BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

An unexpected love triangle, a seduction trap, and a random encounter are the three episodes, told in three movements to depict three female characters and trace the trajectories between their choices and regrets.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Prieš pat Kalėdas Džesiką palieka vaikinas. Mergina nusprendžia neleisti laiko liūdniems išgyvenimams. Ji nutaria parašyti šventinius sveikinimo atvirukus penkiems jos gyvenime labai svarbiems žmonėms. Pirmą atviruką ji užrašo tetai, kuri užaugino merginą ir dalinosi su Džesika meile ir šiluma visą jos vaikystę. Atvirukais ji ketina pradžiuginti ir jaunėlį brolį, dabar atliekantį karo tarnybą, tai pat muzikos atlikėją Džeksą, kuris sukūrė dainą, lydinčią Džesiką visur ir visada. Mergina nepamiršta ir muzikos mokytojos, įkvėpusios ją dideliems darbams. Paskutinis atvirukas yra skirtas geriausiai draugei, niekada nemeluojančiai ir esančiai šalia, kai labai to reikia. Ar pradžiuginusi penkis sau brangius žmonės Džesika irgi bus apdovanota likimo?

June 1998: After spending two years in a coma caused by a traffic accident, Shiki Ryougi awakens with amnesia. She is visited by Touko Aozaki, a wizard and proprietor of a studio called Garan no Dou. Shiki has lost not only the memory of her accident, but also any real sense that she's even alive. Strangely, enigmatic beings begin to attack her...

Adrenalino kupinas filmas „Pilietinis karas“ vyksta netolimoje ateityje JAV įsiplieskus pilietiniam karui, po Kalifornijos ir Teksaso valstijų mėginimo atsiskirti nuo šalies. Filmas seka ant skustuvo ašmenų balansuojančią žurnalistų grupę, kuri dokumentuoja žiaurius įvykius suskilusioje Amerikoje.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Fantasmagoriškame „Raven's End“ miestelyje paklydusi jauna mergina randa prieglobstį sename apgriuvusiame morge. Ekscentriškas laidotuvininkas pasakoja apie keistą miestelį įvairiomis iškreiptomis istorijomis, kiekviena iš jų dar baisesnė už ankstesniąją, tačiau jaunos merginos pasaulis sugriūva, kai ji sužino, kad paskutinė istorija... yra jos pačios.

A highly experimental film presenting a story out of chronological order taking place 15 years after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, about four traumatized 14 year olds who are tasked with piloting massive humanoid decisive weapons called Evangelion, the psychologically maladjusted adults who handle and command them, and the events and forces that affect them or which they take part in as they engage massive hostile invaders known as "Angels."

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

Follows Callie and Joseph one year after they fell in love, now running a dairy farm and winery, but their romance is threatened when business and family obligations call Joseph back to the city.

When aspiring romance novelist Kim Rossi is unceremoniously dumped by her soon-to-be-published romance novelist boyfriend, Kim takes stock and decides to take a leap. She signs up for a romance writing retreat at a quaint Vermont Inn shortly before Christmas, where a top romance novelist is scheduled to attend and read the work of one lucky writer. Shortly after arriving, she crosses paths with Zeke, whom she initially finds to be intrusive and, naturally, ends up being her assignment partner. Worse yet, her ex is also at the retreat. Despite these bumps in the road, Kim steps outside her comfort zone and plunges into the writing exercises, surprising herself. Equally unexpected is the attraction that seems to be building between her and Zeke that promises to take her down a road she never imagined traveling. Based on the book by Richard Paul Evans.

In a wonderful hotel on the seashore, preparations are underway for the wedding of Eleonora who will get married in the afternoon to Fabrizio, known as El Tigre. Each of the excited bridesmaids – Vanessa, Linda and Akiko (pregnant with Billo) – gives the bride an accessory to make her outfit more chic. Instead Polina, her mother, gives her a box of jewels: “they belonged to your poor father. The only thing we have left of him." Eleonora is stunned to see that inside her there is not a jewel as she expected but three teeth, a 'relic' of her father who was killed years earlier in an attack. And since then Polina has asked her to fulfill her father's wish to be buried in Gorizia, in a small cemetery on the border between Italy and Slovenia.

Passengers on a murder mystery train that crashes into a river must decide whether to risk waiting for help in the wreckage or take their chances in the murky depths below.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Stuck in a dead-end career and on a string of terrible dates, the life of 30-something Maddalena is a total mess until one day, she meets an unlikely imaginary friend who comes to her in the form of real-life porn star Valentina Nappi. Her mission? To teach Maddalena everything she needs to know about life, sex, and love. Also starring Raoul Bova and Alessandro Tiberi.

Policijos viršininkui aptikus 11 moterų palaikus FTB agentas Petrovickas pasamdomas nustatyti serijinio žudiko tapatybę, bet painus intrigų tinklas kiekvieną paverčia įtariamuoju.

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

Recep Ivedik coaches the children football team in his neighborhood. For the training he uses the only free piece of land as football field on which he used to play football as a child. Recep notices sadly that this piece of land was sold to a businessman. So as not to loose this for the neighborhood and the children valuable piece of land he decides to re-buy it on his own. With his own methods he does not receive the money. The participation in a competition with a big price is the only solution of his problem ...