A naive young man witnesses an escalation of violence in his small hometown following the arrival of a mysterious circus attraction.

An assumed-dead gangster wants to implicate a completely innocent man to pay for his crimes so he can give the slip to his avengers and persecutors.

Camile Stollerová a jej dieťa sú vo svojej komunite dobre známe: Esme ako vážne chorá dcéra pripútaná na invalidný vozík a Camile ako dokonalá opatrovateľka a matka. Vyzerá to ako rodinná idylka, až kým Camile nenájdu dobodanú na smrť v jej dome. Esme zmizla a všetci predpokladajú, že ju uniesol vrah. Keď sa však Esme nájde, vypláva na povrch strašné tajomstvo: nebola unesená, ale utiekla so svojím priateľom Scottom po tom, čo s ním spolupracovala na vražde svojej matky. Okrem toho je Esme dokonale zdravá, duševne aj fyzicky. Vysvitne, že sa stala obeťou Munchausenovho syndrómu, ktorým trpela jej matka, manipulátorka a tyranka, ktorá ju prinútila uveriť, že je chorá.

'Still Lives' comprises a trilogy of films by Patrick Sheard; Lamenta, Libertas and Exitus, anthologized here in their entirety.

Australian lawyer David Burton agrees with reluctance to defend a group of Aboriginal people charged with murdering one of their own. He suspects the victim was targeted for violating a tribal taboo, but the defendants deny any tribal association. Burton, plagued by apocalyptic visions of water, slowly realizes danger may come from his own involvement with the Aboriginal people and their prophecies.

Dave Laughlin sotva zvláda platiť účty, pretože jeho starý otec George je vážne chorý. Daveova manželka Sarah je v ôsmom mesiaci tehotenstva, ale kvôli finančnej tiesni musí naďalej chodiť do práce. Pýchou a radosťou manželov je ich syn Clay, ktorému sa darí v škole a v športe tak dobre, že by sa mohol uchádzať o univerzitné štipendium. Jedného dňa sa však rodina dozvie, že v oblasti vypukol ničivý lesný požiar a smeruje priamo k ich domu. Dave sa snaží zohnať materiál, aby bol jeho dom ohňovzdorný. Keď sa však vráti, úrady nariadia všetkým obyvateľom, aby okamžite opustili oblasť. Oficiálna evakuačná trasa sa však už nachádza v spádovej oblasti požiaru, a tak sa zdá, že pre Laughlinovcov neexistuje žiadna cesta von. Už čoskoro je jasné, že ich čaká nerovný boj o holý život.

Two friends' tour of Europe takes a dark turn when one of them contracts a mysterious illness. They race to find out what it is and how to cure it before the sickness consumes him completely.

Kanadska hudobna snimka opisuje put mladej americkej kapely The Winners za vytuzenou slavou. Frontman skupiny Joey, loser ako v zivote, tak v laske, berie turne do New Yorku ako poslednu nadej chytit sa v soubiznise. Cesta sa naramne skomplikuje, ked je po jednom z koncertov ich basistka uhryznuta upirom. Komplikacia je to do tej doby, nez kapela s upirkou v zostave zacne ziskavat viac a viac fanusikov. Ked sa v upirov premeni aj zvysok kapely, su uz z nich hviezdy prvej triedy. Mrtvych ale pribuda a Joey zacne hladat vychodisko, ako sa on aj zvysok kapely mozu stat znovu ludmi.

Troubled divorcee Mary Kee is tormented by a series of sinister phone calls from a mysterious woman. When the stranger reveals she's calling from the past, Mary tries to break off contact. But the caller doesn't like being ignored, and looks for revenge in a unique and terrifying way...

Estranged, quarreling brothers Carezza and Sorriso have to put aside their differences to reclaim their father's beloved dune buggy from predatory real estate developer Torsillo, with the help of beautiful circus performer Miriam, whose family business is threatened by Torsillo's enforcers.

After receiving bad news, Natalia, a young novice, returns home, where her sister Ángela asks her to travel with her and her friends to a mysterious place.

What is the secret of Germany's most successful hip-hop band? What makes them different? How did they make their mark in German pop culture and develop over the years? A behind-the-scenes look at a band that has written German music history and continues to do so.

Marta used to be a recognized and successful psychic, but after a dramatic experience, she loses faith in her gift and develops agoraphobia. She couldn't see the devilish side of her rapper, Mario, and now, Marta is afraid that Mario will stalk her again. As soon as she released from the asylum, she moves to Monica's uncle apartment. There, she feels safe. But soon, she has trouble with her crazy neighbors. And if this wasn't enough, a spectrum starts to haunt her, making her life impossible. Marta will have to fight against all these difficulties and manage to get her gift back before Mario finds her.

In the early 60s, Bernward Vesper and fellow university student Gudrun Ensslin begin a passionate love in the stifling atmosphere of provincial West Germany. Dedicated to the power of the written word, Bernward and Gudrun found a publishing house whose first publication is, paradoxically to many, a controversial past work of Bernward's ostracized father, an infamous Nazi author. Bernward defends his father's writing ability, even if he is haunted by his father's suspicious past.

Sinners are invited to a theme park where they endure the repetition of their transgressions. What chances do a conniving kleptomaniac, a gullible teenager, and an obsessed father stand when facing their own moral failings? Lucifer and his colorful cast of singing carnies invite you to grab a ticket to The Devil’s Carnival to find out!

Laura's life is turned upside down when she is attacked by a shark while celebrating her 18th birthday. She's rescued by Bruce, a handsome young man just returned home from college. As she recovers, he becomes a local hero for his bravery. As the dust settles, Bruce seems smitten with his damsel in distress, but Laura is not ready to move past the boyfriend she lost in the attack.

A father on vacation wakes up separated from his family and races through the woods to find them.

When a pack of werewolves attack a medieval village, Thorfinn, whose lover perished in the attack, joins knights Thomas, Osmund, Hamelin, and Hal Skullsplitter as they lead the fight back against the vicious lycanthropes.

A new mother discovers a lullaby in an ancient book and soon regards the song as a blessing. But her world transforms into a nightmare when the lullaby brings forth the ancient demon Lilith.

Doctor Rue Wakeman and his team create a young man with skin and organs taken from other men and women. The creature (Lazarus) reads a lot of books and learns all about the humans. But when he meets fascinating doctor Elizabeth English his life changes: he decides to escape from the laboratory.