Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Fresh off the heels of her brand-new album, "Happier Than Ever," this cinematic concert experience features an intimate performance of every song in the album's sequential order – for the first and only time – from the stage of the legendary Hollywood Bowl.

Álvaro is a marketing manager, divorced with a son who he can barely talk to, living a mediocre life and doing a mediocre job, until his bosses tell him he needs to improve his marketing campaigns for the next 2018's World Cup. He'll soon launch a plan with Argentina's National Football Team and the upcoming qualifiers that may become a lot more risky that he planned.

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

Туити неочаквано се оказва следващият престолонаследник и сяда на трона в този нов пълнометражен филм.

Feeling unhappy with his gun, Jigen is looking for the world’s best gunsmith. He finally finds out that Chiharu, who runs a watch shop, is the person he’s been seeking. Then, Jigen meets Oto, who comes to Chiharu’s shop looking for a gun. Jigen finds out about Oto's secrets and the mysterious organization that’s after her. After Oto is kidnapped, Jigen gets into a desperate battle to save her.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

След смъртта на Чарас, Лино и Джулия поемат отдел "Наркотици". Решен да открие убийците на брат си и наставника си, Лино няма да позволи на никого да му се изпречи на пътя.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

A young man, plagued by the music in his head, has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balancing love, family and Brazilian culture in Newark, New Jersey.

Преди седем години, Заид започна война срещу подземния свят в Копенхаген, за да отмъсти за смъртта на брат си. Животът му като уважаван кардиолог и семеен човек вече е в миналото и в затвора е измъчван от факта, че почти не познава сина си. Когато полицай му предлага сделка, която може да го измъкне от затвора в замяна на проникване в подземния свят на Копенхаген, той вижда своя шанс да си върне обратно това, което е изгубил. Но всичко си има цена и Заид скоро осъзнава, че сериозно е застрашил живота на сина си. В крайна сметка, станеш ли част от подземния свят, има ли някакъв изход?

Базиран на едноименния роман на Грегъри Макдоналд. Филмът проследява историята на разследващия журналист Флетч, който се оказва в много трудна ситуация, разследвайки кражбата на колекцията от произведения на изкуството на приятелката си. Случайно той е обвинен в убийство и за да се оправдае, започва собствено разследване, в което скоро разбира, че много хора, включително и приятелката му, могат да бъдат виновници.

While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight strikes?

An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaking point by an abusive female guard.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

Two young children and an adult in a small town have an encounter with an alien spaceship. 25 years later the children are reunited as adults in the same town which is now beset by strange cattle mutilations. Matters become worse when the cattle mutilations are joined by human murders and mutilations.

In a post-apocalyptic future, mankind is color blind. A brilliant scientist suddenly dies, leaving his precious briefcase-filled with a highly-addictive synthetic drug that allows people to see colors again-to Ana, a mere 12-year-old girl. Possession of the briefcase makes her the target of a doctor with wicked plans for the drug, and her only hope to escape his pursuit relies on the aid of the dead scientist's two devoted bodyguards. Together, their epic, perilous journey pivots on a tremendous secret: Ana herself could be the key to salvaging a world in ruins.

Когато сделката между корумпиран губернатор и безмилостен наркобос се проваля, бившият агент от специалните части се озовава под прицела. Сега, когато семейството му е в опасност, Док трябва да разбие мексиканския наркокартел и да направи всичко необходимо, за да защити единственото смислено нещо в живота си - дъщеря си, малката Дикси.

Every parent's worst nightmare is just the beginning for Rachel's ordeal as in the aftermath of a tragic accident, she and her husband Anthony decide to move to the other side of the world to focus on their surviving twin son Elliot. What begins as a time of healing and isolation in the Finnish countryside turns into a desperate battle for the very soul of their son as an entity claiming to be his dead twin brother takes over Elliot — setting Rachel on a diabolical journey to unravel the horrible truth about her twin son.

„Кошмари на Queen Mary“ проследява мистериозните събития, които се завъртат около пътуването на две семейства, чиито животи се преплитат по ужасяващ начин. От мистериозно убийство през 1938 г. до необяснимите паранормални истории днес – истината за злото, обладаващо кораба, остава загадка.