Alex Trebek hosts a documentary about television game shows featuring interviews with a number of game show hosts and producers.

Max and Steel face their greatest challenge ever. When Max's greatest enemies unite to take down N-Tek and conquer Copper Canyon, Max and Steel realize that they can't save the day on their own. It's time to form a new team of heroes with Tempestra, La Fiera, and C.Y.T.R.O. - TEAM TURBO

September 18, 1980, 6:25 p.m., Titan II base in Damascus, Arkansas. On this fateful night an explosion kills an Air Force member and transforms the lives of everyone on the base. Honing in on a single case of so-called “human error”, Command and Control juxtaposes precision on a minute scale against the gargantuan risks inherent in the United States’ aggressive nuclear proliferation policy during the Cold War.

In 1978, a Kiss concert was an epoch-making event. For the three teen fans in Detroit Rock City getting tickets to the sold-out show becomes the focal point of their existence. They'll do anything for tickets -- compete in a strip club's amateur-night contest, take on religious protesters, even rob a convenience store!

A recently-widowed science fiction writer considers whether to adopt a hyper-imaginative 6-year-old abandoned and socially-rejected boy who says he's really from Mars.

A young boxer joins a martial arts school to increase his skill so he can enter a martial arts competition. He leaves the school when he hears that a local gangster is terrorizing the town. He comes to the aid of a young singer and brings on the wrath of the local gang. He eventually enters the martial arts competition after learning iron palm technique and takes out all competition.

This latest installment of Babylon 5 is in two parts: the first, is about an entity that has possessed a worker. It wants to be exorcised but Col. Lochley prevents the priest & sends it & the host both back to Earth. The second is about Galen trying to dupe President Sheridan into assassinating the future Centauri President to stop him possibly attacking Earth in 30 years time.

After breaking up with her long-term boyfriend just before the holidays, passionate baker Kylie reconnects with her high school sweetheart, Nick. Thanks to their newly rekindled friendship, Kylie uses Nick’s restaurant to prepare for a gingerbread baking competition with a large cash prize that would help her open her own bakery.

Niekde v hlbinách južného Pacifiku je niečo neznáme, neuveriteľné a veľmi tajomné. Svet však nie je pripravený na novú moc. Psychológ Dr. Norman Goodman, biochemička Beth Halperinová, matematik Harry Adams a veliteľ Barnes sa vydávajú na nebezpečnú podmorskú misiu, aby preskúmali záhadnú guľu. Aké tajomstvo v sebe ukrýva?

Gotham City, 30. roky 20. storočia. Životom kypiacu metropolu nečakane napadne armáda obrích robotov. V meste vypukne panika a zmizne niekoľko známych vedcov. Kto stojí za vražedným útokom? Prečo v poslednom čase záhadne zmizlo hneď niekoľko svetovo preslávených vedcov Prvotriedny stíhací pilot Sky, ambiciózna reportérka denníka Chronicle, Polly Perkinsová a krásna mariňáčka Franky Cooková spoja svoje sily, aby zistili, kto má zdrvujúce útoky na svedomí. Zdá sa, že za všetkým stojí tajomný doktor Totenkopf.

Kam zamieria kroky bádateľov Lewisa a Clarka, tam ich prenasledujú Hunt a Edwards, ktorí dúfajú, že predbehnú slávnych účastníkov expedície a stanú sa hrdinnými priekopníkmi. Vari sa v krajine plnej medveďov, indiánov, predsunutých hliadok a potulných dobrodruhov, ktorí práve nemajú svoj deň, nenájde trochu miesta pre ďalších dvoch dobrodruhov, ktorým nejde o nič viac, než sa trochu presláviť?

Joe Gavilan and his new partner K. C. Calden, are detectives on the beat in Tinseltown. Neither one of them really wants to be a cop, Gavilan moonlights as a real estate broker, and Calden is an aspiring actor moonlighting as a yoga instructor. When the two are assigned a big case they must work out whether they want to solve the case or follow their hearts.

A ruthless real estate developer is possessed by the violent spirits of the Native American tribesmen he massacred, which force him to go on an indiscriminate killing spree against his will.

Vlna horúčav zaplavila L.A., všetci sa chystajú na veľkolepé oslavy 4. júla a svet stojí na pokraji skazy.

Lionel has a way with women. His sexual exploits make his friends jealous. One of them, Alain, challenges him to seduce a beautiful woman picked at random, fall in love with her and spend a night with her — but abstain from making love.

Wealthy thrill-seekers pay huge premiums to have themselves inserted into military adventures, only this time things don't go exactly to plan.

Dale Squire is a hip, quirky, independent single gal living in the glossy city of Los Angeles. After several failed attempts in quasi-relationships, Dale concludes that finding a meaningful relationship in L.A. is impossible. But being anti-social is tough for any young girl in Hollywood. With Jill's frantic wedding right around the corner, Dale finds herself reflecting on the significance of marriage, and the mutual respect needed for a successful relationship. When Zach, a successful heartthrob rock star and old friend of Dale's finds his way back into her life, Dale slowly starts to think that maybe finding love in L.A. is possible - the only problem is that her realization might have come too late, leaving Dale in a silent love triangle, with no way out. Written by Will, Christie

30 years ago, when members of a religious cult known as Heaven's Veil take their own lives. The truth behind what really happened remains buried deep in the memory of the sole survivor, a five-year-old girl. Now as an adult she returns to the compound with a documentary crew. They soon discover something that is far more terrifying than anything they could have imagined.

A crew of Martians overhears a radio broadcast of Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" coming from Earth, and, thinking the Martian fleet is attacking Earth, they land their broken-down ship in a backwater mid-American town. As luck would have it, they land on Halloween and get mistaken for trick-or-treaters. Comedy ensues as the Martians try to get taken seriously.

It's the 13th month of the 13th year of the new millennium.