"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.

  20岁的三田静香(药师丸博子 饰)是一名热爱表演的纯真女孩,她经常到公园的无人露天剧场练习演技。为了参演剧团的新戏《W的悲剧》,静香参加了主角的选拔考试,最终同期学员菊地香(高木美保 饰)获得出演主角摩子的机会,而静香只获得了只有一句台词的女佣这个角色。   《W的悲剧》巡演大获好评,却在大阪遭遇危机。剧团当家花旦羽鸟翔(三田佳子 饰)的恩客堂原(仲谷升 饰)病发,死在羽鸟的房中。为遮掩丑闻,羽鸟以摩子这个角色作交换,要求静香在媒体面前承认自己和堂原的不伦关系。为了梦寐以求的角色,静香接受了羽鸟的请求……

Spencer and Bru break into his HQ and capture notorious drug lord Manuel Santiago of a DEA Agent. Santiago's angered assistant, Mason Lee, takes the school hostage where Kelly is teaching and Jessica is one of the students in attendance in retaliation to Santiago's capture. Alison, knowing a way in, joins Spencer and Bru in the rescue.

20世纪初的上海,适逢时代变革的关键时刻,各方势力汇聚于此,局势动荡不安,战争一触即发。为了推翻满清政府的封建统治,黎明会革命党人关飞虎(邵兵 饰)找到了来自日本的骗子伊泽修(織田裕二 饰),希望通过他高明的骗术从日本陆军手里搞到一批新式军火。迫于关对自己的救命之恩,万般无奈之下,伊泽只得出手相助,而他的对手却是狡猾无比的陆军中将东正信(渡辺謙 饰)。在这喧嚣动荡的十里洋场,一场斗智斗勇的功防战随即拉开序幕……

Full performance of the now classic Magma trilogy recorded live at the famous Triton at Les Lilas in November 2014

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

有人自愿失恋、有人被失恋;无论何者,失恋的人都会伤心难过,但因为决定失恋,才能开始另一段恋情,又或者从此不能自拔?导演叶念琛继2015《纪念日》后,再次探究感情的错失!一贯他爱情电影以阿宝作为女主人翁展开故事主线,平凡OL嘉宝(邓丽欣 饰)跟男友拍拖多年,一心冀盼跟男友组织家庭,可是男友吊儿郎当把婚姻大事抛诸脑后。嘉宝好姊妹诗婷(麦明诗 饰)将嘉宝运程妙算一番,预言嘉宝将会分手收场,可是诗婷却未能预测自己的恋爱运程!

Coulson和Sitwell两位神盾(S.H.I.E.L.D.)的探员坐在一起讨论他们如何去接近Thunderbolt Ross将军...

这部纪录片探讨了泰迪·彭德格拉斯(Teddy Pendergrass)的崛起,他是第一位在20世纪60年代美国的背景下连续五张白金专辑的非洲裔美国男性艺术家,也是他在一场改变人生的事故后卷土重来。

Ideas of progress turn the peaceful city into a congested metropolis. Could extinction follow? Not with the blessed event that occurs - the birth of a dinosaur, symbolizing Dinotopia's enduring civilization.

In a digital world, can analogue find true love? It is the wise old gramaphone who has the answers for a lovesick loner.

A centuries-lasting relationship between Ayesha and her oft-reincarnated true love. She, H. Rider Haggard's fanciful novel about the immortal queen of a lost tribe, has been filmed at least 10 times, with seven versions emerging between the years 1910 and 1930.

A lonely man finds himself bedeviled by a malevolent force. But is it real or just all in his mind? (ALTER)

During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?

On the Dr. Quinn Show The Joker is breaking up with his longtime enemy, Batman. An animated short on the home entertainment release of The Lego Batman Movie.

"a colorful poem of the first copy-motion film... the system registers images directly from a color (xerox) duplicator model 6500... an original, versatil, unique system developed by Darino" –Back Stage

A young man is taking hard his parents divorce and constant absence, so he decides to work on a hydro dam project. Here he finds some relatives that serve as a family.

A penniless barber schemes to marry his wealthy landlady for her money, but friends, foes-and the Gods-intervene.

Paris By Night 86: PBN Talent Show - Semi-Finals is a Paris By Night program produced by Thuy Nga that was filmed at the Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, California on February 8th, 2007. This is the first Paris By Night's Talent Show. This Talent Show consists of Paris By Night 86 - Semifinal and Paris by Night 87 - Finals. There are 13 contestants in the semi-final.
