When Antonia's husband Massimo is killed in a car accident, she accidentally discovers that he has been having a same-sex affair with a produce wholesaler named Michele.

Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta-making business since the 1960s. On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his boyfriend, Tommaso decides to tell his parents the truth about himself. But when he is finally ready to come out in front of the entire family, his older brother Antonio ruins his plans.

Chronicles the emotionally charged concert that took place on June 4, 2022 at Campovolo, where singer-songwriter Luciano Ligabue reunited with his audience after the pandemic health emergency. The film also looks back to celebrate the star's 30-year career.

Giovanna, o tânără căsătorită cu doi copii, se găsește în casă cu un bărbat foarte bătrân care și-a pierdut complet memoria. Încercând să-și reconstituie identitatea și secretul trecutului, Giovanna - cu ajutorul lui Lorenzo, care locuiește în clădirea de vizavi, descoperă încet că ea însăși și-a pierdut memoria sentimentelor și pasiunilor. Investigația acelui bărbat misterios devine astfel pentru Giovanna o adevărată investigație asupra ei însăși, într-o lume în care își pierde capacitatea de a recunoaște puterea celor mai profunde sentimente.

Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.

TV Miniseries (2 episodes) about life and rivalry of italian bikers Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi.

Elena și Antonio nu par să fie făcuți unul pentru celălalt. Sunt prea diferiți în termeni de caracter, alegeri de viață, viziune asupra lumii și în modul în care relaționează cu ceilalți. Sunt total opuși. Totuși între ei se dezvoltă o atracție pe care încearcă cu greu să o respingă, dar căreia, în final, îi dau curs. Relația lor aprinde repede pasiuni intense, dar pasiunea aduce și probleme care le amenință fericirea și familia. Cum va înainta această poveste de iubire italiană?

The film is about an old fashioned Italian with moral values of the 1930/40's , who has to find a wife in the modern, woman's liberated society of Australia of the 1960/70's.

An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.

Antonio and Emma have been separated for years, but he does not accept when Emma dates other men. Indeed Antonio proves obsessive, aggressive and intrusive, and again threatens Emma to hurt the children: little Kevin, shy and introverted, and the adolescent Valentina.

Irene, a workaholic, is forced to re-evaluate her priorities after the suicide of her two best friends.

Un profesor deziluzionat își cunoaște fiul plin de viață pe care nu l-a recunoscut niciodată și îl ia în casa lui pentru șase luni care le vor schimba definitiv viețile.

The film takes us on a voyage to a hidden Italy rarely addressed on film: Gay Italy as it was lived in the 20th century, from the turn of the century up to the 80s. The documentary gives voice to those who personally had to bear the weight of being "different", remembering how their lives were shaped by this situation during Fascism and in the aftermath of World War II, in an anthropologically and culturally widely diverse nation. Theirs is a mixed testimony of repression, censorship, dignity, courage, and happiness, making way for the final image of a world - our world - that still has a long way to go towards respect and liberty for everyone.

On his death bed in the 1820s, King Ferdinando I of Naples tries to escape the ghosts of his bloody kingship by remembering his younger days, when he was allowed to go hunting and have fun, and inventing love games. Then he was obliged to marry Mary Caroline of Austria, daughter of Empress Mary Theresa, in a political marriage: unexpectedly, they became happy lovers, until court power games divided them, and a different historical season arrived.

Young Alvise's body is paralyzed, or at least he thinks so. He is infatuated by his beautiful aunt Lea. What starts as innocent therapy and care soon develops into strange erotic and psychological battle between them.

A look at the lives of Carlo, Giulia, and their friends some 10 years after the events of L'Ultimo bacio.

In timp ce Imperiul Otoman se apropie de colaps, un varstnic servant inventeaza povesti pentru a mentine confuzie in haremul Sultanului...

Wunderkind horror novelist Stephen Grimes is hard at work coming up with new ways to kill people when, on a late-night drive, he hits a young man and rushes him to the hospital. A tentative friendship between the two men erupts into a heated affair. Stephen is soon trapped in a dangerous plot, as Emett and Emett's friends reveal a sinister side that could be a storyline from one of his own novels.

Jette and Johannes have been living together for two years when Johannes suggests that they "legalize" their relationship. Jette loves him, but the proposal of marriage terrifies her.