Odysseus' journey told in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. After fighting in the Trojan War, Odysseus spends years trying to return home to Itaka.

Documentary showcasing the work of prominent film directors in the horror genre. Featuring interviews with the directors, behind the scenes footage and clips from popular horror films, and hosted by Bruce Campbell, star of The Evil Dead (1981).

In a futuristic society, an old man tells the legend of a strange medal to two children. In flashback, we learn that after a nuclear catastrophe, two teenagers were living in an artificial paradise, maintained by electronic means, and once decide to leave that shelter and escape using that same medal - a mini video-disc - in search of outer-space freedom.

Tajemnicze zniknięcia dziewcząt w poprawczaku Ravenscraft stanowią zagadkę nurtującą młodą nauczycielkę. Film oparty na scenariuszu według noweli E.A. Poe po mistrzowsku wywołuje u widza narastający nastrój grozy.

A behind the scenes look into George Romero's groundbreaking horror classic Night of the Living Dead.

Historia dzieje się w starym zniszczonym szpitalu, który z powodu braku lekarstw, nowoczesnego sprzętu oraz ludzi ledwo wiąże koniec z końcem. Kiedy przez zaniedbanie jednego z lekarzy umiera pacjent, pracownicy postanawiają zatuszować fatalną pomyłkę wymyślając śmiertelny łańcuszek wydarzeń. Wszystko zaczyna się walić kiedy do szpitala zostaje przewieziony człowiek zaatakowany przez tajemniczego wirusa, tak strasznego i wstrętnego że jego wszystkie wewnętrzne organy ulegają całkowitej dezintegracji....

Takeshi Kitano plays a version of himself in which he's a struggling director cycling through a number of different genres in an effort to complete his latest project.

Just released from prison, a young woman arrives in town to "start a new life," but soon begins stalking a married construction worker for no apparent reason, turning his life inside out and eventually terrorizing him and his wife.

Kiefer Sutherland plays Denver Bayliss, a condemned murderer who has killed three people, including a prison guard. He was brought into the system as a juvenile delinquent and never got out. Now he is awaiting execution. Forest Whitaker stars as Fred Whitmore, a death row prison guard who runs into trouble when he refuses to take part in the brutally abusive tactics of the guards. However, something about Denver haunts Fred Whitmore, and the two men form an unexpected friendship that transforms their lives.

Prywatny detektyw zostaje wynajęty do prowadzenia śledztwa dotyczącego szaleńca, którego zajmują eksperymenty nad martwymi ciałami.

Alice Faye plays the title role in this 1940 film biography of the early-20th-century stage star.

A native Briton banished to Australia for murder, and his wife, Henrietta, the disturbed sister of the man he was convicted on killing, set out to help her conquer her demons and return her life to normal.

Young Victor Frankenstein returns from medical school with a depraved taste for beautiful women and fiendish experiments.

Lalki, ożywione za pomocą tajemnej staroegipskiej formuły, bronią sekretu ich stwórcy Toulona. Każdy kto chce posiąść mroczny sekret lalkarza musi zginąć. Po raz kolejny człowiek przekonuje się, że zło może być nawet najmniejszych rozmiarów. Pan Główka, panna Pijawka, Wiertło oraz kilka innych lalek udowadnia, że tajemnica to rzecz święta.

A couple of young, out-of-work archaeologists in Egypt discover evidence of the burial place of the ancient Egyptian princess Ananka. After receiving funding from an eccentric magician and his beautiful daughter, they set out into the desert only to be terrorized by a sinister high priest and the living mummy Kharis who are the guardians of Ananka’s tomb.

Two American mafiosi, Gino and Settimo, take refuge in the Glasgow cafe owned by their Scottish/Italian cousin, but he isn't the tough guy they'd expected. Gino and Settimo try to repay Roberto's hospitality by chasing off a debt collector who wants his property, but their strong arm tactics alarm him and he realises they aren't the PR consultants they claimed to be.

If you ever wanted to know what really goes on backstage, this is the definitive inside look - uncut and uncensored. Complete with on-stage performances you'll see an intimate view of what life is like at one of the biggest Rap Concert tours of all time. It shows life on the road, in hotels and off stage in a way you've never seen before.

A young woman takes off with a charming stranger in Australia, then begins to think he's a killer.

Dr Peter Houseman, błyskotliwy, młody naukowiec wierzy, że znalazł formułę, aby powstrzymać proces starzenia. Jego odkrycie spowodowało, że stał się niepopularny wśród kolegów, a na domiar złego obcięto mu budżet na dalsze prowadzenie badań. Doprowadzony do ostateczności przeprowadza eksperyment na samym sobie. Rezultat jest przerażający, doświadczenie wymyka mu się spod kontroli. Bądź świadkiem tych przemian.

Simultaneously sumptuous and gorgeous, garish and grim, this is a re-working of Pinocchio for the neo-liberal era. Rachel Maclean’s dark fairytale, which represented Scotland at the Venice Biennale 2017, depicts a brash and baroque binary world of poverty and riches where the prospect of easy wealth tempts even good boys like Pic into bad ways. But if everyone believes the lie, what’s the problem?