
本作分为2个独立部分:1. 招来风暴的学园祭;2.SD战国传 暴终空城之章。 ‘招来风暴的学园祭’是zeta女学园的学生会长哈曼和new boys school的学生会长夏亚,以及为了把两间上流阶级学校的共同学园祭彻底破坏,而闯入的逆袭 学园不良少年军团・阿姆罗一帮人就突然出现了! 像这样破天荒的内容。剧中在讲堂中唱的轻音乐社的歌曲有很多就这样收录到CD当中,被认为是达成开启声优演唱印象歌曲或角色歌曲这种风潮的先驱任务~。 ‘SD战国传 暴终空城之章’则是由以穿着铠甲的“武者”高达的塑胶模型聚集人气的‘SD战国传’系列首次的动画化作品。顽驮无军团VS闇军团的势力对抗,以及 333年才出现一次的暴终空(阿・巴瓦・空?)城上展开充满魄力的最终决战,都以SD才能达成的笔触很讨喜的做成动画。

A young woman's encounter with a mysterious lover. This short film is an extra on the BFI Flipside DVD The Pleasure Girls.

At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.

01-殖民卫星滚落事件 02-元组高达迷之场面集锦 03-严蛇武(高达)传说 由于第1作‘机动战士SD高达MK-I’大受欢迎,1989年6月发售了OVA‘机动战士SD高达MK-II’。内容包含‘殖民卫星滚落事件’、‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’、‘严蛇武(高达)传说’这三段故事收录其中。   ‘殖民卫星滚落事件’是为了欣赏在“宇宙太空殖民地 趣乐”上举办的可疑舞台秀而前来的SD角色们无法无天大闹一场的故事。因为豪华的舞台秀而兴奋起来的(?)高达和SD女性们演出性感舞台(←死灵的盂兰盆舞?)这类谜一般的可看之处也非常多(笑)。  ‘元组高达迷之场面集锦’是将高达系列作品的副标题都改成冷笑话,如此过度大胆的内容,就连对高达毫不知情的人也能够感受到乐趣(!?)。  ‘严蛇武(高达)传说’是为了拯救被囚禁的公主,剑士阿姆罗、魔术师卡密儿、扒手杰特这3个勇者,接受国王的命令前往讨伐住在吉翁山的大魔王夏亚这样一个原创故事。  仿佛是美好过去的RPG游戏一般的气氛搭配像是“さらわれた(被抓走了)→皿割れた(盘子破了)”这种脱力系的同音笑话,会让人有种满脑子傻呼呼的幸福感吧~(笑)。

A story about one summer from the life of 7 years old Marin.

An Arizona gas station owner faces comic adventures after traveling with an eccentric millionaire to New City, where he meets up with a small-time con woman and is repeatedly mistaken for a gangster.

Dr. Stone's mysterious mining outpost just got a new employee. Ian is finally making something of himself, but will he become a hero or dinosaur food?

This lavishly spectacular film focuses on the character of Lorinc Parcen Nagy from the 1200-page Tibor Déry novel interwoven with numerous autobiographical elements. Lorinc Parcen Nagy is the offspring of an upper middle class family, whose life is marked by two violent deaths: the suicide of his father and the slaughter of an innocent worker. He breaks with his family and his mother in disgust; she is of weak character, a person who abandoned her own husband. He is also unable to discover the right tone with his colleagues and his lover who is an illegal party worker.

A young woman is exploited by a series of men over the course of her life and ends up leading a battalion in the Mexican Revolution.

A body-builder's internal monologue grows more intense as he flexes in front of a mirror.

01-梦之浪漫公司 宇宙之旅 02-SD高达 疯狂赛车 第4弹‘机动战士SD高达MK-IV’是在1990年9月发售的OVA作品。   ‘梦之浪漫公司”,一家靠欺骗旅客参加行程的贫穷旅行社“梦之浪漫公司”导游亚凯,骗了外表看起来似乎很纯朴但其实很疑神疑鬼的ν高达以及充满个性的(!?)MS们去参加旅行团的行程,搭上由猛烈女老板丘贝雷(←红色高跟鞋和叫声都很恐怖啊~)驾驶的破烂宇宙船前往真实MS世界……这样一个充满喜剧风格的故事。事实上(可以变成高达通?)连在本篇中都没有描写的许多狂热分子才知道的珍奇设定和场景(稀有的MS以及从贾布罗垂直发射的联邦军舰等等)这么多可看之处反而变成本片的重点了呢~。

一群朋友在马科斯的家中相遇的故事,房子的主人向他的朋友展示了他的第一部短片(Porno de Autor)。一个关于两个少年的故事,其中一个人与另一个人的哥哥的关系。这部短片的概念建议以一种非常自然和日常的方式讲述一个故事,充满细节,尤其是性张力,最终不可避免地转移到了一群朋友身上。

Dora Miller and her father together with Juan, a young half-breed, live peacefully at their ranch along the Rio Grande. Juan is in love with Dora and she is not averse to him. One morning while the little family is seated at breakfast, shots are heard outside. A party of U.S. soldiers has been attacked by Mexican troops and retreating as they fight, finally taking refuge in the Miller homestead. The doors and windows are barricaded and a sharp fight ensues. Juan, the half-breed, refuses at first to fire against the people whose blood runs in his veins, but at last infuriated by the sight of a wound received by Dora, he grabs the rifle and begins firing furiously. He is thus engaged as the Mexican troops break into the house and is captured by them and locked in an upstairs room.

The crew from Outkast Paranormal dive deep into Myakka City, Florida, to investigate the mystery of the skunk ape like no one has before.