In 1853 Japan, the story follows the Westernization of Japan, mainly through the story of Kayama, a samurai, and Manjiro, a fisherman. The lives of both men are radically changed by the coming of American ships to Japan.

Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand one another, without realising that they are falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal.

Two friends attempt to prove they committed the perfect murder by hosting a dinner for the family of a classmate they strangled to death.

Five young men dream of success as they drift lazily through life in a small Italian village. Fausto, the group's leader, is a womanizer; Riccardo craves fame; Alberto is a hopeless dreamer; Moraldo fantasizes about life in the city; and Leopoldo is an aspiring playwright. As Fausto chases a string of women, to the horror of his pregnant wife, the other four blunder their way from one uneventful experience to the next.

Well-off ad man Ned Merrill is visiting a friend when he notices the abundance of backyard pools that populate their upscale suburb. Ned suddenly decides that he'd like to travel the eight miles back to his own home by simply swimming across every pool in town. Soon, Ned's journey becomes harrowing; at each house, he is somehow confronted with a reminder of his romantic, domestic and economic failures.

Mladý Chiron bojuje o svoje miesto v prostredí, v ktorom často rozhoduje právo silnejšieho, zatiaľ čo jeho vnútorný svet sa plní láskou, bolesťou aj túžbou. Moonlight zachytáva univerzálnu tému priateľstva a sexuálnej identity v troch rôznych životných etapách od detstva až po dospelosť. Je zároveň portrétom mladého človeka, súčasných amerických predmestí aj nepostrehnuteľných síl, ktoré formujú ľudské životy.

Carrie, adaptácia románu Stephena Kinga, je príbehom dievčaťa, ktoré vychovala jej šialene nábožná matka takmer v úplnej izolácii. Po strápňujúcom incidente v škole, keď si z nej spolužiaci nemilosrdne uťahovali, sú študenti tvrdo potrestaní a preto sa chcú Carrie pomstiť. Ich plán sa zvrtne hrozným spôsobom, keď sa počas školského plesu v Carrie prebudia zvláštne mentálne schopnosti.

When the head of a large manufacturing firm dies suddenly from a stroke, his vice-presidents vie to see who will replace him.

Svoju rodinu si nemôžeš vybrať. Abe je 12-ročný chlapec z Brooklynu, ktorý je napoly Palestínčan a napoly Izraelčan. Jedna strana rodiny ho volá Avraham, druhá Ibrahim, rodičia ho volajú Abrahám. On uprednostňuje skratku Abe. Jeho vášňou je varenie. Letný kuchársky tábor sa mu však zdá hlúpy, a tak utečie a stretne afrobrazílskeho šéfkuchára Chica. Pod jeho vedením začne variť v medzinárodnej reštaurácii. Keďže nikdy nemal spoločnú večeru bez rodinnej hádky a je unavený z úlohy mediátora, chce varením spojiť svoju rodinu a dať jedlu nový rozmer, ktorý prinesie mier.

Dve ženy, Janis a Ana, sa ocitnú v rovnaký čas v nemocničnej izbe, kde čakajú na pôrod. Obe sú slobodné a nečakane otehotneli. Janis, je v strednom veku, neľutuje, že je tehotná a teší sa. Druhá, dospievajúca Ana, je vystrašená, kajúcna a traumatizovaná. Janis sa ju snaží povzbudiť, zatiaľ čo sa pohybujú ako námesačné po nemocničných chodbách. Niekoľko slov, ktoré si v týchto hodinách vymenia, vytvorí medzi nimi veľmi úzke prepojenie, ktoré sa rozvinie a skomplikuje tak, že im zásadným spôsobom zmení ich životy.

When heiress Jean Courtland attempts suicide, her fiancée Elliott Carson probes her relationship with John Triton. In flashback, we see how stage mentalist Triton starts having terrifying flashes of true precognition. Now years later, he desperately tries to prevent tragedies in the Courtland family.

On a rainy London night in 1946, novelist Maurice Bendrix has a chance meeting with Henry Miles, husband of his ex-mistress Sarah, who abruptly ended their affair two years before. Bendrix's obsession with Sarah is rekindled; he succumbs to his own jealousy and arranges to have her followed.

In 1932, a cop is killed and Frank Wiecek sentenced to life. Eleven years later, a newspaper ad by Frank's mother leads Chicago reporter P.J. O'Neal to look into the case. For some time, O'Neal continues to believe Frank guilty. But when he starts to change his mind, he meets increased resistance from authorities unwilling to be proved wrong.

19 year old Linnéa leaves her small town in Sweden and heads for Los Angeles with the aim of becoming the world's next big porn star, but the road to her goal turns out to be bumpier than she imagined.

A woman fights to convince the police that she witnessed a murder while looking out her bedroom window.

A student babysitter has her evening disturbed when the phone rings. So begins a series of increasingly terrifying and threatening calls that lead to a shocking revelation.

Seriously ill, concert pianist Karen Duncan is admitted to a Swiss sanitorium. Despite being attracted to Dr Tony Stanton she ignores his warnings of possibly fatal consequences unless she rests completely. Rather, she opts for a livelier time in Monte Carlo with dashing Paul Clermont.

A high school valedictorian who gets baked with the local stoner finds himself the subject of a drug test. The situation causes him to concoct an ambitious plan to get his entire graduating class to face the same fate, and fail.

Set in Paris, a man working in fish delivery becomes involved in a legal battle with his sperm donations.

An alien arrives on Earth looking to take human blood in an attempt to preserve his dying planet.