Cry Baby, a strong and sensitive girl, is sent off to a disturbing sleepaway school that’s hidden underneath a grandiose façade. Luckily, she has a sweet and unapologetic best friend who sticks up for her when she gets bullied by the other students whose brains are under control by the Principal and his wicked staff. With the help of the magical friends they meet along the way, as well as an Angelic Spirit Guide, they are able to gain the strength they need to fight off the school’s belligerent patriarchal conditioning.

A. A. Milne, úspešný spisovateľ, ktorý sa nikdy nespamätal z hrôz prvej svetovej vojny, sa spolu so svojou ženou Daphne a malým synom Christopherom Robinom sťahuje na pokojný vidiek, kde chce načerpať inšpiráciu pre svoju ďalšiu tvorbu. Nápady však neprichádzajú, Daphne novým spôsobom života pohŕda a malému chlapcovi sa dostáva lásky iba od pestúnky. K zmene však dochádza v momente, keď začne Milne svojmu zblúdenému synovi rozprávať príbehy, z ktorých sa nakoniec zrodia úspešné detské knižky o Medvedíkovi Pú. Rozprávky o chlapcovi a jeho zvieratkách však dramaticky zmenia osud celej rodiny.

Set in cold rural Quebec at Christmas time, we follow the coming of age of a young boy and the life of his family which owns the town's general store and undertaking business.

A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his ideas.

A holiday fable that tells the story of an elderly man discovering love for the first time.

Based on the popular book by L. Frank Baum, the beloved author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, comes the incredible story of The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus. Many centuries ago, long before toys had even been invented, a baby abandoned at the edge of an enchanted forest was adopted and raised by a beautiful wood nymph, thus beginning the life story of Santa Claus. From his first truly magical childhood through the discovery of his life's work of making children happy, discover the origin of every tradition surrounding Santa Claus, from toys, stockings and lighted trees to reindeer and sleigh. Journey back to a time of magic and wonder, and experience this heartwarming tale that will bring joy each holiday season.

Lupin begins his heist by stealing a newly-discovered Japanese cultural treasure being transported to Germany. During his attempt to steal the treasure, however, he witnesses the always-ambitious Zenigata's supposed "death," a plan hatched by a ninja clan who are also after the treasure. Can Lupin and his friends prevent the ninja clan from obtaining what they seek?

Los Angeles television producer Maggie Baker unwittingly falls for Danny Wise, the son and former producer of his mother’s popular annual Christmas special Julia Wise Lifestyle. When Maggie’s secret plan to reunite Danny and his two brothers with Julia during the live broadcast in Vermont goes awry, Maggie is reminded that above all, it is the love for family and friends that makes the merriest of Christmas.

Personal shopper Gwen's newest client, Charlie, is a high-rolling, workaholic, single father. When Gwen meets his 8-year-old son, Owen, during a package drop, she is saddened to see just how little time Charlie spends with him. Determined to get Charlie to appreciate his family, Gwen makes it her Christmas mission to get him into the festive spirit.

Karri, Pete, André, Akseli and Joni dream, party, love and boast like only teenage males can. They're dealing with the same issues as every other young man — fears and hopes for future, disillusions and problems with parents.

Set during the Rodney King riots, a robbery homicide investigation triggers a series of events that will cause a corrupt LAPD officer to question his tactics.

Carlo and Giulia are grappling with new problems regarding the division of their respective tasks within the family. Since Giulia has started working again, it is Carlo who takes care of the children and the household chores. However, he starts to find the role of “Mr. Mom” a bit tight-fitting. Just when he decides to get back into the game and look for a job, Giulia reveals to him that she is up for a promotion that would lead her to move to Sweden. As if that weren’t enough, she will have to take the interview on December 24 in Stockholm. Everything seems to threaten the family unity. What should they do? Carlo comes up with a "brilliant" idea… To recover the old camper and drag the family into an adventure that will lead them on a journey to the North to spend Christmas all together lovingly. Unexpected events along the way and a hilarious encounter/confrontation with a self-styled Santa Claus will make the trip unforgettable.

Keď sa na Vianoce zídu v jednom dome štyri generácie klanu Cooperovcov, na pokojné prežitie sviatkov to veľmi nevyzerá. Neočakávaní hostia a množstvo nepravdepodobných príhod a náhod obrátia pokojný večer úplne naruby, aby sa na konci ukázala skutočná sila rodiny a to pravé čaro Vianoc.

Niko verí, že otec, ktorého nikdy nepoznal, je jedným zo svetoznámej letky Santa Clausa. Jeho najväčším snom je naučiť sa lietať rovnako dobre ako jeho otec. Dospelé soby z Nikovho stáda však nemajú pre sobíkov talent ani najmenšie pochopenie a deti sa mu smejú. Vlastne vôbec nikto mu neverí, že jeho otec je medzinárodná hviezda. Jediný, kto ho podporuje a verí mu, je neohrabaná lietajúca veverička Július. Napriek prísnym zákazom stáda sa Niko rozhodne nacvičovať si svoj let na kopci, na ktorom hrozí útok vyhladovaných vlkov. Pri jeho smole ho vlci samozrejme zavetria a celé stádo si musí hľadať nový úkryt. Niko sa cíti previnilo, a preto opustí stádo, svoju matku i kamarátku Sagu a spoločne s Júliusom a líškou Wilmou sa vydá na ďalekú cestu za svojím otcom…

Skupina ôsmych tínedžrov pracujúcich v supermarkete sa rozhodne, že si po práci ostane v prevádzke a spraví menšiu párty. Keď sa však obchodný dom uzamkne, robotickí strážcovia poriadku sa zbláznia a začnú s plným elánom pracovať na priorite číslo 1 - zabiť votrelcov.

Christmas designer Leslie Major (Brely Evans) is the biggest fan of Christmas ever. She is like a tidal wave of Yuletide cheer. Her biggest job every year is decorating the lobby of the famed Chesterton Hotel. As she is on a ladder decorating the tree, she falls into the arms of Edmund James (Andra Fuller) - the grandson of the owner JJ James. Edmund is all business and thinks Christmas is superficial and frivolous.

Thousands of years ago in ancient China, a man fights against his destiny. He wants another chance to be reunited with his loved one and he gets that chance, in a far away place and a far away time, in modern Finland.

Su-young, a police detective who went to prison for someone else, is surprised when a mysterious woman named Yoon-sun arrives to collect her on her day of release. As she discovers that the promised compensation for her time behind bars has vanished, Su-young embarks on a mission to reclaim what rightfully belongs to her.

Mladý reportér a jeho neter objavia nádherné a očarujúce stvorenie, o ktorom veria, že môže byť naozajstná morská panna.