A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

Ikimonogakari held a nationwide tour of the same title from September to December of 2013.

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

En el set de una popular telenovela diurna "Mile High", la actriz Kris Buckner está siendo obligada a abandonar por su compañero Mark Stratton. Cuando ella le dice que ella va a "matarlo antes de salir de la demostración, se hace a sí misma la principal sospechosa cuando Stratton es asesinado por envenenamiento. Como un viejo amigo, Perry Mason llega a la ayuda de Kris y se compromete a defenderla. Mientras tanto, Ken va en busca de información con la ayuda de un fan de la serie.

La tierra empapada de sangre de Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) ahora tiene un nuevo señor supremo. Rocky, cuyo nombre infunde miedo en el corazón de sus enemigos. Sus aliados admiran a Rocky como su salvador, el gobierno lo ve como una amenaza para la ley y el orden; los enemigos claman venganza y conspiran para su caída.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

Un jugador de hockey profesional es acusado de asesinar al dueño de su equipo. Un caso bastante complicado de defender.

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Three years after the death of her beloved child, Elouise, Mara still feels her presence when she sits on the butterfly bedding in front of the jar with her ashes in it. Mara arranges a twelfth birthday party for Elouise, further alienating her from her husband, Richter, and remaining daughter, Hannah. Although Mara eventually vacates Elouise's room at the insistence of her husband, she does find a way to stay close to Elouise. Before long, however, Hannah discovers her mother's secret.

Cuando una misteriosa figura comienza a apuntar a los Alquimistas del Estado por sus pecados contra Dios, el Alquimista Edward Elric y su hermano Alphonse se encuentran en su punto más vulnerable de sus vidas. Mientras, los homúnculos comienzan a revelarse una vez más.

A short, graphically dynamic work contrasting contradictory views of perception and interpretation, by way of society's assumptions vis-a-vis phallocentrism and fetishism.

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

Julia y Mateo son una joven pareja naturista que vive en una moderna casa hecha a base de contenedores en un entorno completamente rural. Su día a día está muy arraigado al campo y al mar. En contraste con esto, han encontrado su fuente de ingresos compartiendo su vida más íntima en Onlyfans, una red social de pago. A pesar de llevar una vida aparentemente idílica algo dentro de ella ha cambiado. Sus realidades comienzan a separarse irremediablemente cada vez más. Después de 21 instantes nada volverá a ser lo mismo. El amor que sienten el uno por el otro ya no es suficiente.

Cuando Sophie, una famosa esquiadora se queda ciega, su carrera se acaba y encuentra una ocupación dedicándose a cuidar gatos de familias que se ausentan de sus casas. Cuando se dedica a cuidar los gatos de una familia adinerada en una remota mansión, tres ladrones invaden el lugar para robar la caja fuerte de la casa. La única defensa de Sophie es Kelly, una veterana del ejército con la que ha contactado a través de la app See For Me. Kelly ayuda a Sophie a defenderse de los invasores y a sobrevivir.

When growing up in a community where gang violence is a way of life and Basketball is a way to escape it.

Esterina, a young war orphan, joins two truck drivers, Gino and Piero, on their trips along Northern Italy. She wants to find her luck in the big city, but her dreams turn into disappointing experiences. She falls in love with Gino but he is not interested in her, until she disappears...

Featuring a card game played on the body of a naked woman, Lawrence Jordan portrays male sexual frustration while slyly satirizing Hollywood reaction shots.

Fifty years ago, aspiring thespians Terry and Carole Ann Gill arrived in Australia from England seeking fame and fortune. But they never quite made the big time. Instead they stumbled into the curious world of children's pantomimes. Over the decades, they have built a successful business and touched the lives of generations of children; but their own dreams have slowly faded. Now aged in their 70s, with their beloved theatre under threat from a greedy property developer, Terry and Carole Ann's careers appear to be coming to an untimely close. As they battle to remain open, they are forced to reflect on the choices they have made in their lives.