3 robot-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series. First stop is Cyber Gulch, where the Mystery, Inc. gang must solve the riddle of the man-a-trons or get terminated in Go West, Young Scoob. En route to Florida, Freddy runs into a real Monster Truck at a championship stock car race in Gentlemen, Start Your Monsters. Buckle up for a roller-coaster ride of fun and fear in Foul Play in Funland when the gang discovers a fully operated amusement park...with nobody in it! Will they find the phantom in the Hall of Mirrors? Stay tuned for more escapades with Scooby-Doo - and watch out for those robots!
A DVD compilation of 3 zombie-themed episodes from What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Smile and say "ciao"! The phantom-busters travel to Italy in Pompeii and Circumstance. With a colossal mystery to solve, will our friends be ghoulish gladiator goners, or will their love for Italian art and Scooby Snax save them? Then it's off to the City by the Bay for the Grind Games in The San Franpsycho, where a seaweed-sprouting ghoul from Alcatraz prison cares competing skateboarders to the core. If they don't find the creep behind the Legend of the Creepy Keeper, it'll be lights out in Fright House of a Lighthouse. Who's scared of zombies? Not Scooby-Doo!
「……我没有名字。一片空无。你叫什么名字?」「我的名字是时崎狂三。」 失忆少女「空无」在所谓邻界之地清醒,邂逅了时崎狂三。 她跟着狂三来到一所学校,里面聚集了一群被称为准精灵的少女。 为了互相厮杀而齐聚一堂的十名少女,以及空空如也的校外人士少女。 「我是狂三的同伴兼诱饵……诱饵吗!」「是啊,不想当诱饵的话,虏饵也行。」 「不是一样的意思吗!」这是独树一格的时崎狂三另类故事。 好了——开始我们的新战争(DATE)吧
This is the second silent (save for a song) slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. In a small hunting lodge three friends are making illegal moonshine. Bottled "product" fills shelves quickly. Life is good. But their dog Barbos doesn't understand that bringing a moonshine condenser coil to a police station is a bad idea...
Aurora's high school reunion turns deadly when a body is found in the hotel pool. Aurora and her Real Murders Club help investigate which classmate was most likely to kill.
交往10年之久的女友桐子(铃木京香 饰)举枪自杀,令广告导演合田(冢本晋也 饰)的世界发生巨大的震动。他偏执地认为女友死亡的秘密和手枪有关,于是固执地寻找其中缘由。某日,酩酊大醉的合田偶然遇见满身伤痕的不良少女千里(真野きりな 饰),但随后他便被千里的同伴后藤(村瀬貴洋 饰)等人打倒在地。
与孙悟空和贝吉塔等龙珠战士的一役结束,伤痕累累的布洛迪乘球星飞船追踪来至地球,却因伤势过重昏迷过去,被冰封于山谷之中。 许多年过去,老一辈龙珠战士开始退居幕后,悟天、特兰克斯和比迪丽寻找散落各地的龙珠。三人路过一个山村,这里连年遭受天灾,村民认为惹恼了山中的恶魔,于是希望献上童女高高以平息恶魔的诅咒。悟天等人为救高高,答应帮村民除掉恶魔,却撞见了从沉睡中苏醒的布洛迪。一场大战在所难免…
在万能兵器犯罪搜查官乌夫库克博士的协助下,潜入奢华无比但凶险非常的赌场“乐园”的少女露恩·芭洛特经过连番赌局,终于挫败技术高潮的装甲艾许雷,在筹码上百万美金的赌局中获胜,并且成功拿到藏有榭尔记忆的筹码。可与此同时,鲍伊德紧追不舍,定要置露恩于死地。随着榭尔的记忆大白天下,一切丑恶到了决断的时刻…… 本片根据冲方丁的科幻小说改编,为“壳中少女”三部曲中最后一部(前两部分别为“压缩”和“燃烧”)。
Totokamen is an entertainer and an illusionist who performs in various Egyptian nightclubs assisted by his manager, Tarantenkamen. Taking advantage of cheesy tricks, Totokamen pretends to be the son of the god Amun.
住在曼谷唐人街,父母早年失踪的阿探(郭富城 饰),自幼渴望和好友风泽(廖启智 饰)一起投身警界,却因高度近视未能如愿,不甘心之下,他当起了私家侦探,却只能接一些鸡鸣狗盗的小案子,赚钱不多、口碑奇差,还时常入不敷出,要靠风泽接济。一天,阿探的朋友肥龙(成奎安 饰)委托他调查一个女人,声称自己正在被她追杀。好奇之下,阿探根据照片查出这个女子叫莫慧心,却在寻找相关知情人士时接连出现怪异事件:跟莫慧心有关的人相继死亡,而阿探总是第一个发现者,简直成了死神的化身。为此风泽百般奉劝阿探放弃追查,甚至不惜以两人多年友谊要挟,阿探却执意坚持。随着调查的进展,惊人的真相开始渐渐浮出水面……
Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.
The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette
1970 年代,一对期待第一个孩子的墨西哥裔美国夫妇搬迁到一个移民农业社区。当妻子开始出现奇怪的症状和可怕的幻象时,她试图确定这是否与传说中的诅咒或更邪恶的东西有关。
While watching for a planet that may collide with earth, scientists stationed in Scotland are approached by a visitor from outer space.
After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Cleveland Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! However, they first have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team.
罗马庞培古城,历史上著名火山喷发的牺牲品之一。我们都知道那场灾难中受害者们遇难的经过,但本片关注另一个问题:他们的生活方式是什么样的? 剑桥大学教授、庞培历史研究专家Mary Beard从非同寻常的发现中搜集新的资料,从另一个的视角,为我们展现维苏威火山灾难性喷发前,庞培居民的生活。