Mickey and his friends take a close look at important street safety situations and tips.

A pair of bank robbers knock off Bohemian tenants in search for their stolen loot.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

Honor Rising: Japan 2016 is a two-day professional wrestling "supershow" event co-produced by the Japanese New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) and American Ring of Honor (ROH) promotions. The events took place on February 19 and 20, 2016, at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan. The events aired live through NJPW's internet streaming site, New Japan Pro Wrestling World.

Mariposa becomes the Royal Ambassador of Flutterfield, and is sent to bring peace between her fairy land and their rivals, the Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn't make a great first impression on the King, she becomes fast friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from their fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee returns to Flutterfield, they encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania to save their fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way to make a friend, is to be a friend.

Dom, 36 years old, is a sailor on board of the fishing boat Petit Gael II from the port of Les Sables d'Olonne, a small town in western France. He is used to leave for the open sea for at least three weeks in a row. Despite of his absences, his teenaged children decided to live with him since the divorce of the parents. But when his daughter Mailys gets pregnant, Dom understands that he will have to choose between the sea and his family.

Apačių vadas Vinetu išgelbėja komančių vado dukterį Ribaną nuo lokio ir kaip garbingas svečias pakviečiamas į jų stovyklą. Čia komančiai atgabena sulaikytą leitenantą Merilą ir dar du kareivius, kurie netyčia pateko į jų žemes. Vinetu juos užtaria ir įkalba komančius kareivius paleisti, kad nebūtų provokuojamas tolesnis konfliktas. Merilui, kaip ir Vinetu, į akį krinta Ribana. Tuo metu Badas Foresteris, turtingas naftininkas, naudodamasis Deivido Luko žmonėmis, siekia bet kokiomis priemonėmis sukiršinti indėnus karui su baltaisiais ir neleisti įvykti planuojamoms taikos deryboms, kad vėliau galėtų jų žemėje išgauti naftą. Vis dėl to derybos tarp indėnų vadų bei pulkininko Merilo įvyksta. Šio sūnus pasisiūlo tapti taikos garantu ir vesti vado dukterį Ribaną, kuri jau ketina prašyti tėvo išleisti ją už Vinetu. Jungtuvės įvyksta ir leitenantas Merilas palieka tarnybą, tuo tarpu Foresteris ir Lukas toliau visomis priemonėmis stengiasi išprovokuoti indėnų ir armijos konfliktą.

Rowe McDonald is a headstrong missionary who has life after his mission all figured out. When a fatal car crash interrupts his plans, he is given sixty days to return to life and finish his work. Now he must choose whether to lead the life he planned, or reach beyond himself to change the lives of others. What will he do? Who will he touch? How will he prepare to leave it all behind?

Episode 3 of Galaxy 4 (Doctor Who) shown at the BFI Cinema, Southbank, December 2012

Marco the Monkey works as a beach officer. But he spends most of his time trying to win the heart of the beautiful Lulu. He is just about to succeed, when Marco's rival, Carlo, builds a gigantic monkey-shaped casino right on Marco's beach. Lulu is fascinated by the charming Carlo. Jealously Marco starts an undercover investigation of Carlo's strange casino. Soon he discovers the truth. Carlo will take over the island and force Lulu to marry him! When Marco tries to arrest Carlo a problem rises. Literally from the ground. Because Carlo's Casino is a giant robot.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

Maya Dolittle can talk to animals. She gets discovered and Tiffany Monaco, a Hollywood star, brings her to L.A. to help her little puppy, who turns out to be a boy.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.