The gang flies off to Africa for a video animal safari titled 'So Goodi!,' only to learn that - zoinks! - the creatures are actually shape-shifting jungle demons! In Homeward Hound, a "fiercely fanged" cat creature petrifies the competing pooches at a dog show, including the visiting Scooby-Doo! Finally, a giant Wakumi bird is stealing sculptures that are scheduled to be housed in a museum in New Mexico, Old Monster. There's never a dull moment when Scooby-Doo enters the scene!

Shaggy is selected to participate in the World Invitational Games in London, England.

Nuotaikingas plastilino animacijos filmukas apie šmaikštuolį Volisą ir jo šunį Gromitą. Šioje serijoje pingvinas-gangsteris išsinuomoja kambarį Voliso name. Kad įvykdytų apiplėšimą, pingvinas pavagia robotizuotas kelnes. Tačiau jam skersai kelio stoja šuo Gromitas…

Scooby and the gang have their first musical mystery in “Scooby Doo: Music of the Vampire.” It begins when they take a sing-a-long road trip into bayou country to attend the “Vampire-Palooza Festival” – an outdoor fair dedicated to all things Draculian. At first it looks as if they’re in for some fun and lots of Southern snacks, but events soon turn scary when a real live vampire comes to life, bursts from his coffin and threatens all the townsfolk. On top of that, this baritone blood sucker seems intent on taking Daphne as his vampire bride! Could the vampire be a descendant of a famous vampire hunter who is trying to sell his book? Or perhaps he’s the local politician, who has been trying to make his name in the press by attacking the vampires as downright unwholesome. The answers are to be found in a final song-filled showdown in the swamp in which our heroes unmask one of their most macabre monsters yet.

The Mystery Inc. gang takes a trip to Japan and finds themselves circling Asia and the Pacific in a treasure hunt, racing against the vengeful Black Samurai and his Ninja warriors to find the legendary Sword of Fate, an ancientblade fabled to possess extraordinary supernaturalpowers.

It's horror on the high seas when Scooby-Doo and the gang take a creepy cruise into one of the world's most mysterious places, the Bermuda Triangle! If Scooby, Shaggy and the gang can't solve this mystery, they may have to walk the plank.

Scooby, Shaggy and Scrappy are on their way to a Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, where they've been hired as gym teachers. Once there, however, they find that not only is it actually an all-girl school of famous monsters' daughters but there's a villainess out to enslave the girls.

Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!

Džiunglių knyga (angl. The Jungle Book) – 1967 metų JAV animacinis filmas vaikams. Filmas pastatytas Volto Disnėjaus animacijos studijoje, kino teatruose pasirodė 1967 m. spalio 18 d. Filmas paremtas Rudyard Kipling to paties pavadinimo knygos apie džiunglių berniuką Mauglį motyvais. Režisierius – Wolfgang Reitherman, prodiuseris – Walt Disney, kuris mirė filmui dar buvus kūrimo stadijoje.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Meet a tiny girl named Thumbelina who lives in harmony with nature in the magical world of the Twillerbees that's hidden among the wildflowers. At the whim of a spoiled young girl named Makena, Thumbelina and her two friends have their patch of wildflowers uprooted and are transported to a lavish apartment in the city.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

Draugiška Žandarų brigada išvyksta į Niujorką dalyvauti tarptautiniame policininkų kongrese. Jie – vieninteliai Prancūzijos pasiuntiniai, Todėl pagrindinis jų rūpestis - munduro garbė. Tačiau atrodo, rūpesčių gali pridaryti ir Kriušo gražuolė dukra Nikolė, slapta ir be bilieto įsėdusi į tą patį laivą. Beje, anglų kalbos nemoka nė vienas prancūzų pareigūnas.

Chucky is reconstructed by a toy factory to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the doll, and tracks young Andy Barclay to a foster home where the chase begins again.

Filmo herojus – penkiolikmetis Vilas, į kurį dedamos visos tėvų – superdidvyrių viltys ir kurį dar kamuoja įprastos paaugliškos problemos... Tėtis ir mama nusprendžia, kad vaikino vieta – „Debesų“ gimnazijoje, kur supergaliomis apdovanoti vaikai mokomi kovoti su blogiu. Didžiausia bėda yra ta, kad Vilas dar nežino, ar apskritai turi kokių nors ypatingų sugebėjimų.

Redžiui pirmoji diena laisvėje nebuvo sėkminga. Kalėjimo autobusas sprogsta, jį bando nužudyti, o jo prabangus automobilis tampa metalo krūva. Todėl jam vėl tenka susivienyti su senu pažįstamu policininku Džeiku Keitsu. Džeikas ir toliau nemoka gyventi, turi daug problemų ir jam reikia sugauti pabėgusį iš kalėjimo žudiką maniaką. O dabar jiems su Redžiu reikia per 48 valandas rasti ir likviduoti pavojingą narkotikų prekeivį. Buvęs kalinys ir nenuorama policininkas vėl stoja į kovą...

Eight years after seemingly destroying the killer doll, teen Andy Barclay is placed in a military school, and the spirit of Chucky returns to renew his quest and seek vengeance after being recreated from a mass of melted plastic.

Prieš išeidamas į pensiją, Lazaras iškelia naują kovos su nusikalstamumu idėją, kurios įgyvendinimas turi atnešti Lazarui neblėstančią šlovę. Idėjos esmė – prižiūrėti tvarką mieste kviečiami savanoriai miesto gyventojai. Apmokymams į Policijos Akademiją susirenka eklektiška grupė – seneliai, jaunimas, etninių grupelių atstovai bei įvairaus plauko nusikaltėliai. Kontroliuoti nusikalstamumą mieste tampa dar sunkiau. O kapitonas Haris savanaudiškai norėtų, kad ši veikla patirtų totalią nesėkmę.

Alice finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again. This time, the taunting murderer is striking through the sleeping mind of her unborn child.

Kai Baksterių šeima persikelia į naują namą kitoje valstijoje, dešimtmetis Finas baiminasi, kad jų name vaidenasi. Kol jis spendžia spąstus „vaiduokliui“ sugauti, jo tėvai įstringa mieste, ir Finas su sesute lieka namuose vieni. Tuo metu vagių trijulė ieško brangaus paveikslo, kurį slaptame kambaryje paslėpė ankstesnis savininkas. Tačiau ar jiems pavyks gauti tai, ko nori ir laimėti mūšį su genialiu vaiku?