of these characters forms the rest of the story.

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.