When Scooby and the gang hear of a werewolf plaguing a traveling circus, they go undercover as circus performers to get to the bottom.

When an overconfident teen alien gets behind the controls of a spaceship, he must attempt to abduct a slumbering farmer under the watchful eye of a critical instructor. But abducting humans requires precision and a gentle touch, and within a few missteps it's painfully clear why more humans don't go missing every year.

Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.

When Nami falls ill, the Straw Hats seek medical care for her on Drum Island. There they meet reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper and the Wapol Pirates.

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.

Peter Banning četrdesetogodišnji je odvjetnik, posve zaboravio na svoj pravi identitet. Pritisnut obavezama, Banning je zapostavio obitelj i potisnuo duboko u zaborav činjenicu da je on zapravo - Petar Pan. Kad Banningovi posjete Peterovu baku Maggie u Londonu, odvjetnikovu djecu otima zli kapetan Kuka iz Nigdjezemske, a baka podsjeća Banninga na njegovu dječju dušu. Ohrabren staričinim riječima, Petar Pan kreće u misiju spašavanja djece, a u pomoć mu stiže simpatična Zvončica.

Kad se crtač stripova zaljubi u kolegicu crtačicu, mora se boriti s najboljim prijateljem kojem to nije po volji, njezinom seksualnošću i vlastitim nesigurnostima.

Slavni dijamant zvan Pink Panther ponovno je ukraden, ovaj put iz nacionalnog muzeja u Lugašu. Lopov pobjegne čuvarima muzeja, no ostavlja podsjetnicu: bijelu rukavicu sa zlatno izvezenim monogramom 'P'. Istragu vodi pukovnik Sharki iz tajne policije, no šah od Lugaša zahtjeva da se pozove i inspektor Jacques Clouseau, koji je trenutno suspendiran sa svog posla u Francuskoj. On je uvjeren da se iza pljačke krije slavni Fantom.

Mitch McDeere is a young man with a promising future in Law. About to sit his Bar exam, he is approached by 'The Firm' and made an offer he doesn't refuse. Seduced by the money and gifts showered on him, he is totally oblivious to the more sinister side of his company. Then, two Associates are murdered. The FBI contact him, asking him for information and suddenly his life is ruined. He has a choice - work with the FBI, or stay with the Firm. Either way he will lose his life as he knows it. Mitch figures the only way out is to follow his own plan...

Peter je mladi glazbenik koji šest godina uzdiže na pijedestal svoju djevojku, televizijsku zvijezdu Sarah Marshall. On je onaj tip koji joj pridržava torbicu dok je slikaju i kojeg slučajno izostavlja iz zahvala dok prima nagrade. Bez obzira na to, kad ga ona ostavi, cijeli se Peterov svijet odjednom poljulja. Nakon neuspješnih pokušaja da nađe utjehu u drugim ženama i nakon živčanoga sloma, uvjeren je da će ga uništiti to što Sarah više nema u njegovom životu. Peter odlazi na put u Oahu i tamo ga dočeka najgora noćna mora: bivša djevojka sa svojim popularnim novim dečkom, britanskom rock-zvijezdom Aldousom Snowom. No, dok se pokušava nositi s činjenicom da Sarah ima nov život, utjehu nalazi u flertu s Rachel, lijepom djelatnicom odmarališta čiji ga opušteni pristup životu navodi da se vrati u svijet živih. Utjehu nalazi i u nekoliko stotina voćnih koktela...

Bogataš Clamp (J. Glover) želi sagraditi golem trgovački i rekreacijski centar u New Yorku. Na tom se mjestu zbog novog projekta ruši staretinarnica jednoga Kineza, a pritom se na slobodi nađe simpatični gremlin Gizmo. U dodiru s vodom u laboratoriju genetičara dr. Cathetera iz dobroćudnog Gizma nastane masa zloćudnih gremlina koji uništavaju sve što stignu. U središtu borbe s njima nađe se mladi par, Billy (Z. Galligan) i Kate (P. Cates), kojima gremlini nisu nepoznati...

Lady and Tramp's mischievous pup, Scamp, gets fed up with rules and restrictions imposed on him by life in a family, and longs for a wild and free lifestyle. He runs away from home and into the streets where he joins a pack of stray dogs known as the "Junkyard Dogs." Buster, the pack's leader, takes an instant disliking to the "house-dog" and considers him a rival. Angel, a junkyard pup Scamp's age, longs for the safety and comfort of life in a family and the two become instant companions. Will Scamp choose the wild and free life of a stray or the unconditional love of his family?

Cole Trickle ambiciozan je mladić koji se pojavljuje niotkuda, a ima nevjerojatan talent za brzu vožnju i vrlo malo smisla za disciplinu. Njegova sposobnost da na stazi, usprkos nedostatku iskustva, napravi uvijek pravi potez, osvaja naklonost Tima Dolana koji ga upoznaje s bivšim legendarnim vozačem Harryjem Hoggeom. Harry uviđa silan potencijal koji Cole ima i vjeruje da ga može učiniti najboljim vozačem. Na tom putu Cole postupno razvija zdravi rivalski odnos s kolegom vozačem Rowdyjem Burnsom. Jedna nesreća i mlada liječnica Claire pomoći će Coleu da bolje upozna samoga sebe...

On a particularly busy day at a suburban Ohio fast food restaurant, manager Sandra receives a phone call from a police officer saying that an employee has stolen money from a customer.

Nakon što je prije nekoliko godina spasio kita Willyja od sigurne smrti, tinejdžer Jesse posvetio se zaštiti najvećih morskih sisavaca. Na poziv svog starog znanca Randolpha, Jesse postane dio ekipe istraživačkog broda čija je članica i oceanologinja Drew. Iako se njih dvoje u početku neće slagati, povezat će ih zajednička misija spašavanja ugroženih životinja kojima prijete beskrupulozni kitolovci i njihov plan o ilegalnoj prodaji kitovog mesa u Japan i Rusiju. Istodobno dječak Max odlazi s ocem Johnom u ribolov ni ne sluteći da on već godinama zarađuje loveći kitove. Kada Max upozna Jesseja, između njih će se roditi prijateljstvo koje će za Willyja i ostale životinje biti presudno u trenucima spašavanja jata kitova od njihovih nemilosrdnih lovaca.

Daleka postaja Federacije Fort Casey je na udaru buba. Jedan tim na brzom napadačkom brodu 'Alesia' dodijeljen je da pomogne zvjezdanom brodu 'John A. Warden' stacioniranom u Fort Caseyju u evakuaciji preživjelih. Carl Jenkins, sada ministar paranormalnog ratovanja, vodi zvjezdani brod u tajnu misiju prije susreta s Alesijom i nestaje u maglici. Sada su vojnici zaduženi za misiju spašavanja koja može dovesti do mnogo zlokobnijih posljedica nego što su ikada mogli zamisliti...

Asterix crosses the channel to help second-cousin Anticlimax face down Julius Caesar and invading Romans.

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.