It's triple the trouble when Trakeena teams up with Olympius to steal all of Earth's power. Their plan? To capture humans and use them as an energy source to give Trakeena more power than she's ever had before. No one will be able to defeat her! Not even the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers! The world's only hope - a small girl named Heather. It's up to her to find the courage and heart to stop Trakeena in her tracks. Can she do it or will time run out? And who are the mysterious visitors from the distant planet Mirinoi? Could the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers be back on Earth?

Documentary exploring the aftermath of the nuclear disaster that struck the city on April 26th 1986, uncovering how nature has survived in the radioactive zone. This compelling film explores how nature has survived in the radioactive ghost town.


  2008年的伦敦,由于海平面上升,街道在涨潮时就被海水浸漫,到处垃圾成堆,鼠辈横行。警探斯通(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer饰)因为办案疯狂及不服从上司管教而被停职,但多年前几起连环谋杀案悬而未破让斯通不得不在停职期间仍私自追查。一日,在夜总会查案的斯通又遇到另一起凶案 ,遇害女性被开膛剜胸,取走心脏,死状可怖,与前如出一辙的犯案手法令斯通确信凶手为同一个人。没多久,警局竟然收到凶手寄来的已被撕咬成半颗的受害者心脏,从心脏上的齿痕得到的牙齿模具来看凶手更是绝非人类。随着类似凶案不断发生,斯通的前女友亦遭到袭击,斯通和精通星象、神秘学的菜鸟新搭档必须争分夺秒和时间赛跑,在下一具尸体出现前逮住它,消灭它。

Five lunkheaded high school football players embark on a camping trip together with their cheerleader girlfriends. Once at the camp site, the guys decide to put the girls through a bout of football training, complete with a guys vs. gals scrimmage. The girls agree, but leave out the fact that the night before one of them inducted the others into a witches' coven that has granted them supernatural powers.



When Ted’s beloved cat dies, the trauma triggers a terrible mental breakdown. His broken brain prompts him to bring his feline friend back – all he needs is nine human lives. Ted dons vicious deadly cat claw gloves and a creepy cat mask, and goes on a murderous rampage. As the butchery escalates, a twisted romance blossoms between Ted and Claire, a young woman who has also recently lost her cat in a horrifying incident.

Paula Lins is a powerful woman who dies after uses her own medicine against cellulite and, on the other side of life, as an spirit, tries to avoid the sell of them.

两个各自事业有成的女人,计划从洛杉矶到大瑟尔(Big Sur)度周末。在多年的竞争和嫉妒使她们之间产生隔阂之后,她们都把这次旅行视为重新联系的机会。

知名性爱专栏作家 Cassie 因阿妈卖咸鸭蛋而不情不愿回乡下小镇奔丧 。高中时,对性充满好奇的 Cassie 遭朋友唱通街说她是「公厕」,害她声名狼籍,逼使她离开思想保守的家乡。如今她的「性」事业正值高潮,她准备出版的春宫日志更加不能渣流滩!横竖镇上性压抑的左邻右里已当她是 Miss Sex求教,不如趁机办个啪啪啪派对,把各位街坊学徒的真人 show 收录成性经,更可藉此向当日出卖她的朋友报复,赤裸裸地撕破他们的伪贞洁皮囊!

  电影讲述一部关于信仰扭曲的故事,为见证殉道者慷慨赴义的死后世界,一群崇尚怪奇道理的组织成员,不断绑架牺牲者,用尽残忍手法将他们虐杀,好从他们弥留的眼神里,窥见殉道者的世界。露西10岁时曾遭绑架犯监禁凌虐,即使后来幸运逃脱,阴影仍笼罩心头挥之不去,而露西在孤儿院结识的好友 安娜,则是她唯一的依靠。十年后,深受过往回忆折磨的露西,意外发现当年绑架她的绑匪一家人,便冒险展开了危机四伏的追踪,安娜担忧好友的安危与之同行,殊料两人正一步步陷入凶恶的处境,当年绑架案背后的恐怖真相也即将浮现…


A group of oddball high school students find themselves trapped in detention with their classmates having turned into a horde of Zombies.

Billy is the self-designated leader of a group of teenagers living in a shelter. Jacob and Rae, Billy's oldest childhood friends, live there as well as part of "the family". Billy has an AIDs-like virus, which he has passed on to his blood brother Jacob. Billy and Rae are boyfriend and girlfriend, much to the dismay of Jacob who has always loved Rae from afar. Billy's philosophy of life, and how that interfaces with having a deadly virus, comes to a head when Billy and Jacob compete in a very unique game of "Tag", with the future of Rae and "the family" dependent upon the outcome.

After years spent in Paris, Clotaire Sangala returns to his native country, Africa. Raised by a Chinese martial arts grandfather, convinced to have been found in a garbage can, Clotaire knows nothing of the glorious past of his parents. He will become "Black Snake", the masked and ultra-sapped superhero, liberator of the people against the dictator Hezekiah.

活在過於熱衷教會的祖管教下的害羞女孩葛瑞絲(Grace)終於準備進入大學展開新的生活,在校園中認識了新朋友,也有了喜歡的男孩,但一股不知來自於外還是來自內在的邪惡力量逐漸侵襲著葛瑞絲,在友情、愛情、親情、自我、上帝、惡魔的角力之下,一場不可收拾的災難在葛瑞絲身上 爆發,似乎也揭露了一段不為人知的罪惡與真相......

塞尔维亚的边境,一辆载着数名女囚的卡车正行驶在丛林之中。正在这时,一对全副武装的士兵将卡车截停,并带走了囚犯亚迪·莫特(亚迪·歌维娅 Aida Gouveia 饰)、芭芭拉·泰勒(艾斯特·斯图特 Esther Studer 饰)和押运官凯琳娜·雷瓦(凯琳娜·甘比尔 Karine Gambier 饰)。这一切的策划者是米尔顿博士(霍华德·沃侬 Howard Vernon 饰),战争期间他受命在此地建立军事实验室,进行各种惨无人道的实验。随着时间以及经费的停止,米尔顿渐次疯狂,甚至疯狂迷恋上那些恐怖的虐待实验。他和手下四处网罗女囚,不仅逼迫她们做工,更对这群无辜的女子施以残酷的刑法。在这个人间炼狱,求生不得,求死不能……
