Two teenage Mexican-American loners in 1987 El Paso explore a new, unusual friendship and the difficult road to self-discovery.

A newly reunited father and son grapple with new beginnings after tragedy, but can they manage to fill the void left by a beloved wife and mother?

A decades-spanning tale of love and resilience and of one woman's journey to independence. Celie faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.

Zgodba o enem največjih seks simbolov našega časa, ​​Pamela Anderson (55) z lastnimi besedami ter preko osebnih videoposnetkov in dnevnikov deli zgodbo o svojem vzponu do slave, razburljivih romancah in zloglasnem škandalu s posnetki seksa. Bujna platinasta blondinka, zvezdnica serije Obalna straža v dokumentarcu izredno odkrito spregovori o skoraj vsem: turbulentnem zakonu staršev, varuškinem trpinčenju, o 24-letnem prijatelju, ki jo je kot 12-letno deklico posilil, zaradi česar je postala »zelo, zelo sramežljiva in osramočena«. Na prvo fotografiranje za Playboy ima lepe spomine, glede povečanja prsi pa pravi: »O tej odločitvi nisem preveč razmišljala. Pravzaprav o ničemer nisem preveč razmišljala.«

Mlada Flora je samohranilka s 14-letnim sinom Maxom s katerim živita na pragu revščine. Uporniški Max je nenehno v težavah in Flora ne ve več, kaj naj stori. Ko nekega dne iz smetnjaka pobere kitaro, se odloči, da ga bo skušala pred težavami obvarovati prek glasbe. To jo pripelje do spletnega mentorja Jeffa, propadlega glasbenika iz LA, ki živi v ZDA...

Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

V drugem filmu iz serije o Angeliki, se junakinja pridruži skupini banditov, reši svoje otroke, postane uspešna poslovna ženska, in se zopet zaplete v politiko in srčne zadeve.

Ganljiva zgodba po resničnih dogodkih. Tomu, upokojencu v poznih letih, je pravkar umrla žena Mary. Pretresen in žalosten se z njenim pepelom in z brezplačno upokojensko vozovnico odpravi na pot z avtobusom. Njegovo potovanje se začne v kraju John O'Groats na skrajnem severu Velike Britanije in se konča na točki Land's End na skrajnem jugu otoka, kjer sta se oba z ženo rodila. Tom pravzaprav spremlja Mary na zadnji poti domov. Med svojim nenavadnim potovanjem srečuje ljudi, se z njimi pogovarja, druži, izmenjuje izkušnje in na koncu postane medmrežna »posebnost in znamenitost« …

Desperate Cinderella summons her fairy godmother from an ancient flesh-bound book, seeking revenge on her evil stepmother and stepsisters who abuse and torment her daily.

An endearing outlier, Brian lives alone in a Welsh valley, inventing oddball contraptions that seldom work. After finding a discarded mannequin head, Brian gets an idea. Three days, a washing machine, and sundry spare parts later, he’s invented Charles, an artificially intelligent robot who learns English from a dictionary and proves a charming, cheeky companion. Before long, however, Charles also develops autonomy. Intrigued by the wider world — or whatever lies beyond the cottage where Brian has hidden him away — Charles craves adventure.

Trpeči oče je priča smrti svojega mladega sina, ko ga na božični večer ujame navzkrižni ogenj tolpe. Medtem ko okreva po rani zaradi katere ostane brez glasu, postane maščevanje njegovo življenjsko poslanstvo in se loti kaznovanja, da bi maščeval sinovo smrt.

On his request, the sensitive sister of a real estate agent visits a house he intends to put up for sale, only to cross paths with its resident curse.

When a domestic counselor's ex-wife attempts to move to the other side of the country with their son and new boyfriend, he decides to do whatever is necessary to keep it from happening.

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.

A married woman with a lovely daughter lives a carefree life, until she meets her ex-lover at a friend’s wedding. They haven’t seen each other in ten years, but they begin an affair.

An African tribe in the Eastern Nigerian village of Umana work to build a maternity hospital, with the aid of government officials, and against the opposition of some tribal members.