This material was developed and prepared over the last year or so, mostly in comedy clubs. This special kind of goes back to when he used to just make noises and be funny for no particular reason. It felt right to him to shoot this special in a club to give it that live immediate intimate feeling. The show is about an hour long. The opening act, who is seen at the beginning (good place for an opening act) is Jay London. One of his favorite club comics going way back to the late 80s when he first started in working in New York.

During the Occupation, a kid is taken in by his old grandfather, wrongly considered a collaborator.

A young American couple inherits an English castle, only to find that it is haunted by the spirit of a disgraced ancestor, doomed to stay on the estate because of his cowardice. The only way he can escape is if one of his descendants performs an heroic act, something he intends to get the husband to do.

Právnička Emily (Laura Bell Bundy) sa práve vrátila do rodného mesta, aby prevzala krachujúcu pekáreň po svojej starej mame, a zistí, že ak neosloví na Vianoce dostatok zákazníkov, príde o ňu. Získať nových zákazníkov je ťažké a konkurencia zo strany miestneho hypermarketu situáciu ešte viac komplikuje. Našťastie, prichádza spása v podobe adventného kalendára, ktorý za každými dvierkami skrýva ľúbostný list a sľubuje na Štedrý deň odhaliť identitu odosielateľa. O kalendári sa rozpráva celé mesto a Emilyna pekáreň prekvitá; rovnako ako jej milostný život, keďže každý slobodný muž sa usiluje o jej pozornosť. Samozrejme, jediným mužom, ktorý jej padol do oka, je práve jej najväčší konkurent - francúzsky pekár Gerard (Brendon Zub). Keďže ich rivalita prerastá do lásky, pýta sa sama seba, či sa skutočne môže zamilovať do protivníka, najmä keď má tajného ctiteľa, ktorého totožnosť onedlho vyjde najavo...

A lonely widow plans a trip around the world with her husband's ashes, to visit the places they loved in the movies. During her first stop in Scotland at the beautiful estate she stays in, she meets the innkeeper who changes her life forever.

When a law school dropout answers an advertisement to be a personal assistant he unknowingly signs on to work for a belligerent has-been magician struggling to resurrect his career. This leads to a journey across the country staging the comeback of a lifetime.

In December 1825, distinguished members of the Russian military, most of whom were quite affluent and of noble lineage, took it upon themselves to stir revolution against the autocratic and tyrannical Czar Nikolai I in the wake of his not honoring the drafting of a constitution for the Russian people. The revolution failed miserably and the conspirators (known as the Decembrists) were weeded out by the czar himself. One by one, each of the conspirators confess and are systematically exiled to the harsh winters of Siberia, slated to work and wither in a prison/mine. The wives of the conspirators are faced with the prospect of leaving the bosom of wealth and family (including their own children) to be with their husbands in the brutal Siberian locale. If they agree to this, they face having their illustrious social stations stripped away and certain disdain from everyone around them...

After her daughter is abducted in Russia, an NYPD detective goes out of her way to find and save her.

Dallas, 22. novembra 1963. Na Johna F. Kennedyho bol spáchaný atentát. Pre mnohých to bol deň, keď zomreli ich sny. Pre dvoch konkrétnych ľudí to bol deň, keď ich životy skutočne začali... Michelle Pfeiffer (za túto rolu bola nominovaná na Oskara) a Dennis Haysbert sú v pôsobivej dráme Pole lásky rozdelení predsudkami a spája ich nádeje. Ona je biela. On je čierny. Ona hľadá zmysel svojho života. On hľadá dcéru, o ktorú prišiel. Zatiaľ čo sa ich krajina pokúša prežiť tragédiu, ktorá otriasla jej koreňmi a šokovala celý svet, prekonávajú obmedzenosť svojej doby a začínajú spoločne naprávať svoje pokazené životy. Pole lásky. Dve srdcia. Rozdelený národ. Jeden osud...

After accidentally witnessing a mafia hit in the Windy City, gal pals Connie and Carla skip town for L.A., where they go way undercover as singers working the city's dinner theater circuit ... disguised as drag queens. Now, it's not enough that they become big hits on the scene; things get extra-weird when Connie meets Jeff -- a guy she'd like to be a woman with.

Norman is quite happy selling newspapers outside Westminster station but his Grandfather (the Prime Minister) wants to get him "a more responsible job". A few favours are called in and Norman becomes the newest reporter at the seaside town of Tinmouth. After causing chaos at a local council meeting and causing the demolition of a new house he tries to organise a beauty pageant. A slapstick tale of corruption in high and low places

A twelve-year-old girl is transported by a magical black stallion to the mystical world of Albion, where she discovers that she alone is the key to saving an entire race of people.

Hopeless romantic Stensland thinks he's found true love with an older woman, Morgan, only to learn that she's married and that their fling is merely an instrument of revenge against her neglectful husband, Grady. Initially out for blood, Grady finds himself strangely sympathetic to Stensland's plight and decides to get revenge on his wife instead.

A man is convinced that a young girl is the reincarnation of his own daughter Audrey Rose, who died in a fiery car accident, along with his wife, two minutes before the girl was born.

A love story set in Manhattan, where a florist who abides by a strict five-date-limit with any man finds herself wanting more with the new restaurateur in town.

Having seen the double murder of his parents, autistic youth Tim Warden is sent to therapy with controversial therapist Dr. Jake Rainer. Jake tries to probe the silent child about what he saw, but he gets more details about the Wardens' household dynamics from Tim's teenage sister, Sylvie. As he spends more time with the siblings, Jake learns that the Wardens' marriage was not as perfect as it seemed, and he uncovers other new details that might help solve the crime.

Three different couples are looking for a house to live.

In small town Tennessee, a ne'er-do-well man (Knoxville) wrestling for control over his fading golf club is reunited with his estranged daughter, a 14-year-old musical prodigy.

At the center of one of Hollywood's most notorious burglary rings in 2009 was a group of average, middle-class teens from a quiet suburb. This is the behind-the-scenes story of how Nick, a shy, awkward boy, lured by the promise of popularity and acceptance, found himself following his glamorous, charismatic best friend Rachel into breaking into celebrities' houses and robbing them of millions of dollars in clothes and jewelry.