Based on true events amid the wreckage and chaos dealt by Hurricane Katrina; one basketball coach in Marrero, Louisiana just will not give up. Coach Al Collins, gathers other players from hard-hit schools and builds a team actually worthy enough to go to the state playoffs.

Frank Goode strávil celý život prácou v továrni a snahou uživiť rodinu. Ako čerstvý dôchodca si však začína uvedomovať, že so svojimi štyrmi deťmi netrávil dostatok času a rozhodne sa to napraviť a pozvať celú rozvetvenú rodinu na víkendovú grilovačku. Keď jeden po druhom pozvaní účasť z rôznych dôvodov odrieknu, rozhodne sa Frank svoje deti ponavštevovať a pokochať sa ich úspechmi, o ktorých mu vždy rozprávala jeho zosnulá manželka.

Alice learns of her mother's accidental death while travelling in Canada. The body has been repatriated to France at the request of her husband, Alice's father. But he has supposedly been dead for 22 years. Is it really her father? Why would her mother have lied to her?

Will Montgomery, a U.S. Army Staff Sergeant who has returned home from Iraq, is assigned to the Army’s Casualty Notification service. Montgomery is partnered with Captain Tony Stone, to give notice to the families of fallen soldiers. The Sergeant is drawn to Olivia Pitterson, to whom he has delivered news of her husband’s death.

As Cirque du Soleil reboots its flagship production, O, more than a year after an abrupt shutdown, performers and crew members face uncertainty as they work to return to their world-class standards in time for the (re)opening night in Las Vegas. With unfettered access, filmmaker Dawn Porter captures the dramatic journey of the world's most famous circus act on its way back from the brink.

During a dark time in the Heian period, when evil forces threaten the kingdom, the emperor relies on the Onmyoji to keep the supernatural forces in line. But as political events become highly charged, friction within the order leads to betrayal. Now, Seimei (Mansai Nomura), a talented member of the clan, must face down his master, Doson (Hiroyuki Sanada), in the hopes of restoring peace to the kingdom.

Sherwood forest has a courageous new hero - Gwyn, the daughter of Robin Hood. Possessing the cunning skills of her legendary father and the beauty and intelligence of her mother Maid Marian, Gwyn is anxious to follow in her father's footsteps. King Richard nears death and Robin Hood and his Merry Men are summoned to help bring Richard's son Philip to his rightful place on the throne before the evil Prince John can assume power. Robin Hood's life and that of the future King of England soon lies in Gwyn's hands when Robin is captured and sentenced to death.

A love story about a young man who runs away up an isolated Australian river and gets a job with eighth generation oyster famers.

Geniálny hacker Connor objaví Cikádu 3301, online pátraciu hru, ktorá je nástrojom náboru mozgov pre tajnú spoločnosť. Čoskoro sa Conner, jeho priateľ Avi, ktorý je odborníkom na umenie, a tajnostkárska knihovníčka Gwen vydajú z miest s graffiti do starobylých knižníc, aby odhalili skutočné stopy. Musia však uniknúť agresívnym agentom NSA, ktorí sú Cikáde tiež na stope a chcú získať slávu len pre seba.

A psychotic man opens fire in a diner, murdering numerous people before killing himself. The survivors struggle in different ways following this horrendous event: a doctor doubts his own instincts and elects to use an experimental medical procedure on his wife, while a gambler believes he's on a lucky streak. A waitress begins engaging in promiscuous sex, and a young girl whose father is among the dead gains unexpected fame.

During his long career, bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson has caught over 5,000 criminals. Now, while he is working on apprehending fugitives in Illinois, Texas and Nebraska, he himself is being hunted by a psychotic killer.

Bimbo Akintola, Danny Glover and TIFF Rising Star Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama star in director Steve Gukas’ riveting real-life thriller about courageous health-care workers in Lagos battling the Ebola outbreak of 2014.

Every choice has a consequence. But what if the flip of a coin could trigger two separate but parallel destinies? Bobby and Kate are a young New York couple at a crossroads whose lives are about to take very different directions. A seemingly ordinary July 4th is cleaved in two by the flip of a coin. One path leads them to gentle discoveries about family, loss and each other on a visit to Brooklyn, and the other plunges them into an urban nightmare of pursuit, suspense and murder in Manhattan.

This melodrama investigates the life of a sex worker, in a pseudo-documentary style.

A man awakens in a car wreck at the bottom of a steep cliff. He can't remember who he is or how he got there, but a report over the radio fills in some of the blanks, as it describes a violent bank robbery and names a perpetrator who happens to be sitting dead in the back seat.

When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.

V roku 2007 v talianskom meste Perugia zavraždili britskú študentku Meredith Kercherovú. Jednou z obvinených sa stala jej spolubývajúca, Američanka Amanda Knoxová. Tento prípad a jeho vyšetrovanie na dlhú dobu ovládli pozornosť svetových médií, z ktorých niektoré venovali zločinu a jeho aktérom obrovskú pozornosť. Mladý režisér Thomas Lang dostane príležitosť nakrútiť film podľa pripravovanej knihy americkej novinárky Simone Fordovej, ktorá sa zaoberá kontroverzným súdnym procesom študentky obvinenej z vraždy svojej spolubývajúcej. Simone a Thomas idú do Talianska, aby sa bližšie zoznámili s prípadom z Perugie. Po tom, čo navštívia miesto činu, začne Thomas pochybovať nielen o ľuďoch okolo seba, na čele s filmovými investormi a ľuďmi z médií, ale aj sám o sebe a svojich motívoch. Zachráni ho až priateľstvo s mladou britskou študentkou Melanie. Vďaka nej si uvedomí, že nechce nakrútiť film o násilí a vine, ale o láske a nevinnosti.

Street dancer, Thomas Uncles is from the wrong side of the tracks, but his bond with the beautiful Megan White might help the duo realize their dreams as they enter in the mother of all dance battles.

Carl plánuje odísť na víkend preč z mesta, aby zachránil svoje rozpadávajúce sa manželstvo so Sue. Ich cieľom je horská chata, kde Carl zvykol brávať na víkendy svoju sexi expriateľku Robyn. To však ešte netuší, že jeho bývalá láska sa stala majiteľkou obľúbenej chaty a zároveň ju prevádzkuje. Teraz musí čeliť nepríjemnej situácii a stretnúť sa so ženou, ktorú miloval a ešte stále je ňou tajne posadnutý.