Panash is a fictional film set in a dystopian near future. Buenos Aires is in flames, convulsed by a state of siege that seems to have no end. But in the margins of the city, there is room for a love story.

Chinese secret agent Da-hee receives intel that a large number of illegal firearms are being smuggled into Korea and is sent to investigate the case. She meets Su-han, who is supposed to help her with the case, but due to his lackluster skills they fight over trivial things. But as their witnesses are suddenly murdered, the two of them quickly become the prime suspects.

After the early death of his wife, a mourning father moves with his teenage son across the country for a private school teaching job. Their lives begin to transform due to two unique women, who help them embrace life and love again

Pokračovanie úspešného hororu sa odohráva niekoľko rokov po násilnom vniknutí do domu, kde Norman Nordstrom žije v ústraní, kým ho nedobehnú hriechy z minulosti.

New York Harlem, 70. roky minulého storočia. Očami Tish Rivers je prerozprávaný ľúbostný príbeh medzi devätnásťročnou Tish a jej priateľom, umelcom Alonzom Huntom prezývaným aj Fonny. Tish a Fonny sa priatelia od detstva a snívajú o spoločnej budúcnosti v manželstve. Fonnyho ale zatknú a uväznia za zločin, ktorý nespáchal...

Príbeh odvážneho mladíka Devona Milesa, ktorý chce doviesť školskú kapelu k víťazstvu. Sám sa cíti byť najtalentovanejším bubeníkom sveta, ale čoskoro zistí, že cesta na vrchol si vyžaduje oveľa viac než iba nadanie. A čo potom, keď mu hlavu zamotá láska? Mladík Devon Miles je talent na pohľadanie. Talent, aký sa rodí raz za sto rokov... Rodený bubeník už roky sníva svoj sen, ako sa stane hlavným bubeníkom v prestížnej školskej kapele. Na to, aby dosiahol svoj cieľ, však bude musieť nielen prekonať svoju pýchu, ale aj využiť svoj talent tak, aby ho každý rešpektoval. Navyše sa bude musieť vyrovnať s veľkým náporom na svoje city, pretože práve stretol dievča, ktoré nemôže nechať len tak odísť, aj keď na romantiku nemá práve čas. Kým však ona stihne zamotať hlavu jemu, on stihne zamotať hlavu všetkým naokolo. Svojím hudobným talentom!

Two U.S. Treasury ("T-men") agents go undercover in Detroit, and then Los Angeles, in an attempt to break a U.S. currency counterfeiting ring.

Karen --a beautiful, ambitious, ruthless, senior executive-- is determined to take over this merger at any cost.

When a drug to replicate plant cells creates a sentient form of flower, the planet is over taken by flora and humankind is depleted. A Chinese task force, a widowed father and his young daughter fight to survive in a mission to inject an antidote to the core of the plants to reverse their growth.

A boy meets a girl named Riya and falls in love. After struggling to convince her to be his girlfriend, she half-heartedly agrees to be his `half-girlfriend'.

A car accident and shifting affections test the bond between a married couple.

Príslušník jednotky S.W.A.T. Jim Street spolu so svojim partnerom Brianom Gamblom v priebehu záchrany rukojemníkov z prepadnutej banky urobí nesprávne rozhodnutie, za ktoré je následne donútený opustiť elitný policajný tím. Gamble je vývojom situácie znechutený a odchádza od polície, Street sa s ponížením vyrovná, prijme nové pracovné miesto a dúfa, že jedného dňa dostane šancu znovu sa dostať do jednotky rýchleho nasadenia. Jeho sen sa mu plní krátko potom, čo je veliteľ Dan „Hondo“ Harrelson poverený úlohou nájsť a vycvičiť päť prvotriednych policajtov, z ktorých sa stane nová jednotka S.W.A.T. Ihneď po zakončení niekoľkotýždňového náročného výcviku čaká nový tím prvá ostrá akcia - drogový boss Alex Montel otvorene prehlási, že zaplatí 100 miliónov dolárov človeku, ktorému sa podarí oslobodiť ho z policajnej väzby.

A young woman discovers a Christmas-themed dreamworld inside a magical snowglobe. Angela loves Christmas more than anything. However, her family does not share her love for the holiday at all. When she is about to breakdown because of her family, she receives a snowglobe in the mail. When she opens up the snowglobe, she is transported into the world inside, where Christmas is the heart and soul for everyone who lives there. She discovers she can return to her world by going down a small path in the small forest at the edge of the village, and can return whenever she winds up the snowglobe. After a long set of visits to the globe, she accidentally gets trapped inside.

When a law student accidentally kills the son of a mob boss in a fight, he finds himself relentlessly pursued by the mob and the police.

A nerdy teen, Ryan Woodman is smitten with the popular and gorgeous Ashley Grant, who apparently has no interest in him. Meanwhile, dim star athlete Chris Campbell has his eye on Ryan's brainy and beautiful friend, Maggie Carter. The two agree to help each other in their romantic quests, but, as they come closer to their goals, both Ryan and Chris suspect that they might be pursuing the wrong girls.

Phil Weston has been unathletic his entire life. In college he failed at every sport that he tried out for. It looks like his 10-year old son, Sam, is following in his footsteps. But when Phil's hyper-competitive dad benches Sam, Phil decides to transfer his son to a new team which needs a coach. Phil steps in to be the temporary coach and immediately begins to butt heads with his dad over this new competition in their lives.

After his fiancée, Kate, dies in an accident on their wedding day, veterinarian Henry grows depressed. To help him move on, his sister has him visit psychic Ashley and gives her Kate's diary. Ashley uses the journal's details to convincingly deliver the fake message that Kate wants Henry to move on. However, Kate's ghost is watching over Ashley and Henry. Furious when they fall for each other, she vows to sabotage their relationship.

Follows an investigator as he prevents a terrorist attack during a symposium held by Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption. He later finds it has links to human trafficking in Thailand.

Južnou časťou USA preletel obrovský roj "afrických včiel". Vojenská základňa, neďaleké mesto, všade už zabila veľa ľudí a pomaly sa blíži k Houstonu... Zostaví sa vedecký tím, aby našiel spôsob, ako roj zastaviť...

Street dancer, Thomas Uncles is from the wrong side of the tracks, but his bond with the beautiful Megan White might help the duo realize their dreams as they enter in the mother of all dance battles.