The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Thanasis, a rising movie star is excited about the new movie he is starring in. This movie is called FILM. The excessive ambitions and artistic vision of the director that will lead Thanasis to madness. He himself is determined to discover the secret of filming and ultimately the secret of life. In a film shooting nothing is as it seems.

A mild-mannered doctor is trained in the art of ass-kicking commando vengeance by a no-nonsense ghetto kid in an effort to regain a family heirloom from Uganda’s toughest gang.

讲述了现代音乐商业的残酷真相,让观众近距离接触歌手兼演员杰瑞德-莱托(Jared Leto)和他的乐队 "火星三十秒"(Thirty Seconds to Mars),了解他们与唱片公司打官司、录制专辑《这就是战争》(This Is War)的过程。影片是我们这个时代真正的艺术品,影片中的人物在艺术、金钱和诚信等重大问题上挣扎。

第15届WrestleMania将于东部时间1999年3月28日(北京时间1999年3月29日)于宾夕法尼亚州费城的First Union Center举行!

Gordon discovers that his girlfriend's dog isn't quite what she says it is.

After the success of "Faites entrer Fabrice Eboué", the agitator resumes hostilities with his new show: "Fabrice Eboué, levez-vous!" Always accused of the same crime, he makes through the trial of his existence that of our society ... Without modesty or demagogy! Between the death penalty, religion or Oscar Pistorius, he takes the challenge of laughing and making people laugh about the most sensitive subjects...

1938年,Madge Arwell在骑单车回家时救了自天空坠落的太空人天使,而他回报她的方式是让她许一个愿望.1941年的战争中,她带着两个孩子逃出伦敦,在失去在外作战的丈夫音讯下,她撤退到一处乡下大宅,遇上了奇特的管家,房间裡竟有个大大的蓝色电话亭衣橱.圣诞节,他的礼物使他们全进入一个奇幻却危险的世界.Madge将会学到如何比她想像的更加勇敢和愿望成真的可能

Comedian Florence Foresti supersizes her act in an arena show packed with sketches, celebrity impressions, epic dance routines and special guests.

Short animation film about the fear of singing in public

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.



正当Elle Woods年轻之时,他的金发碧眼姊妹Annie和Izzy从英国搬去了加利福尼亚居住,整天想着怎么打扮自己,但是最终还是赶不上时代潮流,同时和自己势力的律师学校关系也不融洽。她们必须通过自己的机敏才智,在班级以及法庭来证明金发碧眼并不是金玉其外。

A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.

  故事接续第一集,当初在篮球场上风光驰骋的神犬Buddy,如今来到了足球场!男孩Josh如今上了中学,由于他的单亲妈妈爱上了镇上新来的兽医Patrick Sullivan,无法接受的Josh不想一直待在家里面对妈妈,便和好朋友Tom 加入学校的足球队,后来就连他的爱犬Buddy也成为球队的一员,让原本逊到爆的球队起死回生。但是心怀不轨的坏蛋 Natalya 和Popov却想伺机偷走Buddy,带到他们位在莫斯科的马戏团赚大钱。当兽医Patrick Sullivan 向 Josh 的妈妈求婚时,生气的Josh离家跑走,没想到却给坏人好机会趁机带走了Buddy,后来球队教练在车站找到Josh,但却发现Buddy失踪了,眼见比赛就要开始,没有Buddy 的球队只好硬着头皮上场,另一方面,兽医Patrick Sullivan发现了Buddy 的行踪,带警方逮捕了坏蛋,还必须带着Buddy赶往比赛现场,让球队顺利获胜。