A 2006 Singaporean film and the sequel to the 2002 film, I Not Stupid. A satirical comedy, I Not Stupid Too portrays the lives, struggles and adventures of three Singaporean youths - 15-year-old Tom, his 8-year-old brother Jerry and their 15-year-old friend Chengcai - who have a strained relationship with their parents. The film explores the issue of poor parent-child communication.

Velma discovers she's inherited her great-great-uncles' cursed castle in Transylvania, Pennsylvania. The team decide to go there on a spooky adventure.

A young boy makes a snowman one Christmas Eve, which comes to life at midnight and takes him on a magical adventure to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus.

Antboy is challenged by the release of archenemy Loppen from prison, the new super villain, Alicia Dufort, and competition from an all new vigilante; the Hero Without a Name.

A special sequel anime for Free! to screen in Fall 2017.

Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.

When Bodi and his band 'True Blue' leave Snow Mountain, to tour with pop sensation, Lil' Foxy, they learn that fame comes at a price.

Плавко, плава ара, живи савршени живот у Рио де Жанеиру са својом вољеном женом Бисерком и њихово троје деце. Али, када Бисерка одлучи да деца морају да науче да живе као и све праве птице, ствари се компликују… Породица одлази из магичног Рио Де Жанеира у непознате шуме Амазоније, у којима се Плавко, као смотана градска птица, не сналази баш најбоље. Бројне авантуре доживљавају на путу, али за највећу од свих – упознавање са Бисеркином породицом, нису били спремни. Нарочито Плавко остаје без текста кад упозна свог таста. Иако настоји да се уклопи са новим комшијама, Плавко се све више боји да ће изгубити жену и децу услед великих изазова дивљине… Већ компликовану ситуацију додатно отежава познати злоћа из првог дела, Најџел, који полако спрема освету…

Tommy and his older brother Eric live in the midst of vast remote forests. The death of their friend pushes them close to the edge. Eric doesn’t know how to channel his energy. All at once, nature’s vastness feels stifling.

It's Leadbottom's big day—the day of the flashy air show to promote Vitaminamulch fertilizer—and Dusty Crophopper and all his friends are there to support him. But when the main attraction, a star stunt duo, doesn't show up, it's up to Dusty and Chug to impersonate them and keep the audience happy. The chaos that results could spell disaster for Leadbottom—or it could be the greatest thing the crowd has ever seen!

Постоји милион разлога да вам се не допадне трговац некретнинама Орен Литл, али њега то уопште не брине. Занемарајући свакога ко му се нађе на путу, он само жели да прода последњу кућу и да се мирно повуче - док му његов отуђени син не доведе унуку за коју никада није знао и која ће му променити живот. Без икаквог знања о томе како да се брине о симпатичној деветогодишњој девојчици, он је „прослеђује“ својој комшиници Леи и покушава несметано да настави свој живот. Међутим, мало по помало, Орен ће нехотице научити да отвара своје срце - својој породици, Леи, и самом животу.

A half-striped zebra is blamed for the drought and leaves his herd in search of his missing stripes. He is joined on his quest by an overprotective wildebeest and a flamboyant ostrich; they defeat the tyrannical leopard and save his herd.

Dusty is a cropdusting plane who dreams of competing in a famous aerial race. The problem? He is hopelessly afraid of heights. With the support of his mentor Skipper and a host of new friends, Dusty sets off to make his dreams come true.

Група деце наилази на малено биће из свемира које покушава поново изградити свој свемирски брод. Убрзо схватају да морају радити заједно уколико га желе сигурно вратити кући.

When a vengeful New York transit cop decides to steal a trainload of subway fares, his foster brother—a fellow cop—tries to protect him.

Thirty miles from the Arctic Circle, in the northern Icelandic town of Husavik, stands the Icelandic Phallological Museum - the world's only Penis museum. Over 40 years, the founder and curator has collected every specimen from every mammal except for one elusive penis needed to complete his collection: The Human Specimen. The film follows the curator's incredible, sublimely comic, often shocking quest to complete his eccentric collection, and the two intrepid men who have raised their hands to be the first human

A man and his 9-year-old daughter disappear into the swampy Virginia backwoods. Haunted by tragedy and destitution, they must both face the painful past if they are to ever have a future.

George Murray's fiancée Jane Gardner gets cold feet after accepting his ring, terrorized by her first wedding with Doug, who cheated that very day with their wedding coordinator. After a car crash, George finds himself 10 years in the past, just days before Doug's day.

After moving to a retirement home, restless talent manager Al reconnects with long-ago client Buddy and coaxes him back out on the comedy circuit.

A hapless hunchback who only yearns for love, finds himself in the middle of a murderous feud between the Pope and the King of France when each orders the hunchback to kill the other.