A mysterious abandoned factory began the first day of shooting. When carrying the heroine Zhu Sha, deputy director, "the forefront of the film" program host a dream bus and other people arrived at the factory, shooting the venue was empty, landlord let everyone in the factory standby, he went out to during supper we buy, wait, deputy director bizarre but died in the bathroom

A middle class boy deeply loved by his family comes to Hyderabad from Kakinada for his IT job. He stays in the house of a family friend in the city and falls in love with his daughter. While there is tension in the house. Yet, the rapport between the protagonist and his father's friend promises some fun and comedy.

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.

Compilation de 15 vidéos Hard-Rock avec des groupes comme Rainbow, Scorpions, Dio, et pleins d'autres !

Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!

David Storey's adaptation of his award winning play for the BBC's Play for Today series.

Chaque fin d'année, les lutins travaillent d'arrache-pied pour préparer les cadeaux et leur livraison. Habitué à gérer cette effervescence avec brio, le lutin Wayne, privé de promotion cette année, est d'autant plus furieux qu'il se retrouve à former un débutant maladroit au balisage de la piste d'atterrissage du Père Noël. Pour couronner le tout, une tempête terrible menace son secteur de distribution...

Aurora Teagarden se réjouit de revoir Poppy Wislon, une amie d'enfance qui connaît un succès grandissant sur les réseaux sociaux avec ses vidéos de couture. Sa réussite l'a incitée à lancer un blog avec Cara, sa meilleure amie. Lorsqu'elle retrouve Poppy poignardée dans sa maison, Aurora enquête sans attendre, aidée de sa mère et de son amie journaliste, Sally Allison

Short film built from photographs, sped up like a traditional stop motion and is meant to be an evocation of the English Eerie and Folk Horror.

Deux jeunes Françaises en vacances à Moscou empruntent un taxi et se laissent convaincre par le chauffeur de visiter le musée Raspoutine. Elles en admirent les richesses lorsqu'un mage les hypnotise. A son réveil, l'une d'elles découvre qu'elle est maintenant employée dans un bar sordide et que tous ses charmes sont mis à contribution. Elle passe la nuit avec un Américain et, au matin, décampe avec sa mallette bourrée de billets. Pendant ce temps, Joy, de passage dans la capitale russe, monte dans le même taxi que les deux malheureuses et s'apprête à vivre les mêmes aventures. Les nuits moscovites s'avèrent particulièrement occupées pour les jeunes Occidentales...

Des morts sont ramenés à la vie par une mystérieuse sphère noire, GANTZ, qui les somme de combattre d'étranges créatures pour racheter leur liberté. Moyennant 100 points, chaque participant peut gagner sa résurrection ou ressusciter un proche. Mais GANTZ, menacé de mourir, décide de complexifier encore les règles.

Moscow, the 90s ... A city without a past and without a future. A city that doesn't forgive mistakes. Showing Moscow bohemia, the criminal business: nightlife, easy money, excitement and confusion form the surface of this life. The main characters of the film are businessman Mike and his friend and partner in smuggling Lev, a psychiatrist Mark and his school friend Irina who became the mistress of a nightclub, her two daughters - a crazy Olga working in the same club as a singer, and Masha - the “Moscow Princess” on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday. Love stories smoothly flow into a crime drama.

En 1990, les animaux domestiques et le personnel de service ont disparu au profit des singes-esclaves. Mais ces derniers se révoltent et prennent le pouvoir, sous l'impulsion de Caesar, le fils de Cornélius et Zira...

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.

An expansive chronicle of life in the small south Texas town of Raymondville. Beginning in 1979 and continuing for a full two decades, Perry charted a progression of successes and setbacks by farmworker organizers and community activists in their fights with wealthy landowners and the local political establishment.

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"