Tristan, the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, inherits the power of the Goddess Clan and can heal people’s wounds and injuries, but he often ends up hurting others due to his inability to control his Demon Clan power. To protect his family, Tristan heads to Edinburgh Castle and meets a host of new friends along the way.

Po nenadni smrti svoje ljubljene žene dobi John Wick (Keanu Reeves) od nje zadnje darilo – psičko Daisy s sporočilom, v katerem ga prosi, naj ne pozabi ljubiti. Johnovo žalovanje pa se prekine, ko njegov mustang letnik 1969 pritegne pozornost sadističnega kriminalca Iosefa Tarasova (Alfie Allen). Ko mu John noče prodati avta, se Iosef s svojimi pajdaši spravi nanj, mu vlomi v hišo, ukrade avto, pretepe Johna in ubije Daisy. Ne zavedajo se, da so s tem prebudili enega najkrutejših plačancev vseh časov v svetu zločina. Johnovo iskanje ukradenega avtomobila ga pripelje v dele New Yorka, ki jih turisti ne bodo videli – v podzemni svet zločina, ki mu je John nekoč vladal. John kmalu izve, da išče sina krutega ruskega mafijskega šefa Vigga Tarasova (Michael Nyqvist), svojega nekdanjega naročnika, ki razpiše nagrado na njegovo glavo, da bi rešil sina.

Odkar se je Robert McCall odpovedal življenju vladnega morilca, težko shaja z grozotami, ki jih je zagrešil v preteklosti. Nenavadno uteho najde samo v iskanju pravice v imenu šibkejših. Nepričakovano se počuti kot doma v južni Italiji, kjer spozna, da so njegovi novi prijatelji pod nadzorom krajevnih zločincev. Ko se McCall znajde v smrtonosnem zapletu, dobro ve, kaj mora: postal bo njihov zaščitnik in se spopadel z mafijo.

Kongwen Lu is the author of a fantasy novel series following a heroic teenager, also named Kongwen, on a quest to end the tyrannical rule of Lord Redmane, under the guidance of a Black Armor. But through a strange twist of fate, the fantasy world of the novel begins to impact life in the real world, leading Guan Ning to accept a mission from Tu Ling to kill the author.

Zvezdniško obarvan epski spektakel režiserja Dneva neodvisnosti Rolanda Emmericha o odločilni pacifiški pomorski bitki, ki je med drugo svetovno vojno potekala med mornaricama Japonske in ZDA.

France, 1789 - just before the Revolution. When talented chef Manceron is dismissed from his prestigious position by the Duke of Chamfort, he loses the taste for cooking. But when he meets the mysterious Louise, together they decide to create the very first restaurant in France.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen now presented as an over two-hour unabridged and seamless animated feature. Witness the no-holds-barred battle between the Justice League and an unstoppable alien force known only as Doomsday, a battle that only Superman can finish and will forever change the face of Metropolis.

Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.

When a charming fare named Penny climbs into his cab, Harris, a world-weary taxi driver, finds himself engaged in the only kind of courtship he can have with a passenger -- one that lasts as long as her trip. That is, right up until she disappears from the back seat without a trace. When confusion gives way to reality, he resets his meter and is instantaneously transported back to the moment when she climbed into his cab. He and Penny find themselves trapped in an endlessly looping nighttime cab ride, with only each other for company, and it changes his life forever.

Jason Statham in njegova ekipa se vračajo, da bi nadalje raziskali Marianski jarek, kjer se bodo soočili z novimi grozljivimi bitji. Ko zlonamerno rudarsko podjetje ogrozi njihovo misijo in jih prisili v bitko za preživetje, se njihovo potovanje spremeni v kaos. Z ogromnimi morskimi psi megalodoni na eni strani in neusmiljenimi ugrabitelji na drugi, morajo naši junaki v tekmi s časom, prelisičiti te neusmiljene plenilce.

Čeprav je policija prepričana, da sta sadistični morilec Ugankar in njegova pomočnica Amanda umrla, se znova pričnejo pojavljati izmaličena trupla ljudi, ki so umrli v krutih mučilnih napravah. Po umoru detektivke začnejo primer raziskovati agenta FBI-ja in izkušeni detektiv Hoffman, a predrznega morilca to ne ustavi, da ne bi ugrabil vodje policijskih specialcev in ga umestil v eno svojih bizarnih iger na življenje in smrt. Policisti naposled najdejo vročo sled, ki jih preko gore krvi in trupel vodi prav do skrivnosti Ugankarjevega nastanka in razlogov za njegovo obsedenost s smrtjo.

Med divjim bojem za ostanki dediščine nasilja grozljivega Ugankarja se skupina redkih preživelih odloči poiskati pomoč pri terapevtu Bobbyju. Čeprav je tudi on doživel brutalnost Ugankarjevih krvavih mučilnih naprav, ga to ne ustavi pri kovanju lastnih zlobnih načrtov. A to je račun brez krčmarja, saj je Ugankar poskrbel za nadaljevanje svoje zapuščine, kar povzroči povsem nov val nasilja in smrtonosnih pasti ter ugank.

Koichi takes care of his sister, who has recently returned from a trip abroad in the United States as she is not well. While caring for her, he records evidence of ghosts in their home.

An FBI agent tracks a serial killer with the help of three of his would-be victims - all of whom have wildly different stories to tell.

Will Smith, Margot Robbie in Jared Leto v akcijskem spektaklu režiserja Zadnjega obhoda o skupini zlikovcev, ki jih skrivna vladna agencija rekrutira za boj proti apokaliptičnim nevarnostim.

For nine generations an evil sorcerer has been victorious in hand-to-hand battle against his mortal enemies. If he wins a tenth Mortal Kombat tournament, desolation and evil will reign over the multiverse forever. To save Earth, three warriors must overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, their own inner demons, and superhuman foes in this action/adventure movie based on one of the most popular video games of all time.

At an elite boarding school for girls, six friends jokingly engage in a late night ritual, calling forth the spirit of a dead former student who reportedly haunts their halls. Before morning, one of the girls is dead, leaving the others wondering what they may have awakened.

Thanks to an auto accident, a parasitic alien manages to get into a hospital. It quickly moves from the crash victim into a candy striper. Among the patients at the hospital are some rather short high school basketball players. It is through them that we watch the events unfold. The infected, or inhabited, candy striper becomes predatory. She goes after men for sex and after women to spread. Infected women develop an incredible sweet tooth and devour anything sweet they can find. The horror then spreads. As the horror takes over more of the hospital and the CDC locks it down, the basketball players and a few friends do everything they can to try and get out of the hospital. But soon it becomes evident that the problem has spread too far. Now if they manage to escape it will only be to delay the inevitable if they cannot halt the spread of aliens before they get out and take over the whole world.

A super strain of genetically engineered mutants are designed to take over the universe, hungry to conquer the galaxy, with an appetite for mankind.