When teen Sarah is forced to babysit her half-brother Toby, she summons Jareth the Goblin King to take him away. When he is actually kidnapped, Sarah is given just thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue him.

Pisateljica Karen se ne zaveda, da glavni junak njenega najnovejšega romana obstaja tudi v resnici. Harold, ki je do sedaj živel precej dolgočasno življenje, v svoji glavi zasliši pisateljičin glas in njeno zgodbo, ki je pravzaprav tudi zgodba njegovega življenja. Prestrašen uvidi, da namerava Karen njegov lik ubiti, zato pomoč poišče pri slavnem literatu, da bi skupaj našla vzrok za nenavadno dogajanje in preprečila prehitro smrt. Domišljijo in realnost bo prepletal Marc Forster, režiser filmov V iskanju dežele Nije in Bal smrti.

In 18th century France, Marquise de Merteuil asks her ex-lover Vicomte de Valmont to seduce the future wife of another ex-lover of hers in return for one last night with her. Yet things don’t go as planned.

From a riddle-speaking butterfly, a unicorn learns that she is supposedly the last of her kind, all the others having been herded away by the Red Bull. The unicorn sets out to discover the truth behind the butterfly's words. She is eventually joined on her quest by Schmendrick, a second-rate magician, and Molly Grue, a now middle-aged woman who dreamed all her life of seeing a unicorn. Their journey leads them far from home, all the way to the castle of King Haggard.

Medgalaktična teleportacijska naprava v Egiptu vodi do planeta z ljudmi, ki se spominjajo starih Egipčanov, ki so slavili boga RA.

Idealističen mlad odvetnik prevzame primer staršev. Njihov sin je umrl, ker mu močna zavarovalnica ni hotela plačati oskrbe. Odvetnik odkrije več milijard vredno zavarovalniško prevaro.

V bližnji prihodnosti sonce prične ugašati, zato ljudje ustvarijo posebno vesoljsko plovilo, ki bi z detonacijo močne bombe omogočila preživetje na Zemlji. Na dolgi poti se mora posadka spopadati z osamljenostjo in strahom, skrivnosten signal s plovila, ki je poletelo pred njimi, a ni opravilo svoje naloge, pa njihovo popotovanje spremeni v bitko za življenje in smrt. V neskončni praznini vesolja njihovo usodo in prihodnost vsega človeštva krojijo težke moralne odločitve.

Tyler Gage receives the opportunity of a lifetime after vandalizing a performing arts school, gaining him the chance to earn a scholarship and dance with an up and coming dancer, Nora.

After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related to a revolutionary advance in steam power.

Eight months after the death of his wife, Frank Goode looks forward to a reunion with his four adult children. When all of them cancel their visits at the last minute, Frank, against the advice of his doctor, sets out on a road trip to reconnect with his offspring. As he visits each one in turn, Frank finds that his children's lives are not quite as picture-perfect as they've made them out to be.

The beautiful princess Giselle is banished by an evil queen from her magical, musical animated land and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn't operate on a "happily ever after" basis, Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall in love with a charmingly flawed divorce lawyer who has come to her aid - even though she is already promised to a perfect fairy tale prince back home - she has to wonder: Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?

Oliver Twist the modern filmed version of Charles Dickens bestseller, a Roman Polanski adaptation. The classic Dickens tale, where an orphan meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. From there, he joins a household of boys who are trained to steal for their master.

In 2019, Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly "Utopian" but contained facility. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully-controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to The Island — reportedly the last uncontaminated location on the planet. But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie.

Pleasantly plump teenager Tracy Turnblad auditions to be on Baltimore's most popular dance show - The Corny Collins Show - and lands a prime spot. Through her newfound fame, she becomes determined to help her friends and end the racial segregation that has been a staple of the show.

V zgodbi o začetkih ustanavljanja največje in najbolj razvpite obveščevalne agencije CIA spoznamo idealističnega mladeniča Edwarda, ki pozna pravi pomen domoljubja in kot agent nima težav s prikrivanjem skrivnosti. Toda paranoja hladne vojne v njem veča neprijeten občutek, da ne more več nikomur zaupati, kar na težko preizkušnjo postavi njegova prepričanja, vse bolj pa je odtujen tudi od družine in žene, ki ne more več prenašati dvojnega življenja in laži, s katerimi se Edward ves čas obdaja.

A slacker and a career-driven woman accidentally conceive a child after a one-night stand. As they try to make the relationship work, they must navigate the challenges of parenthood and their differences in lifestyle and maturity.

After overhearing a shocking secret, precocious orphan Lyra Belacqua trades her carefree existence roaming the halls of Jordan College for an otherworldly adventure in the far North, unaware that it's part of her destiny.

Film se dogaja na silvestrovo v New Yorku. Spremljamo Kim, mati samohranilko, ki še zmeraj vidi svojo hčerko Hailey kot punco, ki si ne želi drugega, kot ob polnoči poljubiti fanta. Claire, ki je zadolžena za spust krogle na Times Squaru. Kuharico Lauro, ki naleti na svojega nekdanjega fanta, pevca Jensena. Ingrid, ki prosi mladega kurirja Paula, da ji pomaga uresničiti novoletne zaobljube... Zvezdniška igralska zasedba prinaša preplet zgodb o ljubezni, upanju, odpuščanju, novih priložnostih in svežih začetkih.

As the Roman empire crumbles, young Romulus Augustus flees the city and embarks on a perilous voyage to Britain to track down a legion of supporters.

A lab accident gives a beagle named Shoeshine some serious superpowers -- a secret that the dog eventually shares with the young boy who becomes his owner and friend.