Scooby-Doo and friends are off on another adventure in this collection of 3 episodes from the various eras of Scooby-Doo TV shows.

A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

The Jester returns in this sequel short film to continue to spread his Halloween cheer.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

As Gotham City's young vigilante, the Batman, struggles to pursue a brutal serial killer, district attorney Harvey Dent gets caught in a feud involving the criminal family of the Falcones.

Groot discovers a miniature civilization that believes the seemingly enormous tree toddler is the hero they’ve been waiting for.

The iconic "gentleman thief" Lupin III returns in an action-packed, continent-spanning adventure, as Lupin III and his colorful underworld companions race to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Bresson Diary, before it falls into the hands of a dark cabal that will stop at nothing to resurrect the Third Reich.

A drought has brought the town of South Park to the brink of disaster.

The U.N.G.C.C. (United Nations Godzilla Countermeasure Center) recovers the remains of Mecha-King Ghidorah and construct Mechagodzilla as a countermeasure against Godzilla. Meanwhile, a giant egg is discovered along with a new monster called Rodan. The egg is soon found to be none other than an infant Godzillasaurus.

When the irritable monkey king visits a temple together with his master Tang Monk, he feels offended because of a trifle and thereupon accidentally destroys a magic tree growing on the sacred ground. This brings an ancient demon king back to life, who promptly kidnaps Tang Monk to take revenge for his long imprisonment. The monkey king and his followers have only three days to not only save their master but also to prevent the demon king from regaining his full powers and destroying the world…

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

Pilot Adam Reed, ktorý cestuje v čase, musí nùdzovo pristáť v roku 2022. Tam potom spojí sily zo svojim dvanásťročným já, aby spoločne zachránili budúcnosť ľudstva.

Připojte se ke Zvonilce a jejím kouzelným kamarádům v Disneyho animovaném dobrodružství nazvaném Zvonilka a Velké hry. Jedná se o závody, které jsou zároveň velkou slavností skřítků a víl plnou napětí a překvapení. Jenomže zahradní víly už dlouho nic nevyhrály a Rosetta společně s nově příchozí vílou Chloe se to pokusí změnit. Dojde na souboj mezi vílami ze zahrady a bouřkovými vílami, které už mají pět vítězných prstenů. Pocítí Rosettin tým znovu palčivou porážku, anebo všichni zjistí, že zahradní víla umí mnohem víc než jen rozdávat zářivé úsměvy? Užijte si zábavu a legraci při sledování příběhu o přátelství, spolupráci a radosti ze života. Hry práve začínají, takže otázka zní: Komu budete fandit?

A team of the best cops in Mumbai is dispatched to find a girl who has gone missing from her father's car. As the hunt for the kidnapper begins, fingers suspiciously point to closer home.

Agenta Coulsona odvolajú zo stráženia Tonyho Starka, aby zabezpečil Thorovho kladivo. Pri ceste do Nového Mexika sa zastaví natankovať na čerpacej stanici, kde sa mu prihodí niečo nečakané.

A group of martial artists seek revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To, a martial arts master, and his son.

Mladá skateboardistka Carrie je typická tínedžerka, ktorá vyrástla vo veľkomeste. Je nešťastná, že musí opustiť ulice mesta a presťahovať sa k svojmu otcovi Hankovi na konský ranč vo Wyomingu. So svojím skateboardom a bez jediného kúska betónu alebo rampy sa tu cíti veľmi osamelá a urobila by čokoľvek, len aby sa mohla vrátiť späť do mesta. Medzitým sa však spriatelí s divokým koňom menom Flicka, čiernou kobylou mustanga, ktorá je rovnako tvrdohlavá ako Carrie. Medzi dievčaťom a kobylou sa vyvinie výnimočné puto a Carrie otvorí svoje srdce nielen svojmu otcovi, ale aj miestnemu sympatickému mladíkovi. Lenže potom Flicku odvezú preč a jej život sa ocitne v ohrození. Carrie sa rozhodne, že kobylu zachráni a privedie ju späť domov.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.