Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Ambitsioonikas noor džässtrummar Andrew Neyman (Miles Teller) õpib mainekas konservatooriumis, janunedes olla parimatest parim. Terence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) on pedagoog, kes on tuntud nii oma akadeemilise võimekuse kui ka küsitavalt tooreste meetodite poolest. Fletcher avastab Andrew talendi ning kutsub püüdliku õpilase oma elitaarsesse džässansamblisse. Andrew püüdlus saavutada täiuslikkus eskaleerub märkamatult kinnisideeks, samal ajal kui halastamatu õpetaja poisi võimete piire otsib ning ta murdumise äärele viib.

Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

Nimetu linn, mille lähedusse tekib ühel päeval ala, kus ei kehti füüsikaseadused, inimesed jäävad kadunuks ja toimub muudki salapärast. Tsooniks kutsutud ala suletakse ja kes sinna läheb ja vahele jääb, riskib mahalaskmise või vanglakaristusega. Kuid ka Tsoon ise võib nõuda su elu. Stalkerid on mehed, kelle jaoks Tsoon on kinnisidee, eluviis ja elatusvahend. Filmi peategelane, keda kutsutakse samuti Stalkeriks, viib inspiratsiooni kaotanud Kirjaniku ja endaga salaplaani kaasas kandva Professori Tsooni, et leida sealt ruum, kus võivad täituda kõik unistused.

Paul Atreides on nutikas ja andekas noormees, keda ootab talle endale hoomamatu vägev saatus. Oma pere ja rahva tuleviku tagamiseks tuleb tal universumi kõige ohtlikumale planeedile rännata. Kui kurjad jõud asuvad võitlema planeedil asuva hinnalisima ressursi – inimkonna suurima potentsiaali valla päästva eseme - varu pärast, jäävad ellu vaid need, kes suudavad oma hirmudest jagu saada.

The story of how Richard Williams served as a coach to his daughters Venus and Serena, who will soon become two of the most legendary tennis players in history.

Tere tulemast põrgusse ehk Belle Reve’i, USA suurima suremusega vanglasse. Sinna on vangistatud jubedaimad superpahalased, kes on sealt pääsemiseks kõigeks valmis. Neile antakse relvad ja nad saadetakse vaenlastest kubisevale kaugele Corto Maltese saarele. Kui panuseid tuleks teha, siis oleks nutikas nende kõigi vastu panustada.

Los Angeles, 1969. TV star Rick Dalton, a struggling actor specializing in westerns, and stuntman Cliff Booth, his best friend, try to survive in a constantly changing movie industry. Dalton is the neighbor of the young and promising actress and model Sharon Tate, who has just married the prestigious Polish director Roman Polanski…

During World War II, a small group of survivors is stranded in a lifeboat together after the ship they were traveling on is destroyed by a German U-boat.

Intent on seeing the Cahulawassee River before it's turned into one huge lake, outdoor fanatic Lewis Medlock takes his friends on a river-rafting trip they'll never forget into the dangerous American back-country.

In a small town in Maine, seven children known as The Losers Club come face to face with life problems, bullies and a monster that takes the shape of a clown called Pennywise.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Maverick (Tom Cruise) on hullumeelne hävituslennuki piloot, kes mitte millegi ees risti ette ei löö. Kõrgemad sõjavähejuhid otsustavad mehe saata täiendõppustele Mereväe eliitlennukooli, kuhu on kokku kogutud parimatest parimad. Maverick, kes on sealsetest õppuritest üks noorimaid, hakkab vanematele olijatele aga kiiresti närvidele käima ning noorel uljaspeal tekib vanade kaladega pidevalt konflikte.

Successful and well-liked, Dr. Noah Praetorius becomes the victim of a witchhunt at the hands of Professor Elwell, who disdains Praetorius's unorthodox medical views and also questions his relationship with the mysterious, ever-present Mr. Shunderson.

Mr. Roberts is a Navy officer who's yearning for battle but is stuck in the backwaters of World War II on a non-commissioned ship run by the bullying Captain Morton.

Frank Johnson, a sole witness to a gangland murder, goes into hiding and is trailed by Police Inspector Ferris, on the theory that Frank is trying to escape from possible retaliation. Frank's wife, Eleanor, suspects he is actually running away from their unsuccessful marriage. Aided by a newspaperman, Danny Leggett, Eleanor sets out to locate her husband. The killer is also looking for him, and keeps close tabs on Eleanor.

Kaks noorpaari eksivad öö jooksul ära ja lähevad pimedasse majja, kus elab psühhopaatide pere. Mõrvad, kannibalism ja saatanlikud riitused on mõned tuhandest õudusest, mis neid seal ees ootab.

A top-secret Soviet spy satellite -- using stolen Western technology -- malfunctions and then goes into a descent that lands it near an isolated Arctic research encampment called Ice Station Zebra, belonging to the British, which starts sending out distress signals before falling silent. The atomic submarine Tigerfish, commanded by Cmdr. James Ferraday (Rock Hudson), is dispatched to save them.

During WWII, Duke E. Gifford is second in command of the USS Thunderfish, a submarine which is firing off torpedoes that either explode too early or never explode at all. It's a dilemma that he'll eventually take up personally. Even more personal is his quest to win back his ex-wife, a nurse; but he'll have to win her back from a navy flier who also happens to be his commander's little brother.

When a deadly airborne virus threatens to wipe out the northeastern United States, teacher Elliott Moore and his wife Alma flee from contaminated cities into the countryside in a fight to discover the truth. Is it terrorism, the accidental release of some toxic military bio weapon -- or something even more sinister?