Trought History Dracula was a Fiction created by Bram Stoker. A Mi=yth, adaptation to Video which became a vampire forgotten by the man who created him. It is a Documentary to take you back to the origins of Vlad the Impaler while taking place from the bloody witnesses giving us the true story of Dracula...

A hilarious bouncy rubber ball of heads. Don’t try this at home – even if you can.

One image, in particular, is likely to haunt viewers: that of many men huddled together on the back of a truck. The men are headed northward, from Niger to the coast of Algeria. Just how long they will be travelling depends on countless unknowns. And once they’ve reached the African coast of the Mediterranean, they’ll still be far from their goal, for it is only then that their dangerous attempt to cross the sea to Europe begins. Theirs is a journey in hopes of a better life – one that frequently ends in death.

The film is a visual accompaniment to Honegger's music representing the progress of a transcontinental locomotive. The superimposed orchestra rhythmically reinforces the music.

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.

Udayabhanu is an assistant director and scriptwriter, who dreams of making it big in the film industry. His attempt is thwarted by his roommate, a junior artiste, Rajappan Thengamoodu who steals his script to become superstar Saroj Kumar

Amitz Dolniker, an Israeli politician who speaks way to much has a heart attack in the middle of his speech. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital the doctor orders him to "go someplace quite, rest, and don't make speeches". His young assistant immediately suggest they go to Switzerland, however Dolniker had taken a vow not to leave Israel unnecessarily, so he comes up with a different idea - going to a remote village where they have never heard of him, so he would not be asked to make any speeches. As they arrive, it turns out that not only the villagers have never heard of Dolniker, but they have also never heard of running water, electricity, phones, and most importantly: TV, Radio, and newspapers... so its only a matter of time before Dolniker or the villagers go bananas...

Choreographer Daniel Nagrin performs in a studio and in the sun.

Manvir, a down-on-luck NRI, has to find a job and house to be able to marry his girlfriend. He finds the perfect home, but there's a catch. The owner only allows married couples. What will he do?

An eccentric wealthy man is murdered, and the police set out to find his killer.

This film was created by Sokurov before or during his VGIK student years for the regional TV of Gorki. He does not consider it a part of his filmography. For its creators, it was just a TV program, and the people who worked on it most often were being given no distinction in the credits. This document of the very origins of Sokurov gives us a notion of his "pre-stylistic" period, where the personality of the future great filmmaker reveals itself in spite of means and circumstances.

On the outside it looks like a marriage made in heaven. But inside the thick walls of what they call home theirs is a relationship waiting to crumble. They have been waiting a child for so long but the wife does not have the capacity to bear a child. And when her husband cannot take it any it any longer he decides to end his misery once and for all.

A confession to a priest from a thief leads to the priest's life being threatened by his gang.

A clumsy fiddler plays at an audition with a grouchy teathrical impresario, played by Oliver Hardy.

An experimental film that lifts the veil on the world of African American drag racing.

In this absurdist satire, an awkward OCD physics genius and a hot ex-Catholic sorority girl wake up after blacking out Halloween night to discover they missed the evacuation of Earth. A mysterious agent pursues the feuding couple as they figure out how to work together to solve the recently entangled multi-verse and ultimately try to save humanity from AI.

Tracking down filthy crooks with absolutely no morals, who’ve disappeared without a trace—this is the curse of Detective Bosworth. . . . Shortly before midnight, he receives a dubious call.

Inconsolable since the death of his wife, Karsh, a prominent businessman, invents a revolutionary and controversial technology that enables the living to monitor their dear departed in their shrouds. One night, multiple graves, including that of Karsh’s wife, are desecrated, and he sets out to track down the perpetrators.