Dona Hermínia will have to rediscover and reinvent herself because her children are forming new families. This supermom will have to deal with a new life scenario: Marcelina is pregnant and Juliano is getting married.

Three mothers see their reality become completely, they are: Ruth, whose teenage son, Raul, faces problems with drugs; Elisa, trying to make up for the absence of her husband giving full attention to the child, the little Theo, and Lara, teacher who faces the dilemma of an unplanned pregnancy. These three women, living in different times of their lives, seeking comfort next to Chico Xavier. And Karl reporter remains insisting on interviewing the medium, even without being prepared for it.

After another spat with her kids, Dona Hermínia decides to take some time off from them and hides away in her aunt's house, where she reminisces about her kids in an age when they still needed her.

El grupo de “Carrossel” (Carrusel) está de vacaciones de la Escuela Mundial y los amigos se reúnen en el campamento Panapaná, donde se embarcan en nuevas aventuras. Juntos, ellos vivieron días increíbles, participando en juegos y niñerías organizadas por el señor Campos, un viejito muy simpático, que hace todo para que los niños se diviertan al máximo. Mientras los niños se divierten, Gonzáles, funcionario de una empresa capitalista, aparece en el campamento con la misión de comprar el terreno para transformarlo en una fábrica que contamina. El villano pretende sabotear el Panapaná para obligar al señor Campos a cerrarlo, pero el hábil grupo de la Escuela Mundial se une para ponerse en el camino de sus planes y mantener el campamento funcionando.

Una joven adolescente que vive en Baltimore en los años 60, sueña con aparecer en un programa de baile en televisión.

The film tells the story of the energetic and pulsating singer Elis Regina since her arrival in Rio de Janeiro at age 19 until her tragic and early death. Despite all the difficulties, success comes fulminant and the life of Elis Regina gained national and international recognition, becoming undoubtedly considered today the greatest Brazilian singer of all time.

2013. During Operation Bidone, the Federal Police seized a truck loaded with palm heart, which contained 697 kg of cocaine. The investigation falls on the team assembled by Ivan Romano, based in Curitiba and composed by Beatriz, Júlio and Ítalo. The traffic connections lead them to the dower Alberto Youssef and later to the former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa, who reveals an immense structure involving builders and the government, in order to divert public money. As the investigation progresses, the group led by Ivan is increasingly approaching some of the country's most influential politicians.

Afraid her husband will fall back with his ex girlfriend after they're assigned to work together, Adriana and her sister set sail to the U.S. to go after him to stop this from happening.

Un alto diplomático brasileño de las Naciones Unidas, el carismático Sergio Vieira de Mello, se ve obligado a superar la misión más importante de su carrera justo cuando finaliza la invasión estadounidense de Iraq.

Alice es una mujer de unos 30 y pocos años, casada con João, madre de un hijo y muy bien sucedida profesionalmente. Como una típica workaholic, es en el trabajo donde encuentra su más grande y único placer. Sin embargo, su vida personal es prácticamente inexistente: cero afectividad, cero libido, vida personal cero. Mientras que a ella le faltan afectividad y sexo, le sobran a su vecina, la maravillosa Marcela. Dueña de un sex shop, Marcela es una verdadera experta en el asunto y lo sabe todo cuando el tema es la búsqueda del placer. Sus vidas se cruzarán y las dos pasarán por grandes transformaciones por cuenta de este encuentro, como en las típicas comedias de errores.

Conozca a la hilarante historia de la suerte y desventuras de Tino, un hombre de familia cuya vida se transforma al ganar la lotería. Deslumbrado por la riqueza, el fanfarrón gasta todo su dinero en una vida de lujo y ostentación. Pero al ver que está en bancarrota, se enfrenta a situaciones cómicas: además de no decirle a su mujer que no hay dinero porque está embarazada y no puede someterse a las emociones fuertes, Tino se ve obligado a aceptar la ayuda de su vecino, un asesor financiero extremadamente económico para salir de la penuria.

The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary of Claudio, they changed places with each other.

Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.

Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.

João Ernesto Ribamar is a corrupt politician running for the presidency. He is in the runoff election, ahead on the polls, when he receives a "mandinga" (curse) from his grandmother, which makes him unable to lie. Now the problem begins: How to win an election by telling only the truth?

Geraldine is a fairy who lost their wings by using unconventional methods in their missions. Her last chance to retrieve them will be the mission "Julia".

Sbornia is an island with a rich but eccentric culture, separated from the rest of the world by a high wall. When the wall comes down, cultural change plays hilarious havoc on the lives of two traditional Sbornian musicians.

La película relata la historia de unos rehenes que se ven envueltos en una situación en la que participan un exconvicto, los federales, la policía local y la mafia.

Two friends, filmmaker Miguel and actor Rodrigo, win the grand prize of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. After drinking too much, Rodrigo signs a lifetime contract to star in Miguel's next film. Miguel mysteriously disappears and comes back ten years later proposing to make a delirious film retelling his adventure in the years he'd been gone. Rodrigo is already famous and fears risking his career, but he has no alternative but to comply.