Andrew's brave front convinces his father that he is unaffected by his mother's death. Playmate and protector of his little brother Miles, he is often blamed when mischief goes wrong. Only when tragedy strikes does his father recognize Andrew's true qualities.

After losing one of his horses in an accident, an illiterate horse cab driver sets out into the desert in a quest for a mythical lost treasure.

In a small English village everyone suddenly falls unconscious. When they awake every woman of child bearing age is pregnant. The resulting children have the same strange blond hair, eyes and a strong connection to each other.

A scruffy garbage boy becomes the pupil of famed gunfighter Talby, and the stage for confrontation is set when the gunman overruns the boy's town through violence and corruption.

Stop-motion photography blends with extreme slow-motion in Clair's first and most 'dada' film, composed of a series of zany, interconnected scenes. We witness a rooftop chess match between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, a hearse pulled by a camel (and chased by its pallbearers) and a dizzying roller coaster finale. A film of contradictions and agreements.

Successful surgeon Tomas leaves Prague for an operation, meets a young photographer named Tereza, and brings her back with him. Tereza is surprised to learn that Tomas is already having an affair with the bohemian Sabina, but when the Soviet invasion occurs, all three flee to Switzerland. Sabina begins an affair, Tom continues womanizing, and Tereza, disgusted, returns to Czechoslovakia. Realizing his mistake, Tomas decides to chase after her.

A thrilling mystery that unfurls in the alleys and on the rooftops of the French capital, Paris, over the course of one adventurous evening.

Set in Baroque France, a scheming widow and her lover make a bet regarding the corruption of a recently married woman. The lover, Valmont, bets that he can seduce her, even though she is an honorable woman. If he wins, he can have his lover to do as he will. However, in the process of seducing the married woman, Valmont falls in love.

Legendinė prancūzų – italų komedija su šmaikštuoliu Louis De Fuinesu. Jo užsispyręs herojus Luisas vadovauja jachtų gamybos kompanijai. Kai vieną dieną įmonės inžinierius Kastanjė sukuria nesėkmingą jachtos modelį ir ši nuskęsta direktoriaus akyse, šis atleidžia inžinierių su trenksmu. Netrukus jachtų magnatas sužino, kad kitas, Kastanjė kurtas modelis laimėjo prestižines varžybas. Luisas visomis išgalėmis bando susigrąžinti savo darbuotoją, kuris dabar negali atsiginti pelningų pasiūlymų.

Three of the original five "young guns" — Billy the Kid, Jose Chavez y Chavez, and Doc Scurlock — return in Young Guns, Part 2, which is the story of Billy the Kid and his race to safety in Old Mexico while being trailed by a group of government agents led by Pat Garrett.

John Reilly discovers that his family's newly inherited castle in Italy is haunted by a relentless bloodthirsty creature.

Three little criminals get a tip for a great coup with lots of money in it. Unfortunately they lack the starting funds to buy the required welding torch. So they persuade their successful colleague Alphonse to join their team. But the well thought-out coup fails, and Alphonse is the only one of them who ends up in jail for several years. When he's released, he's out for revenge.

Due to an experimental vaccine, Dr. Robert Neville is the only human survivor of an apocalyptic war waged with biological weapons. Besides him, only a few hundred deformed, nocturnal people remain - sensitive to light, and homicidally psychotic.

Pretty Melinda Howard has been abroad singing with a musical troupe. She decides to return home to surprise her mother whom she thinks is a successful Broadway star with a mansion in Manhattan. She doesn't know that her mother is actually a burnt-out cabaret singer with a love for whiskey. When she arrives at the mansion, she is taken in by the two servants who are friends of her mother's. The house actually belongs to Adolph Hubbell, a kind-hearted Broadway producer who also gets drawn into the charade. Hubbell takes a shine to Melinda and agrees to star her in his next show. Melinda also finds romance with a handsome hoofer who's also in the show. All is going well for Melinda except that she wants to see her mother who keeps putting off their reunion.

The explorer craft USS Palomino is returning to Earth after a fruitless 18-month search for extra-terrestrial life when the crew comes upon a supposedly lost ship, the USS Cygnus, hovering near a black hole. The ship is controlled by Dr. Hans Reinhardt and his monstrous robot companion, but the initial wonderment and awe the Palomino crew feel for the ship and its resistance to the power of the black hole turn to horror as they uncover Reinhardt's plans.

Professor Challenger leads an expedition of scientists and adventurers to a remote plateau deep in the Amazonian jungle to verify his claim that dinosaurs still live there.

To break the plane during flight 747 and steal a quarter of a billion dollars is needed pervaded team, however, the members are given betrayals that can spoil the coup.

Elvudą Bliuzą pagaliau paleidžia iš kalėjimo. Jis tuoj puola daryti gerus darbus - žinoma, paskatintas vienuolės sesers Merės. Elvudas turi žūtbūt gauti pinigų vaikų ligoninei. Vienintelis teisėtas būdas – vėl suburti savo senąją grupę ir Naujajame Orleane laimėti didįjį muzikinį apdovanojimą. Tačiau Elvudui ir vėl nesiseka. Jį persekioja policija ir rusų mafija...

Based on explosive investigations, the thriller "Meister des Todes" ("Master of Death") tells of a German arms manufacturer and their questionable weapon exports to Mexiko.

35 year old Carl Smith is on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth?