Inhabitants of a small village in Hungary deal with the effects of the fall of Communism. The town's source of revenue, a factory, has closed, and the locals, who include a doctor and three couples, await a cash payment offered in the wake of the shuttering. Irimias, a villager thought to be dead, returns and, unbeknownst to the locals, is a police informant. In a scheme, he persuades the villagers to form a commune with him.
La cei 78 de ani ai săi, profesorul Isak Borg este chemat la universitatea din Lund, în sudul Suediei, unde va primi un doctorat onorific pentru contribuțiile sale științifice. Călătorește cu nora sa, care îi poartă pică pentru soțul ei, fiul profesorului, dă dovadă de un egoism similar cu cel al bătrânului și, mai mult, refuză să aibă copii. Pe drum dau peste trei autostopiști pe care îi invită în mașină spre Lund. După ce vizitează vechea casă de vară a familiei, Borg este asaltat de coșmaruri în care i se reproșează toate greșelile din trecut.
Daniel Plainview își încearcă norocul ca prospector la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea în căutarea de argint, dar într-o zi, în timp ce muncește din greu, descoperă un puț de petrol. O nouă obsesie se dezvoltă pentru singuratic, care este concentrat doar pe profit și, în scurt timp, începe să lucreze în afacerea cu petrol. Partenerul său moare devreme, după care Daniel are grijă de fiul său, care a rămas orfan. Dar Daniel alege acest pas doar pentru a câștiga avantaje și astfel se ridică prin înșelăciune și muncă grea pentru a deveni un baron al petrolului foarte bogat. Fiul său adoptiv H.W. pe de altă parte, își pierde auzul într-un accident la o pompă de ulei. Pe măsură ce anii au trecut, averea lui Daniel a crescut și, odată cu ea, ura lui nemărginită față de oameni...
A young Casanova falls in love with a tallyman-woman who keeps persisting knocking at his door everyday.
An ailing Greek man attempts to take a young, illegal Albanian immigrant home.
Amplasat pe o insulă de lângă coasta Noii Anglie, în vara anului 1965, filmul spune povestea a doi copii de doisprezece ani care se îndrăgostesc, fac un pact secret și fug împreună în sălbăticie. Pe măsură ce diferite autorități încearcă să-i vâneze, o furtună violentă se pregătește în larg – iar comunitatea pașnică a insulei este răsturnată cu susul în jos în mai multe moduri decât oricine poate face față.
The first part of an incomplete trilogy telling the story of the greek people. The film begins in 1919, with Greek immigrants from Odessa arriving near Thessaloniki. Led by the charismatic Spyros, they establish a new settlement in the delta of a river. The youngest of the settlers are Spyros' son Alexis and an orphan from Odessa, Eleni. A strong, almost incestuous affection develops between the teenagers, resulting in twins who are given to a foster family. Also standing in the way of love is Spyros, determined to take his foster daughter as his wife. The lovers then decide to flee the village, persecuted by their father, leading a life of exile. As Alexis joins a group of musicians planning to go to the United States, Eleni regains custody of the twins. Angelopoulos, as in previous films, looks at the sacrifice of civilians confronted by the workers' demonstrations of 1935, the rule of Metaxas' fascist junta and forced emigration to America, and finally the civil war of 1944-1949.
The chronicles of four years in the life of Julie, a young woman who navigates the troubled waters of her love life and struggles to find her career path, leading her to take a realistic look at who she really is.
Wataru Hirayama's outwardly liberal views on marriage are severely tested when his daughter declares that she is in love with a musician and is adamant to live life her own way, instead of agreeing to an arranged marriage. Outwitted by his female relatives, Hirayama stubbornly refuses to admit defeat.
When Letty Mason relocates to West Texas, she finds herself unsettled by the ever-present wind and sand. Arriving at her new home at the ranch of her cousin, Beverly, she receives a surprisingly cold welcome from his wife, Cora. Soon tensions in the family and unwanted attention from a trio of suitors leave Letty increasingly disturbed.
This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that they put on is entitled "Golfo the Shepherdess," the thespians end up echoing scenes from classic Greek tales in their own lives, as Elektra plots revenge on her mother for the death of her father, and seeks help from her brother, Orestes, a young anti-fascist rebel.
Viktor Navorski este un bărbat fără țară; avionul lui a decolat chiar în timp ce s-a dat o lovitură de stat în țara lui, lăsând-o într-un dezastru. Acum el este naufragiat pe aeroportul Kennedy, unde el deține un pașaport pe care nimeni nu-l recunoaște. În timp ce este pus să aștepte în zona de tranzit până când autoritățile își pot da seama ce să facă cu el, Viktor pur și simplu locuiește, lucrează și curtează o frumoasă însoțitoare de zbor. Realizat după un caz real.
Under the pretense of having a picnic, a geologist takes his teenage daughter and 6-year-old son into the Australian outback and attempts to shoot them. When he fails, he turns the gun on himself, and the two city-bred children must contend with harsh wilderness alone. They are saved by a chance encounter with an Aboriginal boy who shows them how to survive, and in the process underscores the disharmony between nature and modern life.
Rey își dezvoltă abilitățile nou descoperite, cu îndrumarea lui Luke Skywalker, care este neliniștit de forța puterilor ei. Între timp, Rezistența se pregătește să lupte cu Primul Ordin.
Frederick Loren has invited five strangers to a party of a lifetime. He is offering each of them $10,000 if they can stay the night in a house. But the house is no ordinary house. This house has a reputation for murder. Frederick offers them each a gun for protection. They all arrived in a hearse and will either leave in it $10,000 richer or leave in it dead!
When Momo leaves his small home town to go to university, he is full of enthusiasm and confidence, but slowly the pressures of study and campus living begin to grind him down. Half way through his course he finds himself at a crossroads with both his relationship and studies.
Waiting for the train that will take him away, a man goes back over moments of his small-town upbringing: the relationship with his family, his involvement in the protests of 1968 and a childhood friend died too soon.
A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in Italy, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA. The main character is Eleni, who is claimed and claims the absoluteness of love. At the same time the film is a long journey into the vast history and the events of the last fifty years that left their mark on the 20th century. The characters in the film move as though in a dream. The dust of time confuses memories. A searches for them and experiences them in the present.
Two ambitious junior employees from different social backgrounds, an aspiring author and the elegant daughter of a failed industrialist, see their youthful optimism turn into utter defeat. But what is the cost of a lost dream?
A young woman is hired by a wealthy but sinister man to tutor his two children at the family's isolated estate. When the woman gets there, she finds that the two children are not quite what they seem to be--in fact, they are possessed by the spirits of the evil Quint and his lover.