VIETNAM: AMERICAN HOLOCAUST exposes one of the worst cases of sustained mass slaughter in history, carefully planned and executed by presidents of both parties. Our dedicated generals and foot soldiers, knowingly or unknowingly, killed nearly 5 million people, on an almost unimaginable scale, mostly using incendiary bombs. Vietnam has never left our national consciousness, and now, in this time, it has more relevance than ever. Claiborne documents the Whitehouse fabrication of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and further, raises the question of whether JFK was assassinated to promote the Vietnam War. Martin Sheen, who played the leading role in Apocalypse Now almost 30 years ago, has generously lent his powerful voice to this actual history of the War in Vietnam.

12 meest hoiavad enda käes ühe inimese saatust. Kohtuprotsess on läbi - vabaduse ja vangistuse vahel seisab nende otsus. Ruum on palav, mitte kõik ei taha seal olla ja pealegi ei tundu mingit kahtlust olema, et kohtualune, 18-aastane Puerto Rico päritolu poiss oma isa tappis. Kaheteistkümnest vandekohtunikust kahtleb vaid üks neist noormehe süüs. Kuna otsus peab olema ühene, algab vandekohtunike ruumis pingeline arutelu, kus oma osa on ka eelarvamustel ja ükskõiksusel.

Aasta on 2700 ning maakera on pilgeni täidetud igasuguse rämpsu ja prahiga. Et emake Maa jälle elamiskõlblikuks muuta, lahkus inimkond planeedilt ning jättis koristama miljoneid väikeseid roboteid. Koristusprogramm aga luhtus ning alles jäi ainult üks pisike robot, WALL·E. WALL·E veedabki oma päevi tehes seda, milleks ta loodi. Kuid kui Maale saadetakse progressi uurimiseks sond veel ühe väikse robotiga, leiab WALL·E oma elu armastuse.

After seven months have passed without a culprit in her daughter's murder case, Mildred Hayes makes a bold move, painting three signs leading into her town with a controversial message directed at Bill Willoughby, the town's revered chief of police. When his second-in-command Officer Jason Dixon, an immature mother's boy with a penchant for violence, gets involved, the battle between Mildred and Ebbing's law enforcement is only exacerbated.

"Grand Budapest hotell" toob meieni pöörased seiklused Wes Andersoni stiilis, mille keskmes on sedapuhku üle Euroopa kuulsa Grand Budapest hotelli legendaarne administraator Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes) ning tema parem käsi ja usaldusisik Zero Moustafa (uustulnuk Toni Revolori), kes on asunud nimetatud hotellis tööle pakikandjana. Peatselt tulevad mängu aga tavapärasest keerukamad inimsuhted, salapärane surmajuhtum, vargus ning kirsina koogi peal hindamatu renessanssi aegne maal "Poiss õunaga"...

At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for helping others. Soon Amelie is spending her days as a matchmaker, guardian angel, and all-around do-gooder. But when she bumps into a handsome stranger, will she find the courage to become the star of her very own love story?

101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

Püha graali, nõud, millest Jeesus jõi viimase õhtusöömaajal, ihkavad enda kätte saada nii USA valitsus kui ka natsid. Ameeriklased pöörduvad selleks taas Indiana Jonesi poole. Indiana teab, et tema isa Henry on aastaid seda otsinud ning tema päevikus on olemas ka vihjed selle leidmiseks. Kuid põhjus, miks valitsus just noorema Jonesi poole pöördus on lihtne - natsid röövisid ta isa.

When renowned crime novelist Harlan Thrombey is found dead at his estate just after his 85th birthday, the inquisitive and debonair Detective Benoit Blanc is mysteriously enlisted to investigate. From Harlan's dysfunctional family to his devoted staff, Blanc sifts through a web of red herrings and self-serving lies to uncover the truth behind Harlan's untimely death.

Remy ei ole sugugi mitte tavaline rotipoiss - nimelt on teda õnnistatud ülitundliku maitsmismeelega ja seetõttu keeldub ta kategooriliselt suhu toppimast kõiksugu prügi, mis muidu rottide söögitabelis auväärsel kohal figureerivad. Remy iseäralikud maitseeelistused tekitavad omajagu kummastust ka tema pereliikmete seast, sest rotid on harjunud endale suhu pistma enam-vähem kõike, mida nad leiavad... Seetõttu ei saa nad üldse aru ka Remy suurest unistuseks - saada ühel ilusal päeval kokaks. Teda innustavad teel oma eesmärgi poole ka meisterkokk Gusteau sõnad: kõik oskavad süüa teha.

In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hideout on the Mexican border. But Logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are upended when a young mutant arrives, pursued by dark forces.

Kolonelleitnant Bill Cage pole kunagi lahinguväljal olnud, aga ta saadetakse pikema ettevalmistuseta ja kasinate vahenditega sõjakäigule, mis on sama hästi kui enesetapumissioon. Cage tapetakse mõne minutiga, aga ta tõmbab endaga kaasa ühe alfa. Tundub võimatu, aga ta ärkab siis uuesti selle põrguliku päeva koidikul ning peab jälle korduvalt surema. Füüsiline kontakt tulnukaga käivitas ajasõlme, mille tõttu peab ta üht ja sama jõhkrat lahingut ikka ja jälle läbi elama.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

In 2257, a taxi driver is unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

Kaunis tänavatüdruk Vivian müüb äraelamiseks oma keha. Edward on aga jäine ärimees, kelle jaoks töö on alati esikohal. Nende tutvus algab tavalise lõbutüdruku ja kliendi kohtumisena, kuid eneselegi ootamatult Edward armub Vivianisse ja pakub talle hunniku raha, et naine veedaks temaga terve nädala.

The tale of a new breed of cultural insurgent: a punk genius who sparked a revolution and changed the face of human interaction for a generation, and perhaps forever. Chronicling the formation of Facebook and the battles over ownership that followed upon the website's unfathomable success, The Social Network bears witness to the birth of an idea that rewove the fabric of society even as it unraveled the friendship of its creators.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

Following the death of Ellen Leigh, the matriarch of their family, her daughter Annie and the rest of the family start to uncover disturbing secrets about their heritage. Their daily lives are not only impacted, but they also become entangled in a chilling fate from which they cannot escape, driving them to the brink of madness.

Lõvi Alex, sebra Marty, kaelkirjak Melman ja jõehobu Gloria on ikka veel Madagaskaril, kuid vahepealse aja jooksul on sündinud sedavõrd hullumeelne plaan, et see võib isegi toimida. Nimelt on suutnud ettevõtlikud pingviinid seada töökorda vana lennukivraki ning nüüd kavatsevad sõbrad sellega tagasi koju lennata. Paraku püsib sõiduk õhus ainult natuke aega, millele järgneb hädamaandumine Aafrika südames. Seal kohtavad nad esmakordselt elus liigikaaslasi ning tutvuvad oma juurtega.