Kääbik Frodo elab Kääbiklas rahulikku elu koos oma onu Bilboga. Kuid oma sünnipäeval Bilbo lahkub ja jätab kogu oma vara koos kummalise sõrmusega talle. Frodo ei teagi esialgu millesse ta segatud on kuid peagi saadab võlur Gandalf ta teele, et viia sõrmus ohutusse kohta. Tuleb välja, et see sõrmus on kurja Sauroni võimusõrmus ning, et Sauron võimule ei pääseks, tuleb sõrmus hävitada. Nii luuaksegi Sõrmuse vennaskond, kes peab Sõrmuse viima Mustale Maale Mordorisse ja seal selle hävitama.

Maale tagasiteel olev kosmoselaev saab hädaabisignaali võõralt planeedilt. Asja uurima minnes ei leita eest ühtegi jälge inimtegevusest. Planeedilt leitakse ainult suures koguses kahtlase päritoluga suuremõõtmelisi munasi. Nad toovad ühe muna pardale ning avavad selle - esmapilgul surnuna tunduv muna sisu aga ärkab ning hüppab ühele meeskonnaliikmele otse näkku, tappes tolle. Olendit vigastades sööbib tema sisikond läbi mitme kosmoselaeva teki. Põgenema pääsenud külaline aga hakkab tohutul kiirusel arenema ning meeskonnal puuduvad vähimadki vahendid tema peatamiseks ning enesekaitseks.

A droning account of several famous pirates & pirate bands interspersed with commentary by several unanimated experts, featuring movie clips, still painting, & repeated video that don't really convey the dramatic & violent lifestyle that is the topic of this would-be documentary. Contrary to the suggestion of its title, this is NOT an adjunct to the Disney film it attempts to expose

Tegevus toimub 17. sajandi Kariibi merel, mida valitsesid mereröövlid ja koloniaalvallutajad. Seiklus algab kui vaimudest piraatide kapten Barbossa röövib kohaliku kuberneripreili Elizabeth Swanni , keda asuvad jälitama tema austaja Will Turner ja piraat Jack Sparrow . Will ega Jack ei tea, et nende vastased on surematud vaimud, kes kannatavad needuse all. Needusest aitaks vabaneda Elizabethi veri ja kaelakee.

Mia Hall, a talented young cellist, thought the most difficult decision she would ever have to make would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at prestigious Juilliard or follow her heart to be with the love of her life, Adam, a rock singer/guitarist. However, a car wreck changes everything in an instant, and now Mia's life hangs in the balance. Suspended between life and death, Mia faces a choice that will decide her future.

Kassahiti kolmandas osas on Will Turner , Elizabeth Swann ning kapten Barbossa kolmekesi teel maailma äärealale: eksootilisse Singapuri, et päästa kapten Jack Sparrow . Astudes vastu ohtudele nagu Lord Cutler Beckett, Davy Jones ja Admiral James Norrington pole kaalul mitte aint meie kangelaste elud, vaid kõigi vabadust armastavate piraatide tulevik.

The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.

The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.

Märulikomöödias "21 Jump Street" kavatsevad Schmidt ja Jenko oma noorukieaprobleemid selja taha jätta. Nad lähevad tööle politseisse, salajasse Jump Streeti üksusesse. Nende nooruslik välimus on hea kattevari ja nii saadetakse nad kohalikku keskkooli salatööle. Relvad ja ametimärgid vahetatakse koolikottide vastu, et uurida vägivaldset ning ohtlikku narkovõrgustikku. Keskkool pole aga kaugeltki selline, mille semud mõne aasta eest lõpetasid. Kumbki ei arvanud, et neil tuleb uuesti rinda pista pubekaea hirmude, ängi ja probleemidega, mis olid nende jaoks juba unustatud teema. Põhineb Patrick Hasburgh ja Stephen J. Cannell'i poolt loodud telesarjal, millega on kõvasti kuulsust kogunud Johhny Depp, kes astub filmis üles episoodilises rollis.

If your enemy refuses to be humbled... Destroy him. Accompanied by his brother Kurt, American kickboxing champion Eric Sloane, arrives in Thailand to defeat the Eastern warriors at their own sport. His opponent: ruthless fighter and Thai champion, Tong Po. Tong not only defeats Eric, he paralyzes him for life. Crazed with anger, Kurt vows revenge.

Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is recruited by the Vatican to investigate the apparent return of the Illuminati - a secret, underground organization - after four cardinals are kidnapped on the night of the papal conclave.

Thrust into an all-new adventure, a down-on-his-luck Capt. Jack Sparrow feels the winds of ill-fortune blowing even more strongly when deadly ghost sailors led by his old nemesis, the evil Capt. Salazar, escape from the Devil's Triangle. Jack's only hope of survival lies in seeking out the legendary Trident of Poseidon, but to find it, he must forge an uneasy alliance with a brilliant and beautiful astronomer and a headstrong young man in the British navy.

Kapten Jack Sparrow ja tema endine vihavaenlane Barbossa asuvad ohtlikule teekonnale, et leida salapärane igavese nooruse allikas. Oma meelehärmiks saavad merehundid õige pea teada, et sedasama otsib ka julm kapten Musthabe koos oma kauni, ent ohtliku tütre Angelicaga.

Guy is fired from is job, and asks to stay with his friend and his girlfriend in their apartment. The longer he stays, the more disaster he creates.

Molly Mahoney is the awkward and insecure manager of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium—the strangest, most fantastic and most wonderful toy store in the world. After Mr. Magorium bequeaths the store to her, a dark and ominous change begins to take over the once-remarkable Emporium.

American tourist Frank meets mysterious British woman Elise on the train to Venice. Romance seems to bud, but there's more to her than meets the eye.

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons.

Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring nightmares, meets a patient with the same horrific dreams. Their quest for answers leads to a certain house on Elm Street -- where the nightmares become reality.