Seven girls become good friends in high school, then events pull them apart for 25 years. When one of the friends lies dying in a hospital, she wishes to see each of them one last time.
Jubei is a masterless ninja who travels the land alone, lending his services to those with gold—or a worthy cause. His fearsome abilities have served him well, but a plot to overthrow the government threatens to end his wandering ways—and possibly his life.
When Day, a sunny fellow, encounters Night, a stranger of distinctly darker moods, sparks fly! Day and Night are frightened and suspicious of each other at first, and quickly get off on the wrong foot. But as they discover each other's unique qualities--and come to realize that each of them offers a different window onto the same world-the friendship helps both to gain a new perspective.
Hell – A place where beings that have committed mortal sins during their lifetime are sent. It is a realm where even Soul Reapers are forbidden to interfere. When a group of vicious Sinners plot to escape from this eternal prison, they discover that Substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki is the key to their freedom.
Policajný detektív sa zaľúbi do ženy, ktorej vraždu vyšetruje.
Takao, ktorý sníva o tom, že sa stane obuvníkom, vynechá školu a kreslí topánky v záhrade uprostred Tokia. Stretáva tajomnú ženu Yukino, ktorá je od neho staršia. Potom, bez toho, aby si dohodli čas, sa títo dvaja začnú znova a znova stretávať, ale len počas daždivých dní.
A young girl tries to maintain a long-distance relationship with an aspiring fisherman.
Tri voľne prepojené príbehy rozprávajú o vzťahu medzi chlapcom Takakim a dievčaťom Akari. V škole si boli blízki, a hoci sa museli od seba vzdialiť, naďalej udržiavali kontakt, písali si listy a verili, že sa jedného dňa opäť stretnú. Najskôr sledujeme Takakiho, ktorý cestuje za Akari, potom ho vidíme očami zamilovanej spolužiačky Kanae a nakoniec sa Takaki vracia do príbehu, tentoraz ako mladý muž. Celým filmom, ktorý kompletne animoval sám Makoto Šinkai na počítači, sa pomalým tempom nesú ozveny lásky, ktorej nebolo súdené naplniť sa.
The film centers on Asuna, a young girl who spends her solitary days listening to the mysterious music emanating from the crystal radio she received from her late father as a memento. One day while walking home she is attacked by a fearsome monster and saved mysterious boy named Shun. However, Shun disappears and Asuna embarks on a journey of adventure to the land of Agartha with her teacher Mr. Morisaki to meet a Shun again. Through her journey she comes to know the cruelty and beauty of the world, as well as loss.
Year 2116—The Japanese government begins to export the Sibyl System unmanned drone robots to troubled countries, and the system spreads throughout the world. A state in the midst of a civil war, SEAUn (the South East Asia Union), brings in the Sibyl System as an experiment. Under the new system, the coastal town of Shambala Float achieves temporary peace and safety. But then SEAUn sends terrorists to Japan. They slip through the Sibyl System and then attack from within. The shadow of a certain man falls on this incident. In charge of the police, Tsunemori travels to Shambala Float to investigate. The truth of justice on this new ground will become clear.
Tento austrálsky dobrodružný film, ktorého dej sa odohráva v roku 1888, dýcha romantikou príbehov z Divokého západu, hoci v ňom nie sú chladnokrvní pištoľníci s príliš nízkymi stávkami ani vôňa pušného prachu. Tento netradične poňatý romantický western je plný krásnych koní, ľudských citov a vášní, odvahy a drsného chlapského života kovbojov. Jeho hrdinom je Jim Craig, mladý horal, ktorý si po smrti svojho otca nájde prácu u bohatého rančera Harrisona. Zatiaľ čo ostatní psi ním opovrhujú pre jeho pôvod, rančerova dcéra Jessica sa s ním spriatelí. Čoskoro sa spolu s...
An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty four hours bears no relation to the circumstances of their encounter.
Tento príbeh, ktorý sa odohráva v paralelnom svete, kde bolo Japonsko v roku 1974 rozdelené na dva štáty pod vplyvom USA a Sovietskeho zväzu, je príbehom o snoch, priateľskej láske a osamelosti odlúčenia. Dvaja priatelia, Hiroki a Takuya, si na severe južného Japonska tajne postavia vlastné lietadlo, aby mohli preletieť cez hranice na ostrov Hokkaido, kde stojí záhadná nebeská veža, a odhaliť jej tajomstvo. Keď sa k nim pridá ich spolužiačka Sayuri, sľúbia si, že sa na vežu dostanú za každú cenu. Po čase však Sayuri bez rozlúčky zmizne a cesty oboch priateľov sa rozídu, pričom trvá 3 dlhé roky, kým sa ich spoločný osud opäť začne napĺňať. Vojna medzi dvoma časťami Japonska je na spadnutie, výskum paralelných vesmírov a zmeny reality spôsobené obrovskou vežou ohrozujú celý svet a sny, ktoré sa Sayuri zdajú počas spánku, zohrávajú dôležitejšiu úlohu, než ktokoľvek očakával.
Czech Photographer Josef Koudelka grew up behind the Iron Curtain and always wanted to know "what was on the other side". Forty years after capturing the iconic images of the Soviet invasion of Prague in 1968, the legendary Magnum photographer arrives in Israel and Palestine. On first seeing the nine-meter-high wall built by Israel in the West Bank, Koudelka is deeply shaken and embarks on a four-year project in the region which will confront him once again with the harsh reality of violence and conflict. Director Gilad Baram, Koudelka's assistant at the time, follows him on his journey through the Holy Land from one enigmatic and visually spectacular location to another.
High school students Miho and Shouta are preparing for college entrance examinations. Miho comes from an island without even one cram school, while Shouta lives in Tokyo and works a part-time job. Both are striving to pass exams so they can enter college. The pair enroll in Z-Kai's correspondence education courses, and their lives cross before they realize it.
In the late 1990s, a drug-addled nihilist resorts to murder to climb the ladder of the London music industry.
There is a tiny island floating on the other side of a distant sea. Strange animals, still unknown to humans, live there. One of the island's children, Paroru, comes across a photo of the human world one day, and fascinated by this beautiful wonder, breaks the rules and rushes out of the island. Paroru and others are surprised and excited to see the human world for the first time. However, unforeseen pitfalls await them there... Can they safely reach their journey's destination?
In this short movie featuring familiar characters from Azumanga Daioh, Osaka is yet again having a strange dream of Chiyo-Chan's pigtails being posessed. As Chiyo-Chan's pigtails bounce out of the window, who knows if young Chiyo will ever be happy again.
Haseena is very close to her brother Dawood, who turns to a life of crime and rises to power in the Mumbai underworld. After the bomb blasts of 1993, Dawood escapes to Dubai and she falls in trouble.
The movie starts off after the events of Episode 3, when Kisaragi had sunk. The Mikawa Fleet (Furutaka, Aoba, Kako, Kinugasa and Tenryuu) are in the middle of Night Battle. Choukai uses Searchlight and gets medium damage, but they win in the end. A New Fleet Girl gets "dropped", emerging from the sea. It is Kisaragi. Kisaragi is brought back to the temporary base in Solomon Islands, but she is suffering from PTSD and has amnesia, unable to remember anyone from back in the anime, excluding Mutsuki...