Avery and Peter try to keep the romance alive while renovating the old house they bought and juggling work, but everything takes on a new perspective when they get some news they’ve been hoping for.

A teacher discovers his calling. Marco relocates to Palermo from Milan and takes a job teaching in a reform school while he waits for a high school position. He tries to understand and motivate his handful of students, reading them colloquial poetry, encouraging them to stand up for their rights, finding out about their histories. Natale, in for murder, enamoured of the Mafia, the King Rat within the group; Mery, a drag queen, arrested for assault when defending himself, in love with Mario and, in daylight, rejected by all; Pietro, illiterate, muscular, believing his destiny is set; the callow Claudio, vulnerable, learning to harden himself. What can Mario learn and do in such a short time?

Successful New York attorney Sam Leibowitz travels to the South in 1933 to defend nine young black men accused of raping two women on an Alabama freight train.

Джош Уейцкин (Макс Помъранс) е обикновено седемгодишно момче с необикновен талант - той е магьосник на шахматната дъска. Но за разлика от другите "шахматни гении", той обича още бейзбола, баскетбола и риболова. Нали все пак е най-обикновено момче. Баща му (Джо Мантеня) е спортен журналист, решен да види сина си шампион, а Бен Кингсли и Лорънс Фишбърн са се заели с обучението му по черно-бялата дъска. Първият е всепризнат майстор и стратег, а вторият - блиц-играч от пейките на Уошингтън парк.

Грант и Фиона са съпрузи от дълги години, които продължават да се обичат всеотдайно. Но когато й е поставена диагноза Алцхаймер, тя настоява не той да се грижи за нея, а да влезе в болница, което кара да Грант да изживее сериозна криза на съвестта.

Рин Джейкъбс е тринадесет годишно момиче, което живее в отдалечена къща в градче до морето наета от нея и баща й. Когато, обаче, някой от жителите иска да говори с баща й, него все го няма и изглежда, че девойката живее сама. Находчивостта на момичето да измисля нови и нови оправдания е подложена на изпитание, докато хората, между които и хазяйката и неприятния й син, се опитват да разберат дали крие нещо и какво е то... и най-вече къде е нейния баща?

Филмът представя трагичната история на Ирена, жената-котка, която се страхува, че ще унищожи тези, които обича...

Two brothers reunite at their father’s funeral after many years apart. Between bitterness from the past and forgotten affection they will embark on a trip onboard their motorbikes which they built when they were children.

Jeannette is a single mother living in a working-class community in Marseilles; she tries to support herself and her two kids on her salary as a check-out girl at a supermarket and lives in an apartment complex where everyone is thrown into close proximity with everyone else. Marius is working as a security guard at a cement factory that has gone out of business; he's also squatting in the building, since the plant is soon to be demolished and he'll be needing his money later on. One day, Jeannette happens by the factory, and spotting several cans of paint, tries to take two of them home with her. Marius spots her and tries to chase her away, while she rails at him with curses against the capitalist system. The next day, an apologetic Marius appears at her doorstep, cans of paint in hand; the two soon become friendly, and a romance begins to bloom, though it quickly becomes obvious that Jeannette's romance novel fantasies are a bit off the mark from what Marius has in mind.

Kpиc Πpaт, чиeтo бляcĸaвo бъдeщe e пoмpaчeнo oт мoзъчнa тpaвмa, paбoти ĸaтo нoщeн пopтиep в бaнĸa. Caмoтeн и пoтиcнaт, тoй cтaвa жepтвa нa oпитeн пpecтъпниĸ, ĸoйтo мy oбeщaвa пo-дoбъp живoт, ако се cъглacи дa yчacтвa в oбиpa нa бaнĸaтa.

When 54 high school girls throw themselves in front of a subway train it appears to be only the beginning of a string of suicides around the country. Does the new all-girl group Desert have anything to do with it? Detective Kuroda tries to find the answer, which isn't as simple as he had hoped.

Реми е тийнейджър, който има проблеми със съотборниците си от футболния тим, кара се постоянно със сестра си и майка си и като цяло животът му върви в погрешна посока. Затова момчето решава да напусне семейния дом. Докато се скита безцелно попада на намръщения Патрик, който въпреки първоначално негативното си отношение към Реми, решава че трябва да се погрижи за момчето. Две изгубени души тръгват по пътя на преоткриване на самоличността.

An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaking point by an abusive female guard.

Emma is an attractive girl in her 20s who has been blind for 20 years. A new type of eye operation partially restores her sight, but she is having problems: sometimes she doesn't "remember" what she's seen until later. One night she is awakened by a commotion upstairs. Peering out of her door, she sees a shadowy figure descending the stairs. Convinced that her neighbour has been murdered she approaches the police, only to find that she is unsure if it was just her new eyes playing tricks on her.

Πpeз лятoтo нa 1981 г. Джoн Xoлмc e в зaлeзa нa зaбeлeжитeлнaтa cи ĸapиepa нa cвeтoвнo извecтeн пopнo aĸтьop. B cлeдcтвиe нa финaнcoвoтo и eмoциoнaлнoтo cи cъcтoяниe Xoлмc се зaбъpĸвa вce пo-дълбoĸo в opгaнизиpaнaтa пpecтъпнocт пoдвизaвaщa се нa Уoндъpлeнд aвeню. Cлeд дъpзъĸ oбиp нa coбcтвeниĸ нa нoщни ĸлyбoвe, члeнoвeтe нa бaндaтa yчacтвaли в yдapa ca нaмepeни бpyтaлнo yбити, a Xoлмc се пpeвpъщa в глaвeн зaпoдoзpян. Bъзмoжнo ли e зaлязвaщaтa пopнo звeздa дa се пpeвъpнe в xлaднoĸpъвeн yбиeц?

Pierre is a clumsy, overly serious math teacher at an all-girls high school. His life is thrown into chaos after encountering a beautiful British actress and the paparazzi that follow her around.

A man returns to his hometown and a series of dark secrets are revealed.

Detective Catherine Palmer is on the trail of an elusive serial killer. During her investigation she meets Vickie Kittrie, who belongs to an exclusive club of women who engage in secret sessions of bondage and S&M. Matters become even more complicated when Palmer finds herself attracted to Kittrie, leading to a brief lesbian encounter. Palmer soon learns that each victim belonged to this club of prominent, sexually experimental women. In order to catch the killer, Catherine must trust Vickie to guide her through the dangerous and illicit underground.

A seductive teen befriends an introverted high school student and schemes her way into the lives of her wealthy family.

A beautiful lonely girl named Melissa tries to make new friends from a town she's currently living in. The only problem is, each of the boys that she spends time with end up brutally murdered. Her sixteenth birthday is on the way, but Melissa turns out to be a suspect when it seems she's the last person who has seen her boyfriends alive.